首页 / 词典 / good

  • contain;nurse;cherish;keep in the mouth
  • 衔在嘴里,不吐出也不咽下:~一口水。~漱剂。~英咀(jǔ)华(喻反复琢磨体味文章的妙处)。~饴弄孙(含着糖逗小孙子,形容老年人的乐趣)。

  • 藏在里面,包容在里面:包~。~义。~量。~苞。~蕴。~混。~垢纳污(指包容坏人坏事)。

  • 怀有某种感情或意思,不完全表露出来:~怒。~羞。~情。


(东西放在嘴里, 不咽下也不吐出) keep in the mouth:

  • 含着润喉片

    have a throat tablet in the mouth;

  • 此丸宜含服。

    This pill is to be sucked, not swallowed.


(藏在里面; 包含) contain:

  • 含多种矿物

    contain several kinds of minerals;

  • 含泪

    with tears in one's eyes;

  • 含硫污水

    sulphur-bearing waste water;

  • 它里面含维生素A和维生素C。

    It contains vitamin A and vitamin C.

  • 这种梨含的水分很多。

    These pears are very juicy.


(带有某种意思、情感等, 不完全表露出来) nurse; cherish; harbour:

  • 含恨

    nurse one's hatred;

  • 她脸上含有一丝怒容。

    Her face held a suggestion of anger.

  1. 这种饮料不含任何酒精。

    This drink doesn 't contain any alcohol .

  2. 每100克橙子仅含35卡的热量。

    Oranges contain only 35 calories per 100g .

  3. 蛇含其尾表示无穷无尽。

    The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity .

  4. 向未成年人提供含酒精的饮料是违法的。

    It is an offence to serve alcohol to minors .

  5. 共计7.50英镑,不含税款。

    It 's £ 7.50 , not including tax .

  6. 他含着烟卷吸了一口,接着吐出一股烟。

    He drew on his cigarette and blew out a stream of smoke .

  7. 他露出了笑容,双眼也满含着笑意。

    He smiled , his eyes full of laughter .

  8. 他含了一口水,漱了漱口。

    He took a mouthful of water and swirled it around his mouth .

  9. 我们的护肤霜只含天然成分。

    Our skin cream contains only natural ingredients .

  10. 你有必要少吃些含淀粉的东西。

    You need to cut down on starches .

  11. 这种材料含45%的尼龙。

    This material is 45 % nylon .

  12. 这种食品不含人工调味品。

    This food contains no artificial flavourings .

  13. 这种果汁不含人工防腐剂。

    The juice contains no artificial preservatives .

  14. 平时用餐时尽量避免含脂肪的食品。

    Try excluding fat from your diet .

  15. 她含含糊糊地说:“对不起。”

    ‘ Sorry , ’ she mumbled .

  16. 水果天然含糖分。

    Sugar occurs naturally in fruit .

  17. 不含旅游业的调整前数字表明七月份失业率下降。

    Unadjusted figures which do not take tourism into account showed that unemployment fell in July .

  18. 她眼含泪水。

    Her eyes were moist .

  19. 价格中含增值税。

    Prices include VAT .

  20. 可以买一种含蜂王浆、花粉和维生素C的配方产品。

    You can buy a formulation containing royal jelly , pollen and vitamin C.

  21. 脱脂乳制品能提供身体所需的营养,而不含过多的热量。

    Non-fat dairy products supply the needed nutrients without excessive calories .

  22. 知道食物所含的营养成分有时的确有帮助。

    It does sometimes help to know the nutritional content of foods

  23. 一杯不加牛奶的茶或咖啡不含热量。

    A cup of black tea or black coffee contains no calories

  24. 这些灌木必须生长在不含石灰的酸性土壤环境。

    These shrubs must have an acid , lime-free soil .

  25. 这些费用不含必要的就诊费。

    These rates do not include the charge for obligatory medical consultations .

  26. 美国本土订单已含运费。

    Shipping is included on orders sent within the continental U.S.

  27. 儿童不准收看含暴力内容的电视节目。

    The children are not allowed to watch violent TV programmes

  28. 大多数低脂酸奶每100克约含40卡热量。

    Most low-fat yogurts are about 40 calories per 100g .

  29. 虽然多数避孕套含有杀精剂,但也有一些是不含的。

    Although most condoms contain spermicide , there are some manufactured without .

  30. 用于干性皮肤的产品含酒精较少或不含酒精。

    Products for dry skin have little or no alcohol .