
  • 网络Dermatologist;Chief Resident in Derm-atology
  1. 原书是为临床执业皮肤科医师和培训中的皮肤科医师设计的。

    The text is designed for the practicing dermatologist and dermatologist in training .

  2. 那个有皮肤病的病人正在皮肤科医师的照顾下。

    The patient with the skin disorder is under the care of a dermatologist .

  3. 对银屑病患者心理不适的检测:皮肤科医师和患者对此方面问题认识的低一致性

    Detection of psychological distress in patients with psoriasis : Low consensus be tween dermatologist and patient

  4. 皮肤科医师关于光(化学)疗法和传统疗法治疗银屑病的见解和主张:来自于比利时的调查结果

    Dermatologists'views and opinions about photo ( chemo ) therapy and conventional systemic psoriasis therapies : Results from a Belgian survey

  5. 英国皮肤科医师协会称,医生们在患者耳部或两颊无法解释其原因的皮疹时应当注意,那是过度使用手机而的皮肤过敏。

    Doctors baffled by an unexplained rash on people 's ears or cheeks should be on alert for a skin allergy caused by too much mobile phone use , the British Association of Dermatologists said .

  6. 全面的体格检查对早期合并症症状和体征的监测非常重要,必要时寻找多学科的密切合作,如皮肤科医师、心血管疾病医师以及内分泌科医师等。

    Comprehensive physical examination on early symptoms and signs of complications is important to monitor and , if necessary , look for multidisciplinary work closely , such as a dermatologist , cardiovascular and endocrine disease doctors , and so on .

  7. 皮肤科医生应具备通过皮肤的表现诊断某些系统性的疾病的能力,因为皮肤的表现与系统性疾病密切相关,不仅能够为皮肤科医师,还能为其他临床科室的医师提供系统性疾病的诊断线索。

    Dermatologists are in the unique position to be able to diagnose serious systemic diseases through skin findings ; in addition , cutaneous manifestations can be associated with internal systems and provides the clinicians besides dermatologists with clues that lead to the diagnosis of systemic illness .