
  • 网络hot cracking;Hot crack;thermal crack;Hot Tear
  1. 当合金中不含Mg时,合金开始出现热裂纹的热裂环宽度为17.5mm,Mg含量为0.4%时。

    With the increase of Mg content the alloy tends to hot cracking . The width of the hot cracking ring of Al-5 % Cu alloy without Mg is only 17 . 5 mm .

  2. 本文首次提出了随焊旋转挤压(WTRE)控制铝合金薄板焊件残余应力变形及防止热裂纹新方法。

    In this dissertation , a new method named Welding with Trailing Rotating Extrusion ( WTRE ) is proposed to control welding stress , deformation and hot cracking of aluminum alloy thin-plate weldments .

  3. 发现B的含量对热裂纹的影响较大。

    It was found that the boron content affected the hot crack greatly .

  4. 提出了该合金采用TIG焊接防止热裂纹产生的措施。

    Adopting TIG welding is an effect measure to prevent heat cracking .

  5. Al-Cu合金在凝固过程中的变形速度对热裂纹形成的影响

    Effect of Deformation Velocity on Hot Cracks in AI-Cu Alloy Castings During Solidification

  6. 灰口铸铁含C、S、P较多,强度低,塑性差,这就决定了其焊接性能较差,焊接接头易发生冷、热裂纹。

    Gray iron is of more C , S , P , low-intensity , poor plastic , these characteristics determine that its welding ability is poor , welded joints are easy to produce cold & heat cracks .

  7. 由于该合金在使用传统加工方法(如TIG、MIG)进行焊接的过程中,极易形成焊接热裂纹。

    The welding hot crack is easy to form when the traditional processing method was performed ( e.g. TIG , MIG ) .

  8. 由于焊接过程中镁的过热蒸发,导致焊缝相对含Al量升高,共晶体含量增多,从而使焊缝热裂纹倾向增大。

    Due to the super heated vaporization of Mg atom during welding , the Al content and eutectic content in the weld increase , resulting in the increase of hot crack tendency in the weld .

  9. La的加入可使合金热裂纹形成温度下降,使临界断裂应力增加,且峰值右移。

    The addition of La can also decrease the hot tearing forming temperature and increase the critical fracture stress , moving the peak of critical fracture stress to a greater value of deformation Speed .

  10. 此外,所形成的MnS可以替代FeS,可防止产生热裂纹从而利于焊接。

    Besides , the formation of MnS can replace FeS , which can prevent the formation of hot cracks to benefit welding .

  11. 生产数据证实,钢中C与CJ值越接近,越容易导致连铸圆管坯热裂纹的形成。

    Relevant operation data have proven that the closer to the CJ value the C content in the steel is , the more possible thermal . cracking of the CC round will be developed .

  12. AM60镁合金焊接接头中热裂纹的产生主要与镁合金中存在的低熔点共晶体有关。

    Because of low melting element existing magnesium alloy , hot-crack could be found in welds .

  13. 应用变形速率连续可变式热裂纹试验方法(VDR法)研究了碳、钼和稀土元素对奥氏体不锈钢焊缝热裂敏感性的影响。

    The effect of carbon , molybdenum and rare earths on hot cracking susceptibility of austenitic stainless steel welds was studied with continuously variable deformation rate cracking test ( VDR ) method .

  14. 采用钢焊丝熔化极CO2焊焊接铜钢接头,拉伸强度σb达200MPa,断口扫描电镜表明为塑性断裂,接头未产生热裂纹。

    In this investigation , copper-steel joints are welded by CO_2 welding with steel electrode . No heat crack is found in welded joints whose tensile strength σ _b attains 200 MPa , and the plastic fracture is demonstrated by SEM .

  15. 首次应用变形速率连续可变式热裂纹试验方法(VDR法)研究合金元素对HQ高强度钢埋弧焊结晶裂纹敏感性的影响。

    The sensitivity of crystallization cracking which is affected by alloy elements in HQ high strength steel submerged arc welded metal was studied with continuously variable'deformation rate cracking test ( V-DR ) method for the first time .

  16. 对316L不锈钢合金,熔覆层开裂属于热裂纹范畴,是熔覆合金在凝固时晶界处的残余液相受熔覆层拉伸应力作用所导致的液膜分离的结果。

    For 316L stainless steel alloy , the cracking of cladding layers belongs to the hot crack domain , Which is mainly caused by the separation of liquid films in the grain boundary under the effect of tensile stress in cladding layers .

