
  • 网络cold cardioplegic solution
  1. 方法心瓣膜直视术患者33例,随机分为常温氧合血心脏停搏液组(WBC组)和冷晶体心脏停搏液组(CCC组)。

    Methods Thirty three patients were randomly divided into warm blood cardioplegia and cold crystalloid cardioplegia group .

  2. 温血灌注与冷晶体心脏停搏液灌注对心肌酶学的影响

    Influence of Warm Blood Cardioplegic Solution Perfusion and Cold Crystalloid Cardioplegic Solution on Myocardial Enzyme

  3. 心肌保护采用冠状动脉开口顺行灌注+冠状静脉窦逆行灌注冷晶体心脏停搏液。

    Cardiac arrest was obtained by antegrade administration in the coronary ostia and retrograde administration into the coronary sinus with cold crystalloid cardioplegia .

  4. 结论:氧合血心脏停搏液持续灌注比冷晶体心脏停搏液间断灌注在心肌保护方面具有明显的优越性,是一种较好的心肌保护方法。

    Conclusion : The continuous warm oxygenated blood cardioplegia is a good method for myocardial protection , and is superior to intermittent cold crystalloid cardioplegia .

  5. 目的比较温氧合血连续灌注与冷晶体心脏停搏液间断灌注心肌酶学变化,探索更有效的心肌保护方法。

    Objective To compare the changes of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and lipoperoxide ( LPO ) in warm oxygenated blood cardioplegic continuous perfusion ( gruop A ) and with those of cold crystalloid cardioplegic intermittent perfusion ( group B ) to find the effective method of myocardial preservation .