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  • 网络historical romance
  1. 明代历史演义小说的文体创作特征

    Creative features on Novel Style of Historical Romance in Ming Dynasty

  2. 与此同时,历史演义在创作中对虚实的探讨,又为小说虚构理论提供丰富的理论素养。

    Meanwhile , the research done in the course of creation of the historical romance provides the imaginative theories with abundant theoretical materials .

  3. 明清历史演义小说中的平民意识

    The Populace Consciousness in Historical Romances during the Ming Qing Dynasty

  4. 历史演义小说人物性格特征的审美文化探因谈《分马》中老孙头的性格特征

    On the Characteristic Features of Old Man Sun in Dividing the Horses

  5. 论书坊主对明代历史演义小说的影响

    Influence of the Owner of the Book Workshop on Historical Novels in Ming Dynasty

  6. 关于历史演义序跋评点研究的几点思考

    Thoughts on the Research of the Annotations on the Prefaces and Postscripts of Historical Novels

  7. 历史演义小说中儒将形象的文化解读

    A cultural interpretation of the image of generals with literary grace in Chinese historical romances

  8. 明中期历史演义的文本生成方式

    The Manner of Text Build of Historical Romances in the Middle of the Ming Dynasty

  9. 历史演义小说的叙事特征对女性形象的塑造有着深刻影响。

    The narrative feature of historical novel has deep influence on the mould of female images .

  10. 所有的小说、传记、或历史演义,有几分程度是谎言。

    To that extent , all fiction and biography , and most historiorgraphy , are a lie .

  11. 明清历史演义小说的时间处理艺术

    The Art of Disposal of Time Element in the Historical Romances of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  12. 历史演义小说人物形象塑造理想化的原因探寻

    An investigation into the causes for " idealization " in molding the images of characters in historical novels

  13. 除了时间总量以外,题材也是制约整体节奏的重要因素,这一点,在历史演义题材小说和世态人情题材小说的节奏对比分析中得到了最清晰的显现。

    Except for the total story time , subject matter is also an important element restricting the holistic rhythm .

  14. 《三国演义》中摹写的各类隐士使这部英雄史诗式的长篇历史演义小说折射出悠远的隐士文化色彩。

    In Historical Novel of Three Kingdoms , all sorts of hermits make this novel reflect the remote traditional hermit-culture .

  15. 众所周知,《三国演义》是我国古典名著之一,是历史演义小说的开篇之作。

    We all know , " Three Kingdoms " is one of the classics , is of historical novels for the opening .

  16. 论正史与历史演义小说:以隋唐题材为例

    The Influence of History Books Written in Biographical Style on Historical Novels : the Case of Novels in Sui and Tang Dynasties

  17. 胡适对于小说尤其是历史演义小说的研究有力地推动了古典文学研究的现代化进程。

    The research on the novels , especially historical novels by Hu Shi has promoted the modernization of the classical literature studies effectively .

  18. 皮影戏中,有历史演义戏、民间传说戏、武侠公案戏、爱情故事戏、神话寓言戏、时装现代戏等等,无所不有。

    There are Shadow shows of historical stories , folk legends , martial arts and legal cases , romance , myths , and fashion modern dramas .

  19. 清代小说家褚人获创作的小说《隋唐演义》表明我国历史演义小说创作进入了一个崭新的阶段。

    The novel " Suitangyanyi " created by Chu , a novelist of Qing Dynasty , indicates that China historical novels had entered a new period .

  20. 对古老的神话、传说以及历史演义进行重新书写,正是《故事新编》文体上的独特之处。

    His recreation of the ancient myths , legends and historical romances is the very unique point of the literary form employed in the Old Tales Retold .

  21. 这部作品融历史演义、英雄传奇和神魔小说为一体,构思巧妙。

    The works mixes the historical novel , the heroic legend and the ghost story as a whole . The construction of the Female Celestial is very clever .

  22. 正由于这些艺术成就,使《三国演义》超出了其他历史演义之作,久传而不衰。

    Just because of such artistic merits , Romance of Three Kingdoms has achieved greater success than other historical novels , and has been a best seller for centuries .

  23. 中国古代小说不仅在长篇历史演义、世情小说中存在着大量谋略描写,而且在文言短篇小说中也有着精彩纷呈的谋略描写。

    Vivid descriptions on strategy can be found in various Chinese ancient fiction , such as historical romance , popular novels , and short stories written in classical Chinese as well .

  24. 历史演义小说每每有正史作参照,因而其叙事时空形态与历史的现实时空形态的差别显而易见。

    Historical romances are usually based on historical facts , however , there is an obvious difference of the temporal and spatial relationship between the narration format of historical romance and the history reality .

  25. 它不仅为后世小说提供了丰富的题材和一系列鲜明的人物原型,而且在叙事艺术和小说主题方面也为后代的小说作品,尤其是明清历史演义小说提供了十分有益的借鉴。

    It had not only provided abundant topics and typical models but also provided something good on the technique of narrating and topic for following novels , especially for Ming and Qing 's historical novels .

  26. 本文从中国小说概念的演化和发展的角度,对《吴越春秋》的体裁进行了重新的界定,认为《吴越春秋》是我国历史演义小说的雏形;

    This dissertation makes a new judgment that the literary genre of Wu Yue Chun Qiu is a rudimentary form of the Chinese historical novel from the perspective of the development and evolvement of the novel 's conceptions .

  27. 第二章以故事类型为基准,把中国内地武侠电视剧分为历史演义剧、草莽恩怨剧、公案武侠剧和神怪武侠剧。

    In chapter two , according to story type , we classify mainland swordsmen TV series into historical romance TV series , wilderness resentment TV series , kung-an swordsmen TV series and gods and spirits swordsmen TV series .

  28. 它们大致经历了从历史演义到英雄传奇再到武侠小说的演变发展过程,其间儿女、神魔故事杂糅渗透,只不过不成为主要矛盾,不决定小说的类型。

    They mainly experienced a course of evolution and development from historical novel to saga and further to Kung Fu novel with a multi-university of love and genies therein , which neither became principal contradiction nor decided novel style .

  29. 历史演义小说是中国小说文学体裁的一个重要分支,是中国文学历史长河中一朵灿烂的浪花,是繁荣的中国史传文学和古典小说结出的一个硕果。

    Historical romance novel is an important branch of Chinese fiction , which is a brilliant wave in the long history of Chinese literature . It is one of great achievements in the prosperous Chinese history and ancient novels .

  30. 在时序变位方面,明清历史演义小说虽以顺叙为主,但也常用倒叙和预叙,采用倒叙和预叙,常伴随大量的诠释性、评论性干预。

    In terms of time sequence , although historical romances of the Ming and Qing dynasties are mostly narrated in chronological order , yet flashback and flashforward are often employed , with a great deal of explanatory and commentary interventions .