
lā jī tǒnɡ
  • garbage can
  1. 把盖子盖在垃圾筒上。

    Put the lid on the garbage can .

  2. 这次,老人仍然没说什么,走过去又将那团纸放进了垃圾筒。

    This time , the old man did not say anything again and picked up the tissue and then put it into the garbage can again .

  3. 我经过垃圾筒的时候,娃娃的视线一直跟着我。

    The eyes followed me while I was walking by her .

  4. 你有看到其他的房子前的垃圾筒吗?

    Did you see trash can in front of other houses ?

  5. 她想把收据扔到垃圾筒里。

    She wanted to throw the receipt into the trashcan .

  6. 然后他又把娃娃扔到了垃圾筒里。

    He put it out in the garbage once again .

  7. 我想我把它扔到垃圾筒里了。

    I think I threw it in a trash can .

  8. 她将香蕉皮扔进垃圾筒。

    She threw the banana peel into the trash can .

  9. 她把信揉成团,扔进了垃圾筒。

    She scrunched the letter up and threw it in the bin .

  10. 我们可以把我们的公园和城市的一些垃圾筒。

    We can put more rubbish bins in our parks and cities .

  11. 差不多往垃圾筒里丢了两美元啊

    That 's almost $ 2.00 worth of candy in the garbage .

  12. 那只耗子应该还在垃圾筒里呢。

    It should still be in the dumpster out back .

  13. 她在我家垃圾筒里找什么?

    What 's she doing rooting around my trash ?

  14. 他也不该老待在垃圾筒里。

    Like the guy 's not gonna end up in a landfill anyway .

  15. 她把烟灰倒入脚踏垃圾筒。

    She emptied the ashtray into the pedal bin .

  16. 她把空瓶子全放进了垃圾筒。

    She put the empties in the dustbin .

  17. 请把午餐袋捡起来,放到垃圾筒。

    Please pick up that lunch bage and throw it in the gargage can .

  18. 他这星期已经是第三次把他放到垃圾筒上了。

    It 's three times this week he puts his ass on the poubelle .

  19. 我还记起当时没有垃圾筒,自然我“不知道该怎么整理。”

    Naturally , I " didn 't know what to do with the stuff . "

  20. 你或许也应心怀感激,因为你工作的地方仍在提供个人垃圾筒。

    You might also be grateful that you work somewhere that still has individual bins .

  21. 第二天我离开家上学时,瞟了一眼垃圾筒。

    While leaving the house to go to school , I glanced at the garbage can .

  22. 正好路过一个垃圾筒。

    Then she passed a trashcan .

  23. 娃娃的头露在垃圾筒外面,能够看到它的脸。

    The head of the doll was peering out of the top , exposing her face .

  24. 经过几周后的使用,你把这玩艺扔进了垃圾筒,它们不仅仅被用作包装材料。

    Yet , after just a few weeks of use , you 'll throw this material in the trash .

  25. 为避免他人利用自己的身份欺诈,许多人在将一些包含有个人信息的敏感资料和文件丢进垃圾筒之前将之撕碎。

    Fear of identity fraud means that many people now routinely shred receipts and sensitive documents before binning them .

  26. 主人见我写不出来字,而把我扔进了垃圾筒里。

    The host see I write not to come out the word , but throw me into ashcan in .

  27. 跟在一间垃圾筒总是装得太满的办公室上班相比,成为一名56岁的失业讲师是件更大的麻烦事。

    Being an unemployed 56-year-old lecturer is even more of a problem than being employed in an office where the bins are always overflowing .

  28. 优秀的窥探者会坐到办公桌后面去,看看下面有没有成堆的鞋子,翻翻垃圾筒里都有些什么。

    A good snoop would have sat behind the man 's desk , looked under it for piles of shoes , rummaged through the bin .

  29. 在芝加哥的全民学院,例如,学生们把残羹剩饭分类放入在自助餐厅的堆肥池,可回收筒和垃圾筒。

    At the Academy for Global Citizenship in Chicago , for example , students sort leftovers in compost , recycle and waste bins in the cafeteria ;

  30. 第二天早上,妈妈把娃娃扔到了外面的垃圾筒,告诉我那娃娃已经被鬼魂附身了。

    The next morning , she took the doll to the garbage can outside , telling me that the doll was possessed with some kind of spirit .