
  • 网络Nutrition consultant;R.N.C.;Dietetic Advisor
  1. 一家大型保险公司的前首席投资官安妮・波拉克(AnnePollack)说:“它打破你和食物的关系。”波拉克每年会在一名营养顾问的指导下做两次排毒,每次排毒持续三周。

    It breaks your relationship with food , ' says Anne Pollack , a former chief investment officer at a large insurance company , who does a detox twice a year for three weeks with a nutrition counselor .

  2. 一家大型保险公司的前首席投资官安妮&12539;波拉克(AnnePollack)说:它打破你和食物的关系。波拉克每年会在一名营养顾问的指导下做两次排毒,每次排毒持续三周。

    ' It breaks your relationship with food , ' says Anne Pollack , a former chief investment officer at a large insurance company , who does a detox twice a year for three weeks with a nutrition counselor .

  3. 美国奥委会营养顾问谢尔登索尔亨德勒博士认为:摄入足量饮食的健康人群中也会出现维生素和矿物质缺乏的问题。

    According to Dr Sheldon Saul hendler , nutritional adviser to the US Olympic committee , vitamin and mineral deficiencies occur in healthy individuals eating generally adequate diets .

  4. 协助制定美国官方膳食指南的营养顾问小组周四发表声明,表示应适当放宽此前提出的对脂肪和胆固醇的限制,并就美国人摄入的添加糖量的上限提出了严苛的新建议。

    A nutrition advisory panel that helps shape the country 's official dietary guidelines eased some of its previous restrictions on fat and cholesterol on Thursday and recommended sharp new limits on the amount of added sugar that Americans should consume .