
rè fú
  • Thermal clothing;decoction to be taken hot
  1. 结论高温环境对大鼠ANP、EDLS水平有影响,热习服与热应激后导致ANP明显下降,而EDLS含量明显升高。

    Conclusions Heat may influence the levels of ANP and EDLS .

  2. 热习服各组每天热暴露至肛温(Tr)41.5℃。

    The acclimatization groups were exposed to heat once daily until their rectal temperature raised to 41.5 ° C.

  3. 方法15只ICR小鼠分为热习服(Ⅰ组)、热应激(Ⅱ组)和常温对照组(Ⅲ组)。

    Methods Fifteen male ICR mice were divided into heat acclimatization group ( group I ), heat stress group ( group ⅱ), and control group ( group ⅲ) .

  4. 15名受试者经7d的进一步热习服锻炼后,重复Full-P条件试验(Full-Pr)。

    3 ) fifteen subjects repeat the test of Full-p after 7-day heat acclimatization training ( Full-Pr ) .

  5. 热习服组和热应激组大鼠血浆ANP含量明显低于对照组,差异有显著性(P<005);热习服组与热应激组的EDLS含量明显高于对照组,差异有显著性(P<001)。

    As compared with the control group , the levels of plasma ANP in HA and HS groups were obviously lower ( P < 0.05 ), while the levels of EDLS were markedly higher ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 猕猴高效热习服方法的研究

    A study on effective method for heat acclimatization in rhesus monkeys

  7. 热习服大鼠肝组织和线粒体的腺苷酸

    Adenine nucleotides in liver tissue and mitochondria of heat acclimated rats

  8. 不同锻炼方式对热习服和脱习服影响的研究

    Influence or Different Training Patterns on Heat Acclimatization and Its De acclimatization

  9. 加速机体热习服的有效方法

    Study on an effective method to accelerate body heat acclimatization

  10. 方法:50名受试者来自野战部队、且自然热习服。

    Methods : Fifty naturally acclimatized soldiers from the troops served as test subjects .

  11. 结果耐热锻炼获得了热习服,显著提高了耐热能力。

    Results Results indicated that heat acclimatization was attained with obviously elevated heat tolerance .

  12. 目的对加速机体热习服锻炼方法的效果进行评价。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of exercising method to accelerate body heat acclimatization .

  13. 锻炼热习服和巩固习服

    Heat acclimatization and its strengthening by training

  14. 哺乳动物热习服中循环系统的变化

    Cardiovascular changes during heat acclimation in mammals

  15. 犬热习服后可以降低第2峰的高度并且延长其平台期。

    Heat acclimatization lowered the level of the second peak , though it was remarkably prolonged .

  16. 着雨衣热习服锻炼对血乳酸与血气的影响

    Effects of heat acclimatization training by wearing military raincoat on blood lactic acid and blood gases

  17. 热习服每天处理3小时,安排在上午的9:00&12:00。

    The thermal acclimation was conducted for 3 hours every day , and arranged 9:00-12:00 in the morning .

  18. 早期热习服对肉鸡后期热暴露肛温、血液生化指标的影响

    The effect of early heat acclimation on rectal temperature and blood biochemical parameters of broiler in late heat exposure stages

  19. 综上所述,热习服后可以大大减少汗液中营养成分的流失。

    Therefore , after heat acclimatization , the loss of nutritional constituents in the whole body - sweat could be reduced obviously .

  20. 热习服组动物心肌酶谱、肝功能、电解质指标的异常程度明显高于热应激组;

    The abnormal extent of myocardiac enzymes , hepatic function and serum ions of heat acclimatization group were more significant than those of heat stress group .

  21. 目的:观察军用固体运动饮料对热习服动物心肌损伤的保护作用,旨在为应用提供依据。

    Objective : It is to observe the protective effects of solid exercise drink for army ( SD ) to the myocardium of animals suffering heat acclimation .

  22. 热习服后,汗钙、镁浓度分别降低346%和368%(P<005),全天流失量分别减少112mg和196mg。

    After heat acclimatization the sweat Ca and Mg contents were reduced by 34 6 % and 36 8 % respectively ( P < 0 05 ) .

  23. 热习服后,血清钙降至正常值以下,镁也下降77%(P<005);

    After heat acclimatization , the serum Ca lowered to below the normal and the Mg also reduced by 7 7 % ( P < 0 05 ) .

  24. 方法:检测热习服和热应激日本大耳白兔的体温、免疫功能、心肌酶谱、肝功能及血清离子等。

    Method : To measure the body temperature , immune function , hepatic function , myocardial enzymes and serum ions of rabbits with heat acclimation or heat stress .

  25. 热习服能在一定程度上缓解伤后机体的病理变化,可作为高温高湿环境下防治肢体战创伤的有效手段。

    Heat acclimatization can be favorable to mitigate pathophysiological changes , and it might be an effective method to prevent rapid deterioration of gunshot injuries in hot and humid environment .

  26. 热应激组在第9天与热习服组同时置于高热环境1h;

    On 9th day , rats in heat stressed group were also exposed to heat in heating room for 1 hour .

  27. 其中半数动物继续热暴露至21天,每天热暴露时间延长至100min,于热暴露第14天和第21天热应激组各6只动物与热习服组同时热暴露。

    On the heat exposure of the 14th and 21st days , 6 animals both in HS and in HA were exposed to heat in the same chamber .