
  1. GB/T5471-1985热固性模塑料压塑试样制备方法

    Preparation method for compression moulding of specimens of thermosetting moulding materials

  2. GB/T5472-1985热固性模塑料矩道流动固化性试验方法

    Test method for rectangular flow cure properties of thermosetting moulding compounds

  3. 阻燃性增强热塑性塑料落球法测热固性模塑料冲击性能的研究

    Application of Falling Ball Method in Testing the Impact Property of Thermoset Molding Composite

  4. 玻纤增强热固性酚醛模塑料连续化生产新工艺装备

    A New Continuous Production Process of Glass-Fiber Reinforced Thermosetting Phenolic Moulding Compound

  5. 介绍了热固性团状模塑料(BMC)注射成型汽车前照灯反射镜的工艺过程,确定了BMC注射成型的料筒温度、螺杆转速、注射压力、注射速度和保压时间等工艺参数。

    The injection molding process of thermoset plastics bulk molding composition ( BMC ) made of automobile lamp reflector is presented in the paper . Process parameters are settled such as barrel temperature , screw speed , injection pressure , injection velocity and holding time and so on .

  6. 热固性橡胶之性能,热塑性塑料之加工方法.GB/T5472-1985热固性模塑料矩道流动固化性试验方法

    Performance of thermoset rubber but processed like thermoplastic . Test method for rectangular flow cure properties of thermosetting moulding compounds