
  • 网络Frozen area;Freeze space
  1. 冷冻区中心CT值为负值,术后即刻CT检查病灶CT值平均下降30~50Hu(P<0.001)。随着氩氦刀冷冻治疗后时间延续,大部分肿块有不同程度的缩小或消失,同组治疗前后比较P<0.001。

    The center of refrigerant area show negative CT value , the mean decreased CT value of lesion instantly treatment were about 30-50 Hu with P < 0.001 . Most of lesions appear different smaller or disappear with the processing after Ar-He cryoablation ( P < 0.001 ) .

  2. 结果病理检查显示冷冻区肝组织及肝肿瘤为不可逆性坏死。

    Results Pathological examination showed the irreversible necrosis of liver tissues and tumors in the frozen area .

  3. 干细胞移植后8周冷冻区血管密度高于对照组(P<0.01)。

    The vascular density in cell transplantation group was higher than that in the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 昨天在超市,雀巢产品已经从冷冻区下架,留给消费者的是思考美国食品系统的安全性。

    In supermarkets yesterday , Nestl é products had been pulled from the refrigerated section , and consumers were left to ponder the safety of the U.S.food system .

  5. 二位女士在冷冻食物区前停了一会儿。

    The two ladies stop for a moment in the frozen foods section .

  6. 我们可以在超市的冷冻食品区买到很多种类的冰欺凌。

    We can buy many kinds of ice-creams in the frozen food section in supermarkets .

  7. 超市冷冻食品区出售的鸡肉与你自己在家做的鸡肉并不相同。

    The chicken in the supermarket 's frozen-food aisle is seldom the same thing you 'd prepare at home .

  8. 在这段用手机拍摄的视频中,青年扮成的木马顺着地板滚到冷冻食物区哭喊:“娘亲你在哪儿!”保安随即赶到要求他们离开。

    The mobile phone footage shows the pantomime horse rolling on the floor near the frozen food aisle shouting ' where 's my mum ? ' before a security guard asks them to leave .

  9. 两位英国恶作剧青年扮成一匹木马冲进英国一家的乐购超市,跑到冷冻牛肉汉堡区大喊“凶手”,最后当然是被保安们给丢出去了。

    A pair of pranksters dressed up as a pantomime horse were thrown out of a Tesco supermarket after trotting around the frozen beef burger aisle shouting ' murderers ' .

  10. 用岩心冷冻工艺处理水淹区、稠油区的易散岩心,可使岩心成形,防止岩心内流体挥发,以利于确定流体饱和度等项参数。

    Using core refreezing technology to refreeze unconsolidated core from watered out area and heavy oil area can make core shape , prevent volatilization loss of fluid in core , and be favourable to determine the parameters as fluid saturation and the like .