
shuì kuǎn
  • tax payment;tax dues;tax money;taxation;tax;levy
税款 [shuì kuǎn]
  • [tax] 为了公共目的的,通常由立法机关或其他公共机关向人们或对财产征收的货币费用

税款[shuì kuǎn]
  1. 其计入日期为缴纳税款日。

    The reference date is the date of tax payment .

  2. 对逃避缴纳税款罪研究具有较大意义。

    Research into crime of evading paying tax payment is of great significance .

  3. 1983年慈善团体均免付税款。

    In 1983 , charities were exempted from paying the tax .

  4. 你可以要求退回购物时缴纳的税款。

    You can claim back the tax on your purchases .

  5. 他欠美国政府2万元税款。

    He owed $ 20 000 in tax to Uncle Sam.

  6. 税款减免将在一年后废止。

    The tax relief will sunset after a year .

  7. 共计7.50英镑,不含税款。

    It 's £ 7.50 , not including tax .

  8. “用户费”不过是政治家对“税款”的委婉说法。

    ‘ User fees ’ is just a politician 's euphemism for taxes .

  9. 这个价钱是否包括税款?

    Does the price include tax ?

  10. 他谴责他称为幼稚愚蠢的改革者鼓吹不缴纳税款。

    He denounced what he called toytown revolutionaries advocating non-payment of taxes

  11. 他们被迫缴纳880万美元的税款。

    They were made to pay $ 8.8 million in taxes .

  12. 新的土地业主比老业主缴纳的税款要多很多。

    Newcomers had to pay far more in taxes than long-time land owners

  13. 税收人员查到了他,要求他把未缴纳的7,000英镑税款交上。

    The taxman caught up with him and demanded £ 7,000 in unpaid taxes

  14. 公司的司机要支付10%到25%,从中扣除税款。

    Company car drivers will pay between ten and twenty five percent , less tax .

  15. 对印度的暴发户来说,他们现在不得不为奢侈品支付更为高昂的税款。

    As for India 's nouveaux riches , they will now have to pay still higher duties on luxury goods .

  16. 要我交纳去年税款的通知逼得我喘不过气来。

    Last year 's tax demands are closing on me .

  17. 公民有征缴税款的义务。

    It 's mandatory for citizens to pay taxes .

  18. 亨利交付的税款平均为他收入的四分之一左右。

    Henry 's taxes averaged out to about a fourth of his income .

  19. 你可以要求退回部分税款。

    You can claim a rebate on your tax .

  20. 取消投资税款扣除。

    Repealing the investment tax credit .

  21. 这一提案将于明年4月1日起生效。发起这一提案的背景是,欧盟与其成员国不断向美国大公司施压,要求它们缴纳更多税款。

    The proposal , which would take effect April 1 , 2015 , at a time when the European Union and individual member states have been pressuring large US companies to pay more taxes .

  22. 基于UML的税款征收及网上申报系统的分析和设计

    UML Based on Tax Collection and Online Reporting Systems Analysis and Design

  23. 根据一项发给欧盟(EU)官员的方案,欧盟委员会(EC)主张向欧元区的银行征收500亿欧元税款,以帮助资助新一轮希腊纾困行动。

    The European Commission has advocated a € 50bn tax on eurozone banks to help fund a new Greek rescue , according to a proposal sent to European Union officials .

  24. Facebook公司表示,公司创始人兼CEO马克•扎克伯格将出售4414万股价值23亿美元的Facebook股票,用以支付税款。

    Mark Zuckerberg , founder and CEO of Facebook , will sell 41.4 million shares worth of stock in the company , worth $ 2.3 billion , to pay a tax bill , the company said .

  25. 本文以银行系统常用的AIX/UNIX平台与企事业单位流行的Novel网络平台互连办理代收税款业务为例,介绍了异网互连技术及其在银行代收代付业务中的应用。

    The focus of this topic is internetworking and data transmission . By connecting AIX / UNIX and Novell netware platform to collecting tax , the technique of apply internetworking to collecting and paying service in banking business is introduced .

  26. 根据一份提交给美国证交会(SEC)的申报文件,Facebook自身将支付这笔税款,预扣相当于限制性股票价值的45%缴纳给税务部门。

    According to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission , Facebook itself will cover that bill , withholding the equivalent of 45 per cent of the value of the restricted stock to be paid to tax authorities .

  27. 在中国,少纳税得坐牢。但Duan告诉我,许多企业家都很精通利用多家公司和多个账户,系统性瞒报税款。

    Underpaying Chinese taxes can land the guilty party in prison – yet Duan tells me many entrepreneurs are well-versed in using multiple companies and accounts to hide systematic underpayment .

  28. 再回到我的祖国(又一次面临动荡的埃及),这样一笔从天而降的税款能够给政府带来逾50亿美元,几乎是目前与国际货币基金组织(IMF)谈判的债务减免金额的两倍。

    And to return to my homeland , Egypt , which is once more in ferment , the windfall tax could bring the government more than $ 5bn , almost double the amount of debt relief being negotiated with the International Monetary Fund .

  29. 2012年苹果公司用漏洞来逃脱支付90亿美元的美国税款,美国参议员CarlLevin在昨天举行的听证会上说,从而导致公司的首席执行官蒂姆•库克来到华盛顿采取捍卫策略。

    APPLE Inc used loopholes to avoid paying US $ 9 billion in US taxes in 2012 , US Senator Carl Levin said yesterday at a hearing that brought the company 's Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook to Washington to defend the strategies .

  30. 周一雅虎(Yahoo)表示,将继续推动在年底前剥离其手中持有的阿里巴巴(Alibaba)股份——尽管有迹象表明美国当局并不愿允许公司不缴纳税款就开展这类交易。阿里巴巴是一家中国电子商务公司。

    Yahoo said on Monday that it will push ahead with the spin-off of its stake in Alibaba , the Chinese ecommerce company , by the end of the year , despite signs that US authorities are unhappy about allowing such deals to take place without incurring a tax charge .