
pí xià jiē zhònɡ
  • Subcutaneous vaccination;hypodermic inoculation
  1. 方法:肌肉注射DNA疫苗;背部皮下接种P815-HBV-S细胞,观察成瘤情况;

    Methods : The immunization was performed by intramuscular injection of DNA and subcutaneous injection of P815-HBV-S.

  2. 方法裸鼠皮下接种MCF-7乳腺癌细胞建立荷瘤裸鼠模型。

    Methods MCF-7 human breast cancer cells were inoculated subcutaneously in nude mice .

  3. 方法:50只皮下接种MFC胃癌细胞株小鼠动物模型,随机分为5组。

    Methods The mice stomach cancer cell lines MFC were implanted subcutaneously in Kunming mice .

  4. 将家兔分为三组,分别经口服、滴眼或皮下接种活福氏2a志贺氏菌。

    Rabbits were inoculated with Shigella flexneri 2a by oral , conjunctival or subcutaneous routes .

  5. 利用纯化复性后的重组NP蛋白通过腘淋巴结和皮下接种免疫新西兰白兔,制备了多克隆抗体。

    The polyclonal antibody derived from rabbit inoculated with the recombinant NP protein subcutaneouly and in the popliteal lymph node .

  6. 皮下接种S180肿瘤细胞建立荷瘤小鼠模型。

    Tumor-bearing models were established by subcutaneously implanting S180 tumor cells to mice . 4 .

  7. 方法昆明小鼠双侧胸皮下接种S180肉瘤腹水瘤液制成肿瘤模型。

    Methods The cancer model was made by subcutaneous injection of S180 ascites on Kunming mice .

  8. 弓形虫RH株是强毒株,小鼠对其极为敏感。小鼠腹腔或皮下接种感染后,未加治疗,可引起急性的致死性感染。

    Mice is susceptive to it , and usually die after infected with RH strain tachyzoite , by intraperitoneally injecting or subcutaneous injecting .

  9. 目的通过对人低分化胃癌细胞系SGC-7901状态和接种细胞数目的研究,建立良好的皮下接种胃癌的动物模型。

    Objective To establish a satisfactory animal model of gastric cancer by subcutaneous inoculation of tumor cells .

  10. 小鼠皮下接种S180肉瘤后开始灌胃给药,每天一次,连续8天。

    Having been subcutaneously implanted sarcoma S180 , mice were given drugs ig once daily for eight days .

  11. 将MD三价疫苗以25000PFU/只的剂量颈部皮下接种1日龄SPF雏鸡,结果表明,疫苗的接种不影响鸡体重的增加;

    The SPF chickens were inoculated at 1 day old by cervix subcutaneous with 25 000 PFU trivalent vaccine per chicken .

  12. 成年昆明种小鼠,于前肢根部皮下接种H22肝癌瘤细胞使其荷瘤,随机分组。

    The hepatocellular carcinoma ( H 22 ) bearing Kunming mice were divided into groups .

  13. 方法:皮下接种B16黑色素瘤细胞于C57BL/6J小鼠,建立小鼠黑色素瘤模型。

    Methods : B16 melanoma model was established in 60 C57BL / 6J mice by injecting B16 melanoma cells subcutaneously .

  14. 结论SGC-7901细胞接种裸鼠形成腹水后的细胞,更容易建立SGC-7901细胞皮下接种的胃癌动物模型,其中以接种细胞数为1×107的肿瘤生长较好,更适用于胃癌的实验研究。

    Conclusion The animal model of gastric cancer was more easily established by inoculating 10 × 10 ~ 7 ascites cells .

  15. 选取4~6周龄雌性Balb/c裸小鼠皮下接种S180细胞。

    Selecting 4 to 6 week old female Balb / c nude mice and inoculating them with S180 cells in the skin .

  16. 方法:60只C57BL/6小鼠按体重随机分为5组,每组12只,移植皮下接种Lewis细胞。

    Methods : Sixty C57BL / 6 mice were randomized into 5 groups , each group contained 12 mice , and then were inoculated subcutaneously with Lewis cells .

  17. 方法:于小鼠腹股沟区皮下接种肝癌细胞株(H22),分期取材。

    Methods : Liver cancer cells ( H22 ) were inoculated under the inguinal skin of KM mice .

  18. 腹股沟皮下接种该细胞入BALB/c小鼠得到移植瘤模型,两周后切除肿瘤组织并作苏木素-伊红(H&E)染色切片。

    FACS . Those cells were injected into of BALB / c mice to establish tumor animal model . The tumors was removed after 2 weeks and subjected to histological examination ( H & E stain ) .

