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chū zhēng
  • go out to battle;go on an expedition
出征 [chū zhēng]
  • [go on an expedition] 外出征战

  • 奉命出征

出征[chū zhēng]
  1. 白皮书指出,30年来,中国军队为世界和平英勇出征、砥砺前行,成为联合国维护和平的关键力量。

    Serving on the UN missions for world peace , China 's armed forces have become a key force in UN peacekeeping operations over the past three decades , says the document .

  2. 在残疾人游泳项目中,绰号“飞鱼”的蒋裕燕值得关注。16岁的她首次出征残奥会,是中国队最年轻的选手。

    A key one to watch in Para swimming is Jiang Yuyan , nicknamed the ' flying fish ' , who in making her debut at 16 is the youngest of China 's team .

  3. 旁白:就这样,在父王的支持下一支大军在仓促准备下出征了。U与安东尼达斯为主将和副将。

    Narrator : thus , under the approval of king , the prince led an army without not much preparation .

  4. 今年夏季早些时候,曾效力于皇家马德里、曼城和AC米兰的罗比尼奥代表国家队出征美洲杯,表现十分出众,他与中国俱乐部签署了一份为期六个月的合同。

    Robinho , formerly of Real Madrid , Manchester City and A.C. Milan , impressed for his country at the Copa America earlier in the summer and arrived on a six-month contract .

  5. 湖人代言人JohnBlack说X光显示其膝盖情况不良,周一(明天)将进行MRI检测,下场对超音速的比赛拜纳姆将无法随队出征。

    Lakers spokesman John Black said X-rays of Bynum 's knee were negative , but an MRI would be taken Monday and Bynum wouldn 't travel to Seattle for that night 's game against the SuperSonics .

  6. 在巴萨同意如果他不参加美洲杯(CopaAmerica)便可以参加奥运会后,内马尔才得以出征奥运会。美洲杯是南北美洲球队竞技的足球赛事。

    He made it to the games only after Barcelona agreed that he could participate in the Olympics if he missed the Copa America , a tournament between North and South American teams .

  7. 我很享受每一次和英格兰U21队一同参加比赛的经历。我已经迫不及待想出征丹麦了。

    I always enjoy it when I go away with the England U21 squad and I can 't wait for Denmark .

  8. 和他们一样,罗杰·佩恩也是以小队形式登山,而且常常是他与妻子(朱利安·克里玛(Julie-AnnClyma),也是一名登山者)只身二人出征。

    Like them , he went in a tiny team , often only with his wife , Julie-Ann Clyma , who was also a mountaineer .

  9. 我会代替我爹为国出征。

    I will serve the emperor in my father 's place .

  10. 他出征时,她等了他六年。

    She waited six years for him while he was deployed .

  11. 亚历山大放手出征波斯。

    Alexander was free to go on with the Persian campaign .

  12. 随同出征的还有威尔的好友索桑普敦勋爵。

    Lord Southampton , Will 's friend , went with him .

  13. 你再也不能为这次出征效力。

    You no longer serve the purpose of this march .

  14. 这并不是上汽集团出征海外的首次尝试。

    This isn 't SAIC 's first foray outside China .

  15. 在他出征攻打北方部落的时候。

    And while he was away fighting the northern tribes .

  16. 就让女人出征,为你们赢得荣耀吧。

    Then the women will come forth and win you an honour .

  17. 巴里安:你要随军出征?

    Balian of Ibelin : You go with the army ?

  18. 我出征后最想念的就是你做的菜了

    what I think I 'm gonna miss most is your cooking .

  19. 我也愿与您共同出征屠龙。

    I , too , ask to join your quest against the dragon .

  20. 刘翔领衔中国队出征大邱世锦赛。

    Liu Xiang spearheads Team China to Daegu meet .

  21. 他未经议院许可出征,违反了法律

    He 's broken our laws and left without the council 's consent .

  22. 母亲正在送别儿子,儿子是特种部队的战士,将出征车臣。

    Mother sends his son , the special forces soldier , to Chechnya .

  23. 医院骑士:我奉命随军出征。

    Hospitaller : My order is with the army .

  24. 我觉得这样能让我以最佳的状态出征墨尔本。

    I think this should allow me to arrive in good form for Melbourne .

  25. 哈里王子并不是第一位出征沙场的皇室成员。

    The prince is by no means the first royal to head for combat .

  26. 出征的军队和来自东西方的无数商人都经过这里。

    Conquering armies and countless traders from the East and West passed through it .

  27. 拥有对这个我为它出征越南一直到做副总统的国家;

    From vietnam to the vice presidency ?

  28. 我们出征,为了我们的土地为了家人,为了自由。

    We march . For our lands , for our families , for our freedoms .

  29. 你丈夫,也是我们的国王,带了我们三百顶尖的战士出征

    Your husband , our king , has taken 300 of our finest to slaughter .

  30. 当我们的弟兄们出征归来时。

    When the boys come marching home .