
  • 网络Relative holding;Hold the Controlling Share Relatively
  1. 并不断向政策底线发起挑战,谋求相对控股地位。

    In order to gain a relatively dominant status , they repeatedly challenge the bottom line of policy .

  2. 由于股权分散的状态是指企业既不存在绝对控股性的大股东,也不存在相对控股性的大股东。

    The equity decentralizations mean that there are no absolute holding big shareholders or relative holding big shareholders in companies .

  3. 相对控股模式能够防止外部公司的恶意收购,维护公司的稳定性。

    Relative holding pattern can prevent the outside company from taking over the company and maintain the stability of the company .

  4. 产权改革的目标模式应是:国家绝对控股→国家相对控股→公众上市银行。

    The goal of property reformation should be public listed banks through state absolutely holding banks and state relatively holding banks .

  5. 提出了哈燃化国有控股、国有相对控股、国有参股及国有全部退出型四种备选改制模式。

    Propose state-owned holding , relative state-owned holding , state-run equity participation , all state-run withdrawing , those four kinds available reform mode .

  6. 股权有一定的集中度、有相对控股股东且有其他大股东的股权结构对企业绩效的最大化较为有利。

    The equity structure , which is characterized with some centralization of equity and relatively-control shareholders and other big shareholders , is better for maximizing the performance of enterprises .

  7. 在相对控股情况下,与国有法人股、国家股相比,法人股相对控股下会计盈余的信息含量更高。

    Comparing with the legal person share and the state share , I find the state legal person share corporations ' information content of accounting earnings is more remarkable .

  8. 一方面,相对控股地位仅仅对应着资本基础上的银行控制权的股东明晰控制权部分。

    One side , status of comparatively control on stock equity only corresponding to Shareholders contract control rights , which is a part of bank control rights on capital sense .

  9. 具体来说,短期内应建立国有相对控股的产权制度模式,长期而言应建立国家参股的多元化、民营化的产权制度模式。

    Specifically , state-owned relative shareholding property rights system model should be set up in the short run while Country equity diversification , privatization property rights system model in the long run .

  10. 这些结果表明,股权适度集中,有相对控股权的大股东的公司盈余管理较轻,治理效果较好。

    These results suggest that the moderate concentration of ownership and the largest shareholder 's comparative control are better for the effect of governance and it can reduce the degree of earnings management .

  11. 因此,必须实施上市银行股权分置改革,并在股改的基础上形成上市银行股权结构的相对控股模式。

    So we must carry out the reform of non-traded shares in the listed banks , and on the basis of the reform we should form the mode of relatively controlling on the stock .

  12. 湖南上市公司法人治理结构与公司绩效的相关关系证明,上市公司理想的法人治理结构应该为:第一大股东相对控股;

    Through an empirical research between juridical corporate governance structure of listed company and company 's performance in Hunan Province , we find that the ideal corporate governance structure of listed company would be : The first big shareholder controls interest relatively ;

  13. 本文通过对股权集中度的三种模式进行比较,以及成本&收益理论的分析,提出了适合我国现阶段国情的股权模式,即建立几个大股东并存的相对控股模式。

    This article has proposed the pattern on equity that suits the present stage of our country through comparative analysis to three equity intensive patterns and the cost - income theory , which is the relative control pattern with several major share-holders coexists .

  14. 出于维护金融稳定、保证渐进式改革成功运行等方面的考虑,国家将在一个很长的时期内对商业银行保有相对,甚至绝对控股权。

    For the consideration of financial stability and progressive reform , the state will maintain a relative or even an absolute main share of votes over commercial banks in a very long period of time .

  15. 对于中国上市公司而言,本文的实证分析表明较为理想的股权结构应是股权结构相对集中,同时存在多个相对控股股东,形成彼此之间相互的制衡。

    As equity structure of Chinese listed companies are concerned , our empirical research suggests that acceptable situation should be relatively concentrated there are several diversionary controlling shareholders .