
shuì fèi
  • taxation;taxes and administrative charges
  1. 推进国有农场税费配套改革&对河北省唐海县柏各庄农场的考察

    Promoting the Mating Reform of Taxes and Administrative Charges in State - owned Farms

  2. 三是进行农村税费改革试点。

    Third , we carried out experimental reforms of taxes and administrative charges in rural areas .

  3. 你怎么能抱怨税费的提高呢?

    How can you complain about higher taxes ?

  4. 免除任何码头费及任何出口税、关税、进口税费。

    Exemption from wharfage dues and any export tax , duty , impost and fees .

  5. 河南省农村税费改革后教育状况分析&以X县教育经费变动为案例

    An Analysis of the Educational Situation after the Taxation Reform in the Rural Areas of Henan Province

  6. 海关税费EDI支付系统的安全控制技术

    The Security Control Technology of Customs Tax EDI Payment System

  7. GATT第3条与国内税费的国民待遇义务的衡量

    GATT Art . 3 & Measurement of National Treatment Obligations on Domestic Taxes

  8. 加入WTO、农村税费改革和工业化的加快等多方面的原因,使小型农田水利投资主体缺位,投入不足,严重影响了农业的进一步发展。

    The factors of the entry into WTO , rural tax reform and the industrialization acceleration lead to the fact that the small-scaled farmland water conservancy works lack subject and investment , which seriously influence the further development of agriculture .

  9. 矿产资源税费管理系统主要利用二维条形码加密技术对票据进行加密和Rfid对车辆进行有效地控制,政府按照开采计划给企业发放加密的票据。

    Mineral resources use tax management system is mainly two-dimensional bar code encryption technology to encrypt and Rfid bills to effectively control the vehicle , the government issued in accordance with mining companies plan to encrypted notes .

  10. 这些税费收缴后会送至代理机构比如I.R.S.或者银行。

    These must be collected and sent to the appropriate agency , such as the I.R.S. or a bank .

  11. 推动税费改革,开征新税种。

    Push forward tax-fee reform and collect new categories of tax .

  12. 对安徽省地方税费的调查及分析

    Survey and Analysis on Local Taxes and Fees of Anhui Province

  13. 从汲取型政权到悬浮型政权&税费改革对国家与农民关系之影响

    Rural Fee Reform and the Changing Relationship between State and Peasant

  14. 对农村税费进行改革;

    Engage fee - to - tax reforms in rural areas ;

  15. 实施国有农场税费改革。

    Reform was enacted on taxes and fees for state-owned farms .

  16. 税费改革与化解乡村债务的关系;

    Reform of taxation expenses and dissolving the rural area debt ;

  17. 而经营竹税费很低,雷笋销售原则上规定交1%的市场管理费。

    The cost of Lei bamboo shoot is only 1 % .

  18. 我国财政制度的完善与贫困落后地区财政的调适&三农问题和农村税费改革的财政制度性制约

    Chinese Fiscal System Perfection and the Adjustment of Poorly - off Areas

  19. 税费实时划缴系统的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Tax and Fees Prompt Deduction or Payment System

  20. 减轻农民负担与规范税费制度的关系;

    Lighting peasant 's burden and standardizing the system of taxation expenses ;

  21. 农村税费改革已在宁夏全面启动。

    The reformation of tax and expenses had been done in Ningxia .

  22. 城市房地产税费改革:国际经验及政策建议

    Real Estate Tax Reform : International Experiences and Policy Suggestions

  23. 我国生态税费问题分析及对策

    An Analysis and Counter - measure of Our Ecological Tax

  24. 第五部分研究了税费改革的设想和配套措施。

    Part five are suggestions and relative measures of the fee-to-tax reforms .

  25. 刍议税费改革视角下的农村基础教育

    Discussing the Rural Basis Education Based on the Angle of Tax-Fee Reformation

  26. 废除农业税费制度的法治思考

    On Abolishing the System of Tax and Fee in Rural

  27. 林业税费:制度、影响、趋势

    Forestry Tax and Fee , Taxation , Influence and Tendency

  28. 调整税费政策,扶持篮球城发展。

    Adjust tax policy , support the basketball city development . 6 .

  29. 补价和相关税费产生的现金流披露

    Revelation of Cash Flow Caused by Boot and Related Expenses of Taxation

  30. 农村税费改革的探讨

    The Discussion of the Reform in Tax and Fee in Rural Areas