
běn yè
  • agriculture;farming;original profession
本业 [běn yè]
  • (1) [original profession]∶本来的行业

  • (2) [agriculture]∶古代指农业

  • 工商盛而本业荒

本业[běn yè]
  1. 近年来,中国的私人股本业已经崛起。

    Private equity 's profile in China has risen in recent years .

  2. 他这么多年来一如既往地专注本业发展,真是令人难以置信,就像他对客户的一贯注重一样。

    His long-term focus is unbelievable , as is his focus on customers .

  3. 信托回归本业;

    Trust is drawn back to its own business .

  4. 文化贡献是明遗民的本业;

    Culture Culture cultural contribution is their purpose ;

  5. 负责是指专注本业、以追求高品质为使命,答应顾客的事说到做到。

    Responsibility-focus on business , and pursue high quality products & service customer demand .

  6. 主产区农业发展的基本路径有本业发展与转移发展两种。

    There are only two paths for agriculture 's development in major agriculture areas of China .

  7. 做兼职的前提是应先做好自己的本业。

    The precondition of doing part time jobs is to fulfill one 's primary occupation first .

  8. 在今年的美国总统大选中,私人股本业已经成为一大话题。

    The private equity industry has emerged as a big issue in this year 's US presidential election .

  9. 正如童小幪的例子所示,内地私人股本业没有进入壁垒。

    As the example of Mr Tong shows , there are no barriers to entry on the mainland .

  10. 我国自改革开放以来,信托业历经五次整顿,终于回归本业。

    Since the reform opening in China , trust Industry was went trough five times reorganization and carne back to itself finally .

  11. 改良及提高会员及从事羊毛化纤针织工业人员及从事其他与本业有关人员之技术及常识。

    To improve and upgrade the techniques and general knowledge of those dealing in and related to knitwear and synthetic knitting manufacturing .

  12. 学术编辑知识创新的价值是其创新的有用性,主要表现在对本业的促进与实用,同时又进而表现为对社会的贡献;

    The value of editing knowledge innovation is its practical function , which shows in social contribution , and speeding up editing industry .

  13. 在历经5次整顿后,我国的信托业走向了回归本业的规范化经营道路,获得了较快的发展。

    After five times of reforms , trust industry in China has returned to a normal way of its original business and developed fast .

  14. 专业务实:以踏实态度专注于本业,集中所有资源,累积经验全力以赴。

    Professional and pragmatic : a practical approach to focus on the industry , to focus all its resources and experience , go all out .

  15. 面对私人股本业高管累积的巨额财富和他们享受的低税率待遇,美国国会议员受到了“情感因素”的驱使。

    Legislators were being driven by " emotion " in response to the huge sums amassed by private equity executives and the low tax rates they enjoy .

  16. 私人股本业高管表示,他们面临着不利的竞争形势,因为与其它类型的投资者相比,私人股本投资机构必须在其控制的银行维持更高的资本金比例。

    Buy-out executives say they face a competitive disadvantage because they are required to maintain a higher capital ratio at the banks they control than other investors .

  17. 我们谨此奉告,本公司同仁曾经经营本业多年,与许多国家的各厂商和供应商建立了良好的关系。

    We are proud to say that we have done business in this trade for many years and established relations with various manufacturers and suppliers in many countries .

  18. 但在2010年引起最大反响的,可能是私人股本业去年遭受的理念冲击:权力从经理人转移到投资者。

    But resonating the loudest in 2010 may be the ideological shock that the private equity industry suffered last year : the shift of power from manager to investor .

  19. 他表示,投资银行业提供了结构化的职业路线,而私人股本业并非如此,那里的机会来自人际网络。

    While investment banking offers a structured career path , this is not the case with private equity , he says . Opportunities occur through networking and personal connections .

  20. 美国和英国分别占私人股本业规模的50%和25%。在这两个国家,政治家们如今都开始着眼于附带权益的问题。

    In both the US and UK , which respectively account for 50 per cent and 25 per cent of the industry , politicians now have carry in their sights .

  21. 根据西方发达国家历史经验和我国现实国情,主产区农业发展应选择本业发展与转移发展并重的主导路径。

    According to the west countries ' experience and our country 's practice , the same importance to the two paths should have selected as the chief path in developing agriculture of major agricultural areas .

  22. 他表示,私人股本业提供了更多的创造力空间,因为它是个内容非常丰富的行业&比如说为投资目标进行融资,或为资金寻找投资机会。

    Private equity , he says , allows more room for creativity because it is a very varied sector – fund raising for investment purposes or looking for opportunities in which to invest , for example .

  23. 目前行本业正处于改革、发展的关键期,许多卷烟商业企业提出以建立现代流通企业为目标,坚持把发展建立在可靠的市场基础和扎实的工作基础之上。

    Currently , tobacco trade development is in key period , many tobacco business corporations have bring forward to found modern circulation object , insist on that development must be base on the trusty market and work .

  24. 娱乐圈内人士正备受煎熬,一般来说,他们不能去评论业内同行的作品,而其他方面的话题又不是他们本业,无法深谈。

    People in showbiz are caught in a quandary . It is generally deemed inappropriate to make public comments on the works of their peers . And other topics could be beyond the reach of their professional expertise .

  25. 过去数年,杠杆收购交易获得了巨大成功,它们通常能够带来巨额利润,令私人股本业高管和投资者获得数十亿美元的回报。而现在,私人股本集团能成功度过这段低迷时期吗?

    After the immense success of the past few years , when leveraged deals often generated huge gains , returning billions of dollars to private equity executives and their investors , will private equity groups successfully weather a downturn ?

  26. 多年来我国护理教育实行单一化的中专教育,使护理工作的水平不高,不能满足医学发展和未来人民卫生健康本业的需要。

    There has implemented simple medium level nursing education for many years in our country . With the result that the nursing level is not enough to satisfy the developing of medicine and people 's health needs in the future .

  27. 商业秘密竞业限制合同是指单位或雇主为保护其商业秘密与员工约定的限制员工在任职期间或离职以后与本业务竞争的协议。

    Competition restriction contract on commercial secrets refers to the agreement between the employers / companies and their employees that the employees can not compete with their employers / former-employers in order to keep the employers / companies ' secrets .

  28. 其余额外财政收入将来自按照较高的普通所得税率(而非较低的资本增值税率)对所谓的“附带权益”(私人股本业高管、对冲基金经理和房地产投资者的利润)征税。

    The remainder would come from taxing so-called " carried interest " , or the profits generated by private equity executives , hedge fund managers , and property investors , at the higher ordinary income rate , rather than at lower capital gains rates .

  29. 要想在竞争中求生存,求发展,只有立足本业,在经济改革的大环境下,抓住机遇,利用自身优势,不断进行业务创新,探求新的盈利模式。

    Surviving and developing in the competition , the trust companies must have a foothold core business , holding tight the opportunity , making use of its own advantage , creating the new business continuously , and find the new earnings mode in the reformed economic environment .

  30. 商业零售业态相互渗透,是指在充分发挥本业态固有特点基础上,通过学习和借鉴其它业态、扩充和完善本业态的服务功能,最大限度地满足消费需求。

    The mutual penetration of business format refers to the fact that on the basis of its own characteristics , one business format enriches and perfects its service function through learning from other business formats , as to meet the needs of consumption as much as possible .