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xiàng gōng
  • husband;premier;His Excellency the minister of state;young gentleman ;catamite
相公 [xiàng gōng]
  • (1) [husband]∶古代妻子对丈夫的敬称

  • (2) [man]∶旧称成年男子

  • (3) [prime minister]∶相君。旧时对宰相的敬称;泛称官吏

  • (4) [wencher]∶男妓

  • 在京城里面,逛相公是冠冕堂皇的不算犯法。--《二十年目睹之怪现状》

相公[xiàng gong]
  1. 他希望把真相公之于众。

    He is anxious that the truth be known .

  2. 我将把事实的真相公之于众,他们简直象把我拿去喂鲨鱼一样对待我。

    I 'll reveal the shattering truth about who fed me to the sharks .

  3. 将真相公之于众

    Everyone will know the truth .

  4. 他自认为可以将美国参与伊拉克和阿富汗战争的真相公之于众。

    They said he believed he could publicize the truth about American involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan .

  5. “吃毕晚饭,因天黑了,尤氏说:”“先派两个小子送了这秦相公家去.”

    " After dinner , because it was dark , Madam You suggested that they send two men-servants to see Qin Zhong home "

  6. “次日醒来,就有人回:”“那边小蓉大爷带了秦相公来拜。”

    " Upon waking the next morning , Baoyu was told that Jia Rong from the other mansion had brought Qin Zhong over to pay his respects . "

  7. 20世纪50年代曾经在女子学院任教的一位男士告诉我说,知道一个女性有了博士学位之后,他们甚至不会问她从事什么专业研究,就开玩笑地说专业是“把相公比下去。”

    One man who taught at a women 's college in the 1950s told me his colleagues used to joke that once they knew a woman had earned a Ph.D. , they didn 't even need to ask what she had specialized in : clearly , it was in " Putting Hubby Down . "