
  • 网络Cooling capacity;cooling power
  1. 在实验铸轧机及工业铸轧机上进行了快速铸轧试验,对新型Be-Cu合金辊套的冷却能力、使用性能及其变化、所获带坯质量进行了实验与分析。

    After doing the experiments on the high speed thin gauge twin-roll casting with experimental twin-roll caster and the industrial twin-roll caster , the cooling capacity , operational performances and their changes of the new Be-Cu alloy roller , product quality produced by the new roller are detected and analyzed .

  2. 汽车鼓式制动器冷却能力自控装置的研究

    Study on Automatic Control Device for Cooling Capacity in Automotive Drum Brake

  3. 空冷系统的ACC凝汽器冷却能力大小,对汽机真空有很大的影响。

    The cooling capability of Air cooling condenser has very great influence on vacuum of steam turbine .

  4. 水道高宽比K值对水冷套冷却能力的影响规律是:K值增加,水道内水流速、等效传热面积均减小,水套的冷却能力降低。

    With increasing value of height width ratio of water channel K , both the velocity of water flow in the cooled jacket and equivalent heat transfer area of water channel section decreased so that the cooling capacity of cooled jacket was weaken .

  5. 本文系统地研究了HQ系列水溶性淬火剂的工艺性能、冷却能力、淬透性、淬硬性和变形开裂倾向。

    The following technological properties of aqueous quenching me - dium series HQ are systematically studied : cooling ability , harden - ability , tendency of deformation and cracking .

  6. 结果表明:熔铸、熔焊工艺的要点是采用冷却能力较强的紫铜做结晶器工作面,冷却水层厚度为10mm,局部冷却速度≥2300℃/min,结晶器出水温度≤45℃;

    The results show that purple copper is used as mould face to enhance cooling effect . The cooling water layer thickness is 10 mm , Sub-cooling rate is more than 2 300 ℃ / min and temperature is less than ( 45 ℃ . )

  7. 在本实验条件下,100SiC颗粒静态高度为60~80mm时,沸腾流化床在高温阶段的冷却能力优于液态金属,沿着流化床高度方向冷却能力逐渐减弱;

    Under the experiment condition , when motionless height of 100 # SiC particles is 60 ~ 80mm , the cooling power of fluidized bed is in advance of liquid metal , which is gradually decreased on fluidized bed height .

  8. 用NTC-TD热敏电阻+数字电表法研究了越冬幼虫的过冷却能力并调查了越冬场所、龄期、死亡率等。

    The supercooling capability of the overwintering larvae were determined and the location , the stadium and the mortality of the larvae were surveyed during the winter in the pine forest .

  9. 工程机械冷却能力单片机控制系统

    One-chip Computer Control System of the Engineering Machinery 's Cooling Ability

  10. 上面列出的各种淬火介质的冷却能力有很大的区别。

    The cooling capabilities of the above-listed quenching media vary greatly .

  11. 用涡流喷射器提高油冷却能力的试验研究

    An Improvement On Oil Cooling Ability by Employing Vortex Spray

  12. 用银探头测定淬火介质的冷却能力

    Determining the Cooling Power of the Quenching Liquid with a Silver Probe

  13. 双流道散热器提高冷却能力的分析

    Analysis of heat duty increase for dual channel radiator

  14. 在绕组中设置一个轴向油隙,加入导向隔板,提高冷却能力。变压器油道内冲流电流的一种计算方法

    A Computation Method for Streaming Currents in the Oil Ducts of Power Transformer

  15. 相变强化换热对模具局部冷却能力影响的数值分析

    Study on the Cooling Capacity of Partial Mould by Phase Transformation Heat Changing

  16. 以沸腾曲线评定淬火介质冷却能力的方法

    Evaluation of Cooling Capacity of Quenchants by Boiling Curves

  17. Ms点随淬火介质的冷却能力减小而降低。

    The M_s temperature decreases with decreasing the cooling power of the quenching medium .

  18. 淬火介质冷却能力的测定和应用

    Measurement and Application of Cooling Power of Quenchants

  19. 随浓度增大、温度升高、重复使用次数增多,其冷却能力降低。

    The cooling ability decreased with the increase of concentration , temperature and repeated use .

  20. 为了提高辐射吊顶的冷却能力,保证室内合理的气流组织,辐射吊顶往往结合机械送风系统使用。

    Due to its limited cooling capacity , RCC is often combined with mechanical ventilation systems .

  21. 蘑菇头的生成与否及尺寸主要取决于气体的冷却能力。

    The formation and the size of mushroom are dependant upon the cooling capacity of blowing gas .

  22. 以探头表面的温度变化情况来分析淬火介质的冷却能力。

    The variation temperatures of the probe surface are used to determine the cooling characteristics of quenching media .

  23. 研究热管结构对压铸模具冷却能力影响的定量关系。

    The quantitative relation between hot pipe structure and cooling ability of partial die casting mould was approached .

  24. 最后,充分利用海水的冷却能力,即随着柴油机负荷和外界环境温度的变化实时地改变海水流量,减少海水泵的功耗,进行海水系统的运行优化。

    In the end , to make full use of seawater cooling capacity , seawater system operation is optimized .

  25. 由于锌的实际产能超过设计能力,使锌电解的冷却能力明显不足。

    As effective capacity of Zinc production exceeds design capacity , the cooling capacity of Zinc electrolyte is clearly insufficient .

  26. 而改型内冷结构在该基础上再次提升了整体与局部的冷却能力。

    Nevertheless , modified cooling system design can enhance global and local cooling capacity even on the basis of that .

  27. 过渡季节时新风具有冷却能力,此时增大新风量有利于消除房间热源的散热量。

    Increasing the flow rate of fresh air in transition season will help to eliminate heat dissipated from equipments in rooms .

  28. 淬火过程中表面换热系数是反映界面能量传递和介质冷却能力的重要物理参数。

    Surface heat transfer coefficient is an important physical parameter which reflects energy transfer of interface and cooling capability of medium .

  29. 针对轧机产量提高后冷床冷却能力不足的问题,研制开发了棒材轧后穿水冷却技术。

    Pointing to the problem of weak cooling ability of cooling table the passing through water cooling technique of rolled bar is developed .

  30. 本文介绍了银探头的制造和用该探头测定淬火介质冷却能力的方法。

    This paper describes the manufacturing and the evaluating method of the silver probe to determine the cooling power of the quenching liquid .