
hán hu bù qīng
  • Ambiguity;unclear;imprecise;be ambiguous and vague;ambiguous and vague;tergiversation
含糊不清 [hán hu bù qīng]
  • [be ambiguous and vague;tergiversation] 躲躲闪闪,在主张方面缺乏明确的表态;模棱两可,暧昧

  • 虽说我们有信任人的思维,但我认为我们还是要仔细研究它含糊不清的地方

含糊不清[hán hu bù qīng]
  1. 为什么是有需要的新的七大奇迹,世界是含糊不清。

    Why there is a need for New7 Wonders of the World is unclear .

  2. 为什么这件事如此含糊不清?

    And why is it so unclear ?

  3. 此处的法律条文有点含糊不清。

    The law here is a little bit murky

  4. 新闻广播员的话音变得含糊不清起来。

    The newscaster 's speech began to slur

  5. “事情正在取得进展。”——我认为这个说法含糊不清。

    ' Things are moving ahead . ' — I found that statement vague and unclear .

  6. 她声音沙哑地说了些含糊不清的话。

    She croaked something unintelligible .

  7. 他们那种慢吞吞、含糊不清的声音在他听起来却很悦耳。

    Their lazy , blurred voices fell pleasantly on his ears .

  8. 那段含糊不清的话是我恰巧在地铁里听见的。

    I chanced to hear the mumbled conversation in the subway .

  9. 他感到难为情时说话就含糊不清了。

    He always mumbles when he 's embarrassed .

  10. 巴西民主宪法赋予军方含糊不清的监护权。

    Brazil 's democratic constitution gives the army vague tutelary powers .

  11. 她从马鞍上掉了下去,嘴里含糊不清地说着什么。

    She was slumped in the saddle and slurring her words .

  12. 这位老妇人说起话来常常含糊不清。

    When the old lady speaks she often mumbles her words .

  13. Rivers咨询了更多的问题,但只是被含糊不清的回答敷衍了事。

    Rivers asked more questions but got only vague answers .

  14. 含糊不清的控件ID以及ViewState对于如今的Web2.0站点来说都是严重的问题。

    The cryptic control ids and sensitivities of ViewState become a serious problem for so-called Web2.0 sites .

  15. 在Google上搜索“Ajax”将会出现数百万个搜索结果(与大多数搜索一样),但是,这么多结果似乎表明对术语Ajax真正含义的理解还存在一些含糊不清之处。

    A Google search on " Ajax " turns up millions of results ( as do most searches ), but it seems to indicate that there 's some confusion as to what exactly the term Ajax encompasses .

  16. 但今年6月颁布的公司治理法规暴露了日本在赋予董事会权力方面的含糊不清,以及日本经济团体联合会(Keidanren)等传统人士的质疑。

    But the corporate code introduced in June betrays Japan 's ambiguity - and the doubts of traditionalists such as the Keidanren business federation - about empowering boards .

  17. 元素和集合之间的关系在Cantor集合中只有属于和不属于两种,当所谓的集合自身的概念含糊不清时,某些元素就不能被单纯地记为属于或是不属于这个集合。

    There are only two kinds of relations between the elements of the cantor set and the cantor set including belonging or not belonging to . But when the concept of the set itself is ambiguous , some elements cannot be simply regarded as belonging to the set .

  18. 这方面的工作难度大,概念和术语含糊不清,本文从程序结构观点出发,清楚地给出了SISD、SIMD、MIMD的形式定义,它是提取程序异构性的基础。

    Such work is very difficult and some concept and terminology are ambiguous . From the point of view of program structure , the paper clearly presents the formal definitions about SISD , SIMD and MIMD , which are the foundations of extracting program heterogeneity .

  19. 里面满是错误,含糊不清以及疏忽遗漏。

    They were full of errors , ambiguities , and omissions .

  20. 这种含糊不清也是我们事先没想到的。

    Vagueness is another thing we 're not programmed to accept .

  21. 人们在喝了几杯啤酒后,发音通常都含糊不清。

    People tend to have slurred speech after a few beers .

  22. 而如不然,结果可能就会更加含糊不清。

    If not , the outcome may be a lot murkier .

  23. 刮了几下后,客人用含糊不清的声音问道:

    After a few strokes the client asks in garbled speech .

  24. 这可能是含糊不清,定义不明,我们有意识地凝视。

    It may be vague and ill-defined to our conscious gaze .

  25. 这项法律的某些方面有点含糊不清。

    Some aspects of the law were somewhat vague and ill-defined .

  26. 为了消除含糊不清,我们不得不列入其他方面的信息。

    To remove any ambiguity we have to include other information .

  27. 几杯之后,他开始说话含糊不清。

    After a few drinks he was beginning to speak thickly .

  28. 这家位于卢森堡的公司的态度显得含糊不清。

    The Luxembourg-based company is coming out with ambiguous statements .

  29. 一百年吧!哈利往嘴里塞了一块薄饼,含糊不清地说。

    A century , said Harry , shoveling pie into his mouth .

  30. 如果你总是含糊不清,人们永远都会拒绝你。

    If you 're vague , people will put you off forever .