- 名trash can;garbage can;dustbin;waste bin;refuse bin;waste basket

A New Kind of Underground Refuse Bin and Its Hoist Mechanism
Writing down negative thoughts and tossing them in a trash can is a psychological trick to improve your mood .
He screwed the paper small and chucked it in the bin .
Packaging is about a third of what is found in an average British dustbin .
I took a great dislike to the clock , so I chucked it in the dustbin
The average family in Europe throws as much as £ 3,000 worth of reusable materials into its dustbin each year .
She took out the plate , stared blankly at the dried-up food on it , and tipped it into the bin
While restaurants throw away tons of food each year , much of it remains inaccessible because of locked garbage containers , health regulations , or business policies .
Haze Mabry , who has worked as a school keeper for thirteen years , walks into the school building every day and empties garbage cans , wipes down bathrooms and mops wet messes in the hallways .
Then Molly ran outside and took Sammy 's guitar out of the dirty old dustbin , and said , " Can you teach me to play ? "
The broadcaster 's videos of untouched lunch boxes and bread getting chucked into a large bin on social media and beyond .
Dubbed . Every year families in the UK throw away 7.2million tons of food , including spending £ 12billion on food which could have been eaten but ends up in the bin .
You can also remove an active product by clicking on the trash can icon next to the product name in the My products list .
Jealous women in human resources departments will often bin the applications without forwarding them .
A game called Paper Toss players try to throw paper wads into a trash can each sent the phone 's ID number to at least five ad companies .
I is who , I am a rabbit chicken also , MM , say , have what injustice of affair , entirely pour to me , at this moment your garbage can .
Hint : In this case , out and away can be used to express the same meaning , so to throw something out and to throw something away both mean to put it in the garbage .
Take the opportunity to clear out your underwear drawer and consign all greying , baggy bras and pants to the bin .
That means the fumes from the trash can are nauseous because they are making you feel nauseated .
Every week , the Filt-ers rummage through glass recycling bins to find containers .
They made me think that if the budget can be done on twitter , it must be possible to do all Corporate Communications the same way , and put e-mail in the dustbin forever .
" Makeshift wheelie bin ice baths are best as the pressure caused by1.5m of water above your legs increases the impact of the cold water ," he says .
In 2001 a piece of art by Damien Hirst consisting of an ashtray , dirty coffee cups , empty beer bottles and crumpled newspapers was thrown away by cleaners at a London art gallery .
say a third explosion killed at least two police officers in Baghdad 's Mansour district , when a bomb exploded in a trash bin . Several policemen were also wounded .
Women tend to like more storage for the bags they carry , such as an upright , wheeled receptacle that can slide under a desk where a trash bin might go , says Steelcase 's Ms. Bradley .
Paper cutting height with the Shadow trash at the side .
I remember the sound of the gun hitting the bottom .
Holy mackerel ! The wastebasket is full of thousand-dollar bills !
See , I 'm putting it in the garbage can .
Tell them to pay extra attention to trashcans and manholes .