
  • Hot Chocolate;Fondue
  1. 请来两杯咖啡和一杯热巧克力。

    Two coffees and a hot chocolate , please .

  2. 例句外面真的很冷,不过杰思罗在屋子里裹着一条暖和的毯子,喝着热巧克力。他舒服极了。

    It 's really cold outside , but Jethro is inside wrapped in a warm blanket and drinking hot chocolate .

  3. 热巧克力店营业额激增。RogerBoyes在英国泰晤士报中写道。

    Hot chocolate outlets are booming , wrote Roger Boyes in the UK Times last Thursday .

  4. 上世纪六十年代,这道用新鲜水果搭配香浓丝滑热巧克力酱的美食诞生于纽约一家名为ChaletSuisse的餐厅之中,如今这家餐厅已经不复存在了。自面世之后,它便成为派对上最受欢迎的甜品。

    The dish , in which fresh fruit is dipped into a hot , rich , creamy chocolate sauce , was born in a long-lost New York restaurant called Chalet Suisse in the 1960s . It has since become one of the most popular dessert options for parties .

  5. 我甚至还带来了礼物&热巧克力和金色的油炸圈饼。

    I even have gifts & hot chocolate and golden doughnuts .

  6. 她在在那儿发现了世界上最好的热巧克力。

    She found the best hot chocolate in the world there .

  7. 为一些热巧克力顺道拜访极的坑咖啡馆!

    Stop by the Polar Pit Cafe for some Hot Chocolate !

  8. 我要回家了,我喝热巧克力,好吃。

    I go home . I drink hot chocolate . Yummy !

  9. 我喝了一点热巧克力来驱寒。

    I drank some hot chocolate to ward off the cold .

  10. 谢谢收看本期“调制热巧克力”节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make The Perfect Hot Chocolate

  11. 而且我不能吃晚上的热巧克力,妈妈

    And I can 't have evening hot chocolate , Mummy

  12. 而香蕉、黑莓以及梨也都是搭配热巧克力的上上之选。

    Bananas , blackberries and pears also go well with hot chocolate .

  13. 一杯好茶,好咖啡或者热巧克力。

    A good cup of tea or coffee * or hot chocolate .

  14. 这款别致的纸杯蛋糕设计得就像盛满了热巧克力的杯子。

    Clever cupcakes designed to look like cups filled with hot chocolate .

  15. 这,才是热巧克力的做法

    Now , that 's like you make hot chocolate .

  16. 会整天为你做煎饼、咖啡和热巧克力。

    Will make u pancakes and coffee and hot chocolate all day .

  17. 我亲妈通常在热巧克力里面放一些蜜饯。

    My real mom puts marshmallows in the hot chocolate .

  18. 这个地方的圣诞饮料不错,比如热巧克力和宾治酒。

    This place has wonderful Christmas drinks like hot chocolate and punch .

  19. 站在楼梯上照相热巧克力拆礼物

    Picture on the stairs , hot chocolate , opening the presents .

  20. 在杯中加入3茶匙的热巧克力粉。

    Add 3 heaped teaspoon of hot chocolate powder to the mug .

  21. 我告诉她,她不许喝热巧克力

    I told her , she couldn 't have any hot chocolate .

  22. 给我来杯热巧克力饮料。

    May I have a cup of hot chocolate .

  23. 托盘上有两杯热巧克力,两块花生黄油三明治。

    With two cups of hot chocolate , and two peanut butter sandwiches .

  24. 我想要见到该死的热巧克力。

    I want to see some goddamn hot chocolate .

  25. 请给我们4杯热巧克力。

    We 'll have four hot chocolates , please .

  26. 唐娜和我准备去吃热巧克力。

    Donna and I were gonna get hot chocolate .

  27. 马克:让我先去买一杯热巧克力。

    Mark : Let me grab some hot chocolate .

  28. 我喜欢在雪里玩,喜欢喝热巧克力。

    I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hot chocolate .

  29. 我正做热巧克力呢

    I was trying to make some hot chocolate .

  30. 一半都和西班牙有关,就像我的热巧克力中的巧克力。

    Half of Spanish ties , like the chocolate in my hot chocolate .