
  • 网络hamburger bun
  1. 然后把牛肉饼放在下面半个汉堡面包上面。

    Then put the hamburger on the bottom half of the hamburger bun .

  2. 他到那里喝一瓶汽水和吃一块汉堡面包。

    He go there to drink a soda and eat a hamburger .

  3. 热狗用长面包,汉堡面包则用圆面包。

    Hot dogs on a long roll and hamburgers on a round roll .

  4. 你搞定盘子,汉堡面包,卷心菜沙拉。

    You do plates , buns , coleslaw .

  5. 热狗通常不用牛肉就用猪肉来做,或者猪牛肉混在一起合制,不过汉堡面包用的是牛肉。

    A hot dog is usually made either from beef or pork , or a combination of the two , but a hamburger is beef .

  6. 汉堡,面包卷里加上奶酪。

    Hamburgers , with cheese in a bread roll .

  7. 高质量汉堡包用面包生产工艺

    Process of the Bread for the High-Quality Hamburger

  8. 脂肪代用品的研究Ⅲ&碳水化合物型脂肪模拟品应用于冰淇淋和汉堡(面包部分)中研究

    Studies on the Fat Replacer V-Research of Application of Fat Mimics of Carbohydrate Style in West Style Fast Food

  9. 从快餐迷们拍的照片上可以看出,玫瑰汉堡的面包在现实中非常干瘪,一点也不饱满。

    From fast food fans ' pictures the rose burger 's bun is more anaemic in real life and lacks the moulded appearance 。

  10. 利用直接发酵法,控制面粉发酵的程度调制理想面团,排除气泡,选择理想的烘烤方式来制作高标准汉堡用面包。

    The method of the direct fermentation was used to control the degree of the fermentation in order to regulate the better paste , eliminate the air and choice the better baking method to make the most normal hamburger .

  11. 常见的食物包括咸的零食、口香糖、糖果、甜点、油炸食品和碳酸饮料。快餐可能还包括薯片、热馅饼、馅饼、三明治、汉堡、羊角面包、烤肉、披萨、鸡肉、汤和沙拉,甚至包括奶昔和软饮。

    Common foods include salted snack foods , gum , candy , sweet desserts , fried fast food , and carbonated beverages.Fast food may include chips , hot pies , pasties , sandwiches , burgers , croissants , kebabs , pizzas , chicken , soups , and salads.It also includes drinks , for instance , milkshakes ,

  12. Mark说要买一些做热狗和汉堡用的圆面包,就是bun,一种小而圆的甜面包或点心。Mark还要做一个potatosalad,土豆沙拉。

    Mark : We need to buy some buns for the hotdogs and hamburgers , and I 'm making potato salad .

  13. 比萨饼和汉堡也属于发酵面包。

    Pizza bases and hamburger buns are also yeast breads .

  14. 我们得买一些包热狗和汉堡用的圆面包,还有我要做马铃薯沙拉。

    We need to buy some buns for the hot dogs and hamburgers , and I 'm making potato salad .

  15. 这是单层的,大胖汉堡是双层。-.这个汉堡的肉,面包和调料的比例,更令人满意。-你在听我说话吗?-

    Sheldon : This is a single-decker hamburger , whereas the Big Boy is a double-decker Sheldon : This has a much more satisfying meat-to-bun-to-condiment ratio Leonard : Are you even listening to me ?

  16. 这家快餐业巨头把这款汉堡加入到今年的夏季菜单,一同加入的还有另一款汉堡,是黑色面包片夹炸鸡腿肉。

    The fast food giant introduced the unusual new burger to its summer menu , along with another fried option wedged between black buns 。