
  1. 方法回顾性分析16例骨折后并发的以意识障碍、偏瘫及皮肤出血点为主要症状的脑型脂肪栓塞综合征(FES)。

    Methods We reviewed sixteen cases of brain-type fat embolism syndrome complicated mainly with consciousness barrier , hemiplegia and small bleeding spots in skin after fracture and analyzed the diagnosis experience and therapy impression .

  2. 通过对38例特发性血小板减少性紫癜患儿出血的观察及护理,认为密切观察患儿神志、生命体征、皮肤出血点的增减及有无内出血征象等病情变化极为重要。

    Through observing and nursing 38 infants with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura , the author held it was key to closely observe the changes in infant consciousness , vital signs , hemorrhagic spots in skin and signs of internal hemorrhage .

  3. 临床上有多个部位出血表现的患者,其MPV和PCT比仅有皮肤粘膜出血点的患者显著降低。

    In the patients with multiple situs hemorrhage , the MPV and PCT were more significantly reduced than thois in patients with skin or mucous hemorrhage only .

  4. 皮肤上出现大量出血点;

    Blood spot appearance on skin , and eye spot were harmed et.