
  • 网络nutritious cereal;cornflake
  1. 紫外分光光度法测定脑维营养麦片中的卵磷脂

    Determination of Lecithin in Brain-Protect Nutritious Oatmeal by UV Spectrophotometry

  2. 实验还确定了苦荞麦原麦片和营养麦片的最佳配方。

    The best formulation of the raw cereal flakes and nutrient cereal flakes were made sure from the experiment .

  3. 添加发芽大麦粉和不发芽大麦粉对麦片营养成分影响的研究河东乌麦胚芽营养麦片的研制

    Studies on the Effect of Adding Germinated or Ungerminated Barley Flour on Wheat Meal Nutrient DEVELOPMENT OF HEDONG BLACK WHEAT SPROUT NUTRITIOUS FLAKES