
  • 网络Bukhara Province;Buxoro Viloyati;Buxoro Province
  1. 1984年3月19日苏联乌兹别克布哈拉州的强震概况

    A Summary of the Strong Earthquake Occurred in Bukhara , Uzbekistan , USSR on Marck 19 , 1984

  2. 文章综合汇编了1984年3月19日苏联乌兹别克布哈拉州的强震概况,报道了该震的震源参数、灾害和救灾情况以及该震的成因等。

    The fifth paper compiles the strong earthquake occurred in Bukhara , Uzbekistan , USSR on March 19 , 1984.The hypocentral parameters , the earthquake damage and the disaster relief as well as the cause of the quake are covered in this paper .