  19. 采用培养细胞皮下接种法建立裸鼠移植瘤模型,观测FAK干扰对裸鼠移植瘤生长的抑制作用。

    The effects of RNA interference targeting FAK on tumor growth inhibition were detected by using the nude mouse xenograft model . 6 .

  20. 方法体外药效实验,采用MTT法及血管内皮细胞迁移法,体内用Lewis肺癌瘤株皮下接种C57BL/6N小鼠,观察皮下移植瘤生长情况。

    Methods The MTT assay and endothelial cell migration methods were used for the test of drug-effect in vitro and subcutaneous inoculation C57BL / 6N with Lewis carcinoma of lung oncocyte for vivo growth condition .

  21. 检测阿霉素控释剂对10只脑内荷瘤SD大鼠生存期的影响以及不同给药方式(局部或腹腔给药)对30只SD大鼠皮下接种肿瘤生长的抑制作用。

    The median survival time ( MST ) was measured in 10 SD rats bearing intracranial C6 gliomas and the inhibitory effect of regional or intraperitoneal administration of adriamycin on growth of subcutaneous tumors were evaluated in 30 rats .

  22. 人胃腺癌SGC-7901细胞裸鼠异种移植瘤模型的建立和分组:BALB/C裸小鼠分别于背侧靠腋窝皮下接种0.2ml/只(相当于2×10~6个细胞)。

    Establishment and group of human gastric carcinoma SGC-7901 cell line xenografts in nude mouse model : BALB / C mouse were transplanted by ip injection with 2 × 10 ~ 6 SGC-7901 cell respectively .

  23. 方法采用C57BL/6小鼠皮下接种S180细胞后,经口连续7天注入胃内0(对照组)、10、20和40mg/kgTS。

    METHODS TS at 10 , 20 and 40 mg / kg was fed into the stomach successively for 7 days in C57BL / 6 mice which had been subcutaneously implanted with 5180 cells .

  24. 方法:使用对数生长期的人结肠癌细胞(HT-29)于裸鼠皮下接种成瘤后原位种植。

    METHODS : The cell line HT-29 in log phase of human colorectal cancer was implanted subcutaneously in nude mice and subsequently the subcutaneous implanted tumor was orthotopically implanted .

  25. 建立荷瘤小鼠模型,于小鼠右后肢皮下接种5×105个B16黑色素瘤细胞,待肿瘤直径达0.3~0.5cm时开始治疗;

    Mice were inoculated with 5 × 10 ~ 5 of B16 melanoma in right hind legs and the therapy was performed when the diameter of tumor reached at 0.30.5 cm .

  26. 方法:用SP2/0肿瘤细胞皮下接种Balb/c小鼠建立肿瘤动物模型,再以皮下或肌肉注射空质粒或重组质粒4次,共400μg。

    Methods After establishing tumor animal model by subcutaneously inoculating SP2 / 0 into Balb / c mice , the blank or the recombinant plasmid of pc-mGM-CSF was respectively injected into tumor-bearing mice subcutaneously or intramuscularly for 4 times totalling up to 400 ()μ g for each mouse .

  27. 采用光镜、电镜观察形态学变化,双层软琼脂克隆形成实验、MTT细胞生长曲线实验及裸鼠皮下接种实验观察转染后细胞体外生长情况。

    Morphological changes of cells were observed with optic and electron microscopes . In vitro growth of the 7721 IGF R AS cells was observed with soft agar test , MTT test and with nude mice inoculation test in vivo .

  28. 以该质粒转染、经G4筛选并稳定表达HCV-C抗原的小鼠骨髓瘤细胞SPZ/0-HCV-C,皮下接种Balb/。

    SP2 / 0-HCV-C was transfected by the plasmid , selected by G418 and could stable express HCV-C antigen . After injection into epidermis of Balb / c mice , the subcutaneous transplanting tumor of HCV-C was formed .

  29. 方法B16黑素瘤皮下接种C57BL/6小鼠,待肿瘤长至3mm~5mm时荷瘤鼠分为四组。

    Methods C57BL / 6 mice were inoculated subcutaneously with B16 melanoma . When the tumor grew to 3 mm ~ 5 mm in diameter , the tumor bearing mice were divided into 4 groups .

  30. 方法经SCID鼠腹腔内注射人PBL、皮下接种人肝癌细胞,定期检测SCID鼠体内人淋巴细胞及其功能、观察皮下成瘤潜伏期及成瘤率。

    Methods The survival and function of human lymphocytes and latency period and rate of tumor formation in SCID mice were monitored after intra-peritoneal injection of human peripheral blood lymphocytes ( PBL ) and subcutaneous implantation of human HCC cells .