
lì rì
  • calendar day
历日 [lì rì]
  • (1) [calendar day]∶民用日;从子夜到子夜的时间

  • (2) [calendar]∶历书

  • 向他借历日

历日[lì rì]
  1. 吴逨鼎月相历日发现的重大科学意义

    The Scientific Significance for Discovering the Phase and the Date of Calendar on the Wu Lai Tripod Cauldron

  2. 汤若望一生中较重要的事件,几乎均环绕在历日四周。

    Throughout Schall 's life , what influenced him most were on the whole focused on the calendrical issues .

  3. 您可将双向沽盘设定为最多连续30个历日生效。

    You can set a good till date of up to a maximum of30 calendar days for the order .

  4. 《大衍历》日躔表是一份四次差分相等的数表,反映一行对太阳运动复杂性的深刻认识。

    The solar equation table of the Dayan Calendar is a mathematical table of equally quartic difference , and it reflects Yi Xing 's profound understanding about the solar motion .

  5. 节日从伊朗历一月一日(相当于公历3月21日或我国的农历春分节)到十三日这段时间。

    Festival from the Iranian calendar January 1 ( equivalent to the Gregorian calendar March 21 , or China 's Lunar New Year 's Day vernal equinox ) to the time on the 13th .

  6. 报道了白蜡虫卵孵化方式、时刻、历期、日孵化量及孵化率.白蜡虫卵孵化的显著特点是雌卵先孵化,雄卵后孵化。

    This paper reports the hatching way , hatching time , hatching duration , daily hatching amount and hatchability of eggs of white wax insects in China , and hatching female eggs at earlier stage than male eggs is its notable characteristics .

  7. 函数的作用是:将犹太历转为儒略日计数。

    The JewishToJD () function converts a Jewish calendar date to a Julian day count .

  8. 11月7日(俄历10月25日),在列宁为首的布尔什维克党的领导下,俄国人民进行了武装起义,推翻了资产阶级临时政府,建立了苏维埃政权。

    On November 7th , ( October 25th in Russian calendar ), Under the leadership of Bolshevik party , headed by Lenin , the Russian people carried on the armed uprising , overthrew the bourgeois provisional government , and established the Soviet regime .