
  • 网络skin preparation
  1. 皮肤准备方法对术后切口感染影响的比较研究

    Research of the Influence of Preoperative Skin Preparation Methods on Wound Infection

  2. 脐孔深、浅不同会影响皮肤准备效果。

    The effect of skin preparation were influenced by deep and shallow of umbilicus .

  3. 采用不同皮肤准备方法后皮肤表面细菌含量的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on bacterial number of skin surface after different preoperative skin preparation

  4. 最后,所有的都依赖于您为您靓丽的皮肤准备做什么。

    But in the end , it all depends on what you are prepared to do for beautiful skin .

  5. 等皮肤准备好以后,可以选择使用香皂、剃须膏或凝胶。

    After the skin , and so ready , you can choose to use soap , shaving cream or gel .

  6. 术前强调心理护理和手术区域皮肤准备。

    It was emphasized that psychological nursing and skin preparation of the operative area were carried out conscientiously before the operation .

  7. 术前的口腔护理和皮肤准备是预防伤口感染、保证移植骨成活和伤口愈合的前提;

    Pre-operative oral nursing and skin preparation are the prerequisite conditions for the survival of the graft and the prevention of wound infection ;

  8. 皮肤准备:用组织剪剪短分离范围内的兔毛,肥皂水润湿兔毛,用剃须刀刮除残留的兔毛。

    Skin preparation : Cut short by the Organization within the framework of isolated rabbit hair , soapy water wetting rabbit , with a razor residues of rabbit curettage .

  9. 插管、腹部皮肤准备及鼻胃管可在急诊室或手术室进行。

    Catheterization , preparation of abdominal skin , and passage of a nasogastric ( NG ) tube may be done in the emergency department or operating room ( OR ) .

  10. 腹腔镜手术脐孔皮肤清洁准备方法的研究

    Probe of methods with clean preparation of umbilicus before laparoscopy operation

  11. 提取物的皮肤或果皮西番莲准备好了。

    An extract of the skin or peel of passion fruit is prepared .

  12. 地球必须净化她的皮肤或表面来准备好灵魂灌输或照亮。

    Earth must cleanse her skin or surface in preparation for soul infusion or illumination .

  13. 结论患者良好的心理状态,供、受区皮肤血管的精心准备,及时发现与处理血管危象,进行有效的功能训练是足趾移植再造手指成功的关键。

    Conclusion : Psychological advice , careful preparation , management of emergency and functional training were essential to the success of toe transplantation for reconstructed digits .

  14. 目的:改变传统备皮方法存在的脐孔皮肤红肿、破溃、疼痛等弊端,使腹腔镜手术脐孔皮肤准备切实达到手术要求。

    Objective : To satisfy the needs of laparoscopy operation by correcting the disadvantage of traditional methods with skin preparation of umbilicus .