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běn xī
  • principal and interest;principal(capital) and interest
本息 [běn xī]
  • [principal(capital) and interest] 本金和利息

本息[běn xī]
  1. 税后财务净现值(NPV)都大于零,认为项目在财务上是可以接受的,项目运营收入能保障运营成本支出和银行贷款本息偿还。

    Since the after-tax financial net present value ( NPV ) are greater than zero , the essay thinks that the project is financially acceptable and the project operation income can guarantee both the operation cost and repay of principal and interest of the bank loan .

  2. 即是您每月还款的本息都是相等的。

    It is you every months namely the principal and interest of reimbursement is equal .

  3. MBS的运作工具有抵押贷款过手证券、担保抵押贷款证券和本息剥离债券,第三章对这三种运作工具的现金流进行了详细的分析。

    The third chapter analysis the cash flow of those operating tools in detail .

  4. 提到寻求超常收益,“本息分离”(stripping)是今年迄今为止一项有利可图的风险投资。

    When it comes to seeking outsized returns , " stripping " has been a lucrative venture so far this year .

  5. 单一险种业务依赖于保险商(通常拥有较高评级)为市政债券或者抵押支持证券等资产的本息支付提供担保,该过程被称为信用打包(creditwrapping)。

    The business relies on the insurers , usually highly-rated , guaranteeing payouts from assets such as municipal bonds or mortgage-backed securities , in a process known as credit wrapping .

  6. CDS只是一份合同,买家支付保费,卖家在出现债券违约时向买家支付本息。

    A CDs is just a contract between a buyer , who pays a premium , and a seller , who will make a payment to the buyer if a bond default occurs .

  7. 本息分离债券(Strips)指的是到期前的利息支付已被分离出来的债券,在利率大幅下跌时,其表现往往好于常规债券&自今年4月以来一直如此。

    Strips , bonds that have been stripped of their interest payments until maturity , tend to outperform regular bonds when interest rates fall sharply – as has been the case since April .

  8. 到期本息一起支付给客户。

    Where the principal with interest is paid to the customer .

  9. 我国本息分离债券市场制度设计的若干重点问题

    The Study of Designing Some Important Mechanisms in Chinese STRIPS Market

  10. 它不仅涉及到借款和付还本息。

    It does not involve just borrowing money and repaying the principal with interest .

  11. 对于各国政府是否有能力偿还债务本息的担心,已变成一种自我加强的情绪。

    Fear about the ability of States to service their debts has become self-reinforcing .

  12. 在国际借贷中,贷款人为了确保其安全收回本息,通常要设定担保。

    In international loans , lenders usually ask for securities in order to protect their debts .

  13. 美国政府在8月2日的截止日期仍将无力偿还美国国债本息。

    Come August 2 , the U.S. government will be unable to pay its bond obligations .

  14. 借款人可用现金或其在中国银行的存款偿还贷款本息。

    The borrowers may use cash or deposits with the Bank of China for debt service .

  15. 今年迄今为止,购买30年期本息分离美国国债已带来了大约17%的总回报率。

    Buying 30-year stripped Treasuries has generated total returns of about 17 per cent so far this year .

  16. 换言之,本息分离债券的回报率在接下来的几个月很可能会升温。

    In other words , the returns from stripping bonds could well heat up in the coming months .

  17. 这些累积的本息提高国有企业的固定成本,进一步损害了国有企业的盈利能力。

    The cumulative principal and interest increase the SOEs ' fixed cost and impairs the capability of making profit .

  18. 王弼崇本息末思想的哲学意蕴及文化价值

    The Philosophic Connotations and Cultural Values of Wang Bi 's Concept of " Exalting Essentials and Disparaging Superficials "

  19. 日本政府年度预算的约四分之一要用来偿还和支付国家债务的本息。

    S.The cost of servicing the national debt takes up roughly a quarter of the government 's annual budget .

  20. 在还清当月的本息后,可提前偿还部分或全部贷款。

    After paying off the principal and interest that month , can repay ahead of schedule part or full loan .

  21. 它是指借款人不能履行合同按时足额偿还银行贷款本息而使银行资产遭受损失的可能性。

    It means the possibility that the borrower is unable to perform the contract to repay bank loans on time .

  22. 它不仅是指由于借款者主观违约不能如期偿还贷款本息,而使银行承担实际的违约风险,而且指由于客观原因造成借款者还款能力下降或信用等级降低,使银行面临的潜在的违约风险。

    It includes credit risk caused by credit rank degraded due to objective causes as well as by borrower 's default subjectively .

  23. 经贷款人同意,借款人可提前归还贷款本息。

    With the consent of the lender , the borrowers may repay the principal and interest of the loans ahead of schedule .

  24. 广告中投公司称,该美国货币市场基金已书面确认将返还中投公司的全部本息。

    The fund'has confirmed in writing that it will return CIC 's full capital and interest , 'the Chinese investment firm said .

  25. 当他们不能使用发行新债券来偿还已到期债券本息时,这另一种方式,’支持性‘流通保证他们不会违约。

    This alternative ," back-up " liquidity protects them from defaulting were they unable to roll over their maturing paper with new notes .

  26. 负债经营是企业利用外部的资金来获取经济利益,同时要偿付债务资金本息的一种经营方式。

    Run in debt is a manner of run which uses foreign funds to gain economic profit meanwhile to pay principal plus interest of debt .

  27. 负债比率越高,偿还债务本息的压力越大,偿债能力上的风险也就越大。

    The higher the ratio is , the higher the strain of paying principal and interest is , and the higher the risk of solvency is .

  28. 在中国农业银行开立个人结算账户,并同意银行从其指定的个人结算账户扣收贷款本息。

    Have opened personal settlement account in ICBC and agree that bank can deduct the principal and interest of loan from the specified personal settlement account .

  29. 复利利息按一年本息转入下年利息的方式运作。结论旋转加速度可做为豚鼠运动病的诱发方式。

    Compounding works by paying interest on interest . Conclusion Rotation in Barany chair can be used as a way to induce motion sickness in guinea pigs .

  30. 有些船舶所有人虽然采用了双向贷款的筹资方法,然而,对于偿付本息的分析处理,仍用常规的单向贷款的做法,这显然是有问题的。

    Although some shipowners resort to two-way loans , they still use the conventional method of the one-way loan in paying back the principal and the interest .