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  • cold-weld
  1. 磁控溅射MoS2+Sb2O3防冷焊薄膜性能研究

    The properties of mos_2 + sb_2o_3 anti-cold welding thin film by magnetron sputtering

  2. SG及微量Bi对球铁电弧冷焊时焊接性能的影响

    Effects of SG Inoculant and Trace Bi on the Weldability of Ductile Cast Iron in Arc Cold Welding

  3. 随着球磨时间的增加,Ni、Zr颗粒发生严重塑性变形,并且通过冷焊团聚起来,形成具有层状结构的复合颗粒。

    As the MA time increased , sever plastic deformation took place with the particles of Ni and Zr powder agglomerated by cold-welding and taking shape composite particles with lamellar structure .

  4. 根据冷轧辊的可焊性及工况,设计专用局部冷焊焊条GT-55和GTF-55。

    According to weldability and situation of cold-roller , the special electrodes GT-55 and GTF-55 are designed for part cold welding .

  5. SEM和MS2000分析结果表明,高能球磨中存在冷焊、断裂和加工硬化现象。

    The observation results of SEM and MS2000 indicate that cold welding , fragmentation and work harden occurred during high energy ball milling .

  6. 采用SEM观察了初始锌粉和机械镀锌层的断口形貌,分析了镀层断口锌粉颗粒结合处的成分分布及双金属冷焊结合机理,探讨了镀层中锌粉颗粒间的结合机制。

    The primary zinc powder and the coating fracture was observed with scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ), composition distribution of zinc powder at coating fracture and bimetal cold welding mechanism were analyzed , and bonding mechanism of zinc particles in coating was ( discussed . )

  7. 52K铣床床身铸造裂纹的结构钢焊条电弧冷焊修复工艺

    Arc Cold-welding Technique of Repairing 52K Milling Machine Bed Casting Crack with Structural Steel Welding Rod

  8. 结果发现,机械合金化过程是一个反复的变形、冷焊、镦粗、断裂过程,Ti-Al混合粉末经过强烈的机械球磨,晶体的结构、形貌发生很大的变化。

    It was found that mechanical alloying is a process of repeated deformation , cold welding , upsetting , fracture process , The crystal structure and morphology of Ti-Al mixed powders changed a lot by strong mechanical milling .

  9. 介绍了将ZX5-250弧焊电源改制为脉冲电源进行铸铁冷焊的方法。

    This article introduces the rational method of ZX5-250 arc welding power supply converted into pulse power source by cast iron cold welding .

  10. 高能球磨过程中,铝粉末在钢球表面形成冷焊层,B4C不断被挤入而均匀化是实现颗粒均匀分布的主要机制;

    The chief mechanism of particle even distribution is that aluminium particles form a cold weldings zone on steel balls and B 4C was squeezed into cold welding zone constantly during the high energy ball milling process .

  11. 对湛江电厂2号机高中压缸汽缸结合面变形的原因进行了分析,根据现场情况选用TGS-309L焊丝,采用冷焊法进行补缸处理的过程。

    This paper analyzes the cause of the high and medium-pressure cylinder interfacial deformation of the No. 2 turbine unit in the zhanjiang Power Plant and the procedure to deal with it by cold-welding with TGS-309L .

  12. 自保护药芯焊丝在钢轨冷焊修复中的应用

    Research on repairing of rail by self-shielded flux-cored wire without pre-heating

  13. 冷焊技术在铸件缺陷修复中的应用

    Application of Cold Welding Technology on the Defect Repair of Casting

  14. 壳体类铸铁零件水冷焊试验

    Experimental Research on the Water-cooling Welding of Shell-type Cast Iron Parts

  15. 一种新型工具钢冷焊焊缝的研究

    Study on A New Cold - welding Seam for Tool Steel

  16. 高炉阀门密封面冷焊工艺

    The cold welding technology for the sealing surface of blast furnace valve

  17. 冷焊修复剪板机机架横粱

    The rack beam of plate shears restored by cold welding

  18. 冷焊法焊补修复汽轮机汽缸裂纹

    Cold Welding Method for Repair Welding Cracks in Cylinder of Steam Turbine

  19. 不允许有冷焊焊缝,卷曲的接头不允许使用。

    Crimp connections are not acceptable for any brush attachment .

  20. 钼钒型铸铁冷焊焊条的研制

    Research and Production of the Mo-V Type Cold - Welding Cast Iron

  21. 高碳高硬度冷焊焊缝韧性改善

    Improving the toughness of high carbon and high hardness cold welding metal

  22. 美特铁聚合金属陶瓷冷焊技术的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Adhesion Technology for Multi · Metall Polymerizing Metal-ceramic

  23. 柴油机缸盖裂纹的冷焊材料及工艺研究

    Cold Welding Material for Cracks of Diesel Cylinder Head and Welding Technology

  24. 以电弧冷焊为基本手段制备试样。

    The specimens were deposited by shielded arc cold welding .

  25. 冷焊在电厂修复中的应用

    Application of Cold Welding in the Process of General Repairing of Power Plant

  26. 冷焊技术在冷箱修复中的应用

    Application of cold welding technique in cold box repair

  27. 冷焊技术在修复渣浆泵中的应用

    Application of cold welding technique in restoring slurry pump

  28. 蠕墨铸铁同质电弧冷焊焊条的探讨

    The Investigation of Homogeneous Electrode for Arc Cold-Welding of Compacted Graphite Cast Iron

  29. 焊接冷轧带钢用的激光焊接机双金属成形的冷焊工艺与应用

    Laer welder for cold rolled strip Mechanism and Applications of Bimetallic Cold Welding Technology

  30. 擦伤、冷焊和粘着摩损是粘扣失效的三种类型。

    The scratch , cold welding and abrasion are three kind of thread failure .