
  1. 简子忙问:“你笑什么?”

    Zhao Jianzi asked hurriedly : " Why are you laughing ? "

  2. 简子严厉地说:“军令不是开玩笑,你讲得出道理就放过你;要是讲不出来,就判你死刑!”

    Jianzi said in a stern voice : " Military command is no joke . If you can explain the reason , I will let you go . Otherwise I will sentence you to death . "

  3. 通过分析属性相关性度量和进行属性约简,得到满意的属性约简子集。

    On the basis of analyzing the evaluation of condition attribute with correlation and attribute reduction , satisfied attributes reduction set has been given .

  4. 的动力学超对称性中自旋对称性和正反粒子对称性破缺的不同情况,确定了自旋剩余超对称性导致的自旋简并子空间的超对称性变换群算子。

    In addition , the dynamic supersymmetry of the Hamiltonian is unveiled . Spin symmetry breaking and particle-antiparticle symmetry breaking are discussed .

  5. 斯坦福和妻子简育有一子,但小利兰在1884年全家赴意大利旅游的途中死于伤寒症,年仅15岁。

    He and Jane had one son , who died of typhoid fever in1884 when the family was traveling in Italy .

  6. 同途殊归的两个女性形象&简·爱与子君形象比较

    Two Female Images Who Reach Different Goals by the Same Route & Comparison of Two Female Images of Jane Eyre and Zi Jun