  • seek;operate;run;manage
  • camp;barracks;battalion
  • 军队驻扎的地方,借指按编制集体生活的地方:~地。~房。~垒。军~。野~。阵~。步步为~(军队前进一步就设一道营垒,喻行动谨慎,防备极严)。

  • 军队的编制单位,连的上一级。

  • 筹划,管理,建设:~业。~作。~田。~造。经~。国~。私~。

  • 谋求:~求。~生。~救。~养。钻~。

  • 姓。


(谋求) seek:

  • 营利

    seek profits


(经营; 管理) operate; run; manage:

  • 国营

    state-operated; state-run


(军队驻扎的地方) camp; barracks:

  • 安营

    pitch a camp;

  • 兵营

    military camp


(军队的编制单位) battalion:

  • 骑兵营

    cavalry battalion


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 营伯

    Ying Bo

  1. 许可证持有人须依据本许可证B部的工程项目说明来建造及营办有关工程项目。

    The Permit Holder shall construct and operate the Project in accordance with the project descriptions in Part B of this Permit .

  2. 在六月里,中国最大的国有运输公司中国远洋运输公司(Cosco)中投标成功了,他们会在希腊比里亚斯港建造和营动一个新的货柜/集装箱码头。

    In June Cosco , the biggest Chinese state-owned shipping company , won a tender to build and operate a new container terminal at the port of Piraeus .

  3. 战俘营被委婉地称作“再训练中心”。

    The prison camps were euphemistically called ' retraining centres ' .

  4. 集中营里每天大约有五十人饿死。

    Around fifty people die of hunger every day in the camp .

  5. 他今年夏天在度假营玩了两个星期。

    He spent two weeks at camp this summer .

  6. 他只有20岁,却已经营起自己的公司了。

    He was barely 20 years old and already running his own company .

  7. 作者描绘出一幅冷酷而真实的战俘营生活画面。

    The author paints a stark picture of life in a prison camp .

  8. 过度拥挤和恶劣的卫生状况导致难民营中出现疾病。

    Overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions led to disease in the refugee camps .

  9. 该营直接开到机场掘壕防守。

    The battalion went directly to the airport to begin digging in

  10. 这些难民在重新定居之前被安置在意大利的难民营中。

    The refugees were put in camps in Italy before being resettled

  11. 然而,该公司的主营业务却表现出色。

    However , the main core of the company performed outstandingly .

  12. 该音乐营造出了一幅大草原上宽广辽阔的景象。

    The music invoked the wide open spaces of the prairies .

  13. 政府已经向3家私营电话公司授予了特许权。

    The government has granted concessions to three private telephone companies .

  14. 他加入了英国近卫步兵第一团第二营。

    He joined the second battalion of the Grenadier Guards .

  15. 福特曾在该营的第一运输队服役。

    Ford was attached to the battalion 's first line of transport .

  16. 两位领导人将到戴维营进行非正式讨论。

    The two leaders will retire to Camp David for informal discussions .

  17. 部队试图在难民营里设一个瞭望哨。

    Troops tried to set up a lookout post inside a refugee camp .

  18. 去年8月,他召集自己最亲近的顾问在戴维营开会。

    Last August he convened a meeting of his closest advisers at Camp David

  19. 该集团打算主营6种业务。

    The group plans to concentrate on six core businesses

  20. 苏格兰军队的一个营正沿街行进。

    A Scottish battalion was marching down the street

  21. 我弄到了进兵营的通行证。

    I got myself a pass into the barracks

  22. 政府计划释放关押在拘留营内的囚犯。

    The government is devising a plan to liberate prisoners held in detention camps .

  23. 他在丹麦上空被击落,在集中营呆了3年。

    He was shot down over Denmark and spent three years in a prison camp .

  24. 他们说他们将留下重建家园而不是躲到难民营里。

    They say they will stay to rebuild their homes rather than retreat to refugee camps

  25. 这些基地训练营被库尔德工人党游击队用于对土耳其实施突袭行动。

    These base camps were used by the PKK guerrillas to make forays into Turkey .

  26. 包括美国兵在内的2,500名外国战俘一直被囚禁在坦波夫附近的战俘营。

    2,500 foreign prisoners-of-war , including Americans , had been held in camps near Tambov .

  27. 麦凯恩在越南的战俘营里度过了5年半的时间。

    McCain spent five and a half years in a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam .

  28. 按照我们的指南把家营造成适合工作、休息和娱乐的地方。

    Follow our guide to making your home a fit place to work , rest and play .

  29. 奥地利已派出3个营的兵力去本国和匈牙利交界的边境地区阻止非法移民的流入。

    Austria has sent three army battalions to its border with Hungary to stem the flow of illegal immigrants

  30. 斯科特在一家救助无家可归者的慈善机构工作生活。与难民营相比,他称这个慈善机构为乐园。

    Scott is living and working at a mission for the homeless . He calls it a paradise compared to the camp .