
  • 网络Tax Agent;Registered tax agent;tax deputy
  1. 浅议税务代理

    A brief discussion on tax deputy

  2. 税务代理行业就是经营税务代理的一个服务行业的类别。

    The tax deputy vocation is a kind of service industry dealing with the tax deputy .

  3. 对完善我国税务代理市场的思考

    Some Thoughts on Perfecting the Market of Tax Factoring in Our Country

  4. 第二章从供求关系理论出发,对税务代理市场供求两个方面进行理论分析。

    The second part is to analyze the supply and demand theory .

  5. 市场经济体制下税务代理制度研究

    On the System of Tax Agent under Market Economy System

  6. 第四章对税务代理的市场供给进行了分析。

    The fourth part of the tax agency market supply is analysis .

  7. 自20世纪80年代推行以来,税务代理业在我国获得了很大发展。

    Tax Agency Industry has achieved great development in China .

  8. 中欧投资顾问有限公司是一家专业从事工商税务代理公司。

    Is a professional company engaged in industrial and commercial tax agent .

  9. 第三章对我国税务代理市场的需求状况进行了分析。

    The third tells the current situation of supply of taxation agency market .

  10. 论我国税务代理制度的功能定位

    The Functional Definition of China 's Taxation Agency System

  11. 浅谈激励理论在税务代理行业人力资源管理中的应用

    On the Application of Impetus Theory in Revenue Agency Industry Human Resource Management

  12. 新时期税务代理发展问题研究

    Research of tax agency 's development in new stage

  13. 四是税务代理管理较为先进、业务开展得较为广泛;

    The management of taxation agency is developed and enjoys wider business scope ;

  14. 综观世界各国的税务代理,可从是否具有垄断性和自律性来分类。

    Taxation agencies in many countries can be classified by monopoly and self-discipline .

  15. 中国税务代理行业发展思考

    Reflection on Development of Chinese Tax Agency System

  16. 税务代理制度的定位是否准确,直接关系到税务代理事业的发展。

    The definition of taxation agency system immediately determines the development of taxation agency business .

  17. 税务代理机构可以为企业税收筹划提供专业化服务;

    The tax agency can offer the specialized service for the enterprises ' tax planning .

  18. 浅析注册会计师从事税务代理业务的法律责任

    Analysis on the Legal Duties of the Registered Accountant Engaged in Tax Agency 's Service

  19. 税务代理中介研究

    An Study on Taxation Agency

  20. 有一定数量以上代理人员就可以申请成立税务代理机构。

    When the agents reach a certain number , a tax agency may be established upon application .

  21. 第五章主要针对我国税务代理行业存在的问题提出了意见和建议。

    The fifth part puts forward the suggestions for the problems in the current taxation agency market .

  22. 从中国的税收制度谈税务代理制度

    Simply on Tax Agent System

  23. 中国税务代理问题与对策探求税务代理的现状及发展对策研究

    Study on the Tax Agency of China Issues in the Tax Agency and the Countermeasures upon It

  24. 健全税务代理制度建设和谐税收环境

    To Build up and Improve The System of Tax Agent , and Promote The Environment of Tax Harmoniously

  25. 同时,剖析了我国税务代理制度的现状,对其存在的问题及其原因作了制度层面的探讨。

    Meanwhile , we also explore its present situation and problems from the angle of the system proper .

  26. 面对这样的社会环境,税务代理理应有较为良好的发展。

    In the face of such social environment , the tax agency should have a relatively good development .

  27. 随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展,税务代理将呈广阔的发展前景。

    With the development of a socialist market economy in China , this tax agent system will have bright prospects .

  28. 这一思路对降低目前税务代理行业执业风险有较好的现实启发意义。

    This suggestion is of relatively developmental significance to reduce the practicing risk range in the present tax agency industry .

  29. 论文从企业和税务代理机构两个角度分析如何防范税务筹划风险。

    This paper also discusses how to avoid or prevent the tax planning risks from enterprises and tax agencies ' perspectives respectively .

  30. 最后,从税务代理的角度,分析税务代理对和谐税收构建的促进作用。

    Finally , it analysed the role of the tax agency to promote harmonious construction from the angle of the tax agency .