
  • 网络Local printer
  1. 指定是否要自动打印到客户端的本地打印机。

    Specifies whether to automatically print to the client 's local printer .

  2. 用于此脚本的命令行中的本地打印机。

    For a local printer on the command line of this script .

  3. 启用远程计算机上要在本地打印机上打印的文档和文件夹

    Enable documents on the remote computer to be printed on a local printer

  4. 该程序可在网络环境下通过对远程数据库的访问生成报表,用户可使用本地打印机将报表打印出来。

    The program can access remote database through network environment to create report forms . Users can print the report forms using local printers .

  5. 在不断扩张的e-Nable志愿者网站上,有一个叫做“Handomatic”的网页版应用:只需要输入你的尺寸,生成自己的定制档案,就能在本地3-D打印机上打印出零部件,开启这个过程。

    A " Handomatic " web app [ link to : ] exists on the ever-growing e-Nable volunteer site ; simply enter your measurements and generate your own customized files to print pieces on a local 3-D printer and start the process .

  6. 添加,删除和配置本地及网络打印机及传真打印机。

    Adds , removes , and configures local and network printers and fax printers .

  7. 使用打印机文件夹可以添加并安装本地或网络打印机,或更改现有打印机的设置。

    Use the Printers folder to add a new local or network printer , or to change settings for existing printers .

  8. 当前本地市场对激光打印机的需求量很大。

    At present , there is a great demand here for laser printers .

  9. 这个软件是用于确定所有计算机,在本地股和网络打印机。

    This software is used to determine all computers , shares and printers on your local network .

  10. 应用程序应该不需要知道它们访问的是本地磁盘上的文件还是远程磁盘上的文件,也不需要知道它们正在打印到本地打印机还是远程打印机。

    Applications should not need to know whether they are accessing a file on a local disk or a remote one or whether they are printing to an attached or remote printer .