
  1. 汉代画像砖作为一种中国传统艺术,在中国美术史上占据着重要地位。

    As a kind of traditional Chinese art , Han Dynasty sculptural bricks occupy an important position in art history of China .

  2. 最后,论文提出了汉代画像砖艺术表现形式对当代壁画艺术创作的可借鉴性,为向古人学习创作形式提供了理论支撑。

    Finally , the paper proposes that people should learn the artistic representation forms of Han Dynasty Sculptural Bricks from ancient art to improve their artistic .

  3. 贾太傅祠和清湘别墅按明清风格重修,贾太傅宅则按汉代画像砖图形仿建。

    Jia Taifu ancestral hall and Qingxiang villa will be remodeled in accordance with the Ming and Qing styles , whereas Jia Taifu residence will be rebuilt by imitating designs in the brick paintings from Han dynasty .

  4. 从汉代画像砖的分布与分期、题材内容、艺术风格、思想观念等方面,综述了20世纪50年代至今我国学者的有关研究成果。

    The paper summarizes some concerned achievements in Chinese scholars ' research on the distribution , periods , contents , artistic styles and thoughts of picture brick of ancient Han dynasty from 1950s to the present time .

  5. 汉代画像砖、画像石与文人画,看似两种关系不大的绘画门类,但实际上在很多方面都存在着十分紧密的联系。

    It seems that there is no relation between the Pictorial Stones ( brick ) of Han Dynasty and the Chinese Literati Paintings , but in the matter of fact the two are very closely linked to each other .

  6. 其中汉代画像砖与画像石不仅以空间形式完美地表现了一种气魄宏大,勇于开拓;而且还具有一种崇尚阳刚之美的大气磅礴的精神。

    And the Han Dynasty brick relief and the portrait stone not only perfectly displayed one kind of breadth of spirit by the space form to be great , dared to develop ; Moreover also had one kind to advocate the positive just beauty the atmospheric boundless spirit .

  7. 汉代巴蜀画像砖是中国古代造型艺术的瑰宝,其研究价值也是不言而喻的。

    Brick of portrait in Han Dynasty Bashu district was the plastic arts treasure in ancient times in china , its research value was also self-evident .

  8. 对汉代巴蜀画像砖的分析,既是对其文化价值的考察,也是对汉代文化发展的一次窥探。

    To analyse Brick of portrait in the Hun Dynasty Bashu district , is not only to inspect its cultural value , also to trail and discover the culture development of the Han Dynasty .

  9. 从汉代画像石(砖)看汉代女子的经济活动

    The Female 's Social Economic Activities in Han Dynasty from the Han Portrait Stone or Brick

  10. 南阳汉代画像石、画像砖艺术,即是其中的一部分,同时又是本文的研究方向。

    Nan yang Han stone relief is one part of it , and the research direction of this article .

  11. 汉代画像石、画像砖可以说是我国最早的装饰绘画之一,由于画像石、画像砖大多产生于北方地区,因而带有豪放粗犷的艺术气质。

    Han Stone , Brick could be one of the earliest the earliest decoration paintings . Most stones , bricks are from northern regions , thus the artistic temperament is of a straightforward bold and unconstrained .

  12. 本篇论文是对汉代画像石、画像砖的制作工艺、装饰艺术、以及绘画性语言进行的研究,汉民族不仅是一部文字记载的历史、而且还是一个图像呈现的世界。

    This paper is about the making craft of han dynasty stone , brick , decorative art , and painting language study , the han nationality is not only a history of written records , but also an image of the world .