  17. HR3C、NF709、Super304H等奥氏体钢的焊接问题是热裂纹、时效脆化和应力腐蚀。

    The problems of welding austenitic heat resistant steels ( HR3C 、 NF709 、 Super304H ) are hot cracks , embrittlement after aging and stress corrosion .

  18. 通过对Monel-400合金与低碳钢异种金属的焊接性分析,制定了消除热裂纹和气孔的工艺措施,成功地用TIG焊焊接了Monel-400合金与低碳钢的对接接头和角接头。

    The weldability for dissmilar metal welding between Monel - 400 and mild steel is analyzed so the porosity and cracking free - welding procedure is reached and TIG welding for butt and fillet joints is successful .

  19. 试验结果表明,随焊锤击技术可显著地改善焊缝显微组织及残余应力分布,防止焊接热裂纹的产生,并能够有效地控制LY12CZ铝合金薄板焊接横向及纵向收缩变形。

    The experimental results show that welding with trailing peening not only can improve the microstructure of welds and distribution of residual stress obviously , but also prevent welding hot cracking and control longitudinal or transverse shrinkage effectively .

  20. HK-40为奥氏体钢,具有较高的含碳量和合金含量,焊接时易脆化、偏析,产生热裂纹,可焊性较差;

    HK-40 steel which is austenite has relatively high content of carbon and alloy . When welded , it is easy to cause embrittlement , segregation and heat cracking flaw . Therefore , its weldability is relatively poor .

  21. 对X12CrNiSi1636奥氏体耐热不锈钢在焊接生产过程中极易产生热裂纹的现象进行了深入研究,提出采用变电流焊接、有效控制层间温度以及减小线能量进行焊接的新工艺。并成功应用于生产实践。

    It researches the appearance of thermal crack appeared in the welding process of austenitic stainless steel ( X12CrNiSi1636 ), and puts forward some new techniques by which applied in production .

  22. 结合一个工程实例,对347H奥氏体不锈钢的焊接热裂纹和再热裂纹的表观现象、产生原因等进行了探讨。

    Combined with a practical example , in this article , the phenomena of heat crack and reheat crack appeared in the weld in347H austenitic steel and the cause of the cracks were discussed .

  23. 研究表明,随焊激冷能够通过冷源作用区的冷却收缩造成对其前方处于BTR金属的横向挤压,推迟塑性拉伸应变的开始形成温度并减缓其发展速率,因而降低热裂纹倾向;

    It is shown that trailing intense cooling can cause transverse squeezing on the metal within BTR through the shrinkage of the intense cooled zone , postpone the formation temperature of transverse tensile plastic strain and mitigate its development rate , therefore reduce the hot cracking susceptibility .

  24. D6A钢的裂纹敏感性计算、工艺焊接性分析、裂纹敏感机理分析、焊接工艺试验都表明其焊接的冷、热裂纹敏感性极高,若焊接工艺方法、工艺措施、工艺参数选择不当,焊缝极易开裂。

    Calculating of welding crack susceptibility , Analysis of weldability and crack mechanism and welding technology experiment indicated that the weld joint of " D6A " super-strength steel is easy to break welding crack if the welding technology and welding parameters are not appropriate .

  25. 基于电磁感应原理,针对焊接热裂纹和焊接变形问题,提出了一种在焊接过程中基于电磁力作用(WTIEF)控制焊接应力应变的方法。

    Based on electromagnetic ( EM ) induction law , a new method of controlling welding stress and strain during welding with trailing impact EM force ( WTIEF ) is put forward to control the welding hot crack and distortion .

  26. 铜管钎焊热裂纹形成的原因与分析

    The cause & Analysis about the copper tube craze during welding

  27. 螺旋埋弧焊管内焊热裂纹产生的原因及对策

    Inside Weld Hot Crack Causes and Solving Methods of SSAW Pipe

  28. 铸钢件凝固过程热裂纹数值模拟及预测

    Prediction of thermal cracking in steel castings and its numerical simulation

  29. 基本数字图像差分法在活塞热裂纹自动检测的研究

    Extracting Thermal Crack in Piston Using Basic Digital Image Subtraction Algorithm

  30. 结晶器铜板热裂纹原因及对策

    Reasons for Thermal Crack in Mold Copper Plate And the Countermeasures