
  • 网络Waste residue;rubbish
  1. 应用Vc发酵弃渣防治保护地病害

    Application of Vc fermentation waste residue on prevention and control of plant diseases in protective ground

  2. 铅锌冶炼弃渣有害特征及其浸出行为研究

    Hazardous Characteristics and Leaching Behaviour of Waste Lead and Zinc Slags

  3. 弃渣的综合利用及弃渣场地水土保持方案的研究

    Comprehensive use of spoil and soil conservancy plan for spoil area

  4. 山区高速公路弃渣体物理力学特性试验研究

    Study the Mechanic Character of Spoil Ground in Mountainous Highways

  5. 黄土高原地区工程弃渣防护设计的几点体会

    Design Experience for Construction Spoil Protection in Loess Plateau Area

  6. 水利建设项目中弃渣的合理堆放与防护

    The Defence And Rational Stack of Spoil in The Hydraulic Construction Project

  7. 确保弃渣含铜较低的三菱工艺

    The Mitsubishi process ensures lower copper content in slag

  8. 降低铜阳极泥弃渣含金的工艺研究

    Technological study on dropping gold content in discard sediment

  9. 光照水电站弃渣场的设置与综合治理开发建设项目弃渣场设计及防洪问题

    Issues on the Design of Dumping Sites and Flood Control of Development and Construction Projects

  10. 黄土湿陷地区长输管线施工弃渣对河道行洪的影响研究

    Effect of Waste Slag in Construction of West-East Gas Pipeline on the River Channel Flood

  11. 工程弃渣、弃土导致土壤强度侵蚀,从而产生新的水土流失;

    Thus the new soil erosion appeared .

  12. 平原区铁矿建设项目弃渣处理方案探讨

    Analysis of waste slag treatment scheme in the construction of iron mine of plain area

  13. 土壤前期含水量对弃渣坡面侵蚀特性影响的模拟试验

    Simulation Experiment of Effect of Antecedent Soil Moisture Content on Characteristics of Soil Erosion from Dumping Soil Land

  14. 研究区土壤中的污染物含量随着与弃渣场排污沟距离的增大呈递减的趋势。

    The content of soil pollutants in the studying area is tapering off with lasting dreg field blowdown ditching .

  15. 开发建设项目借土场、弃渣场的分类、选择及防治措施布局

    Classification , Selection and Layout of Soil Pits and Residue Pits and the Control in Development and Construction Project

  16. 弃渣场的设计、位置及渣容量是否能满足施工需要和环保要求。

    Can the design , location and capacity of spoil disposal yard meet the construction demand and environmental protection requirements ?

  17. 隧道施工后临时弃渣的堆放及其运输对邻近交通结构物可能会产生一定的影响。

    After the Tunnel excavation , piling and transportation of the temporary spoil will have some impact on the bridge structure .

  18. 为降低工程造价,充分利用弃渣,各分区的坝料性能存在很大差异。

    In order to reduce the construction cost and make full use of abandon slag , each partition costs differ considerably .

  19. 保水剂在干热河谷水电站弃渣场植被恢复中的应用效果研究【植】猪油果,油渣果,油瓜

    Applied Effect of Water Retaining Agent upon Vegetation Restoration of Abandoned Dreg Site of Hydropower Station in the Dry-Hot Valley Areas

  20. 这种弃渣工艺存在以下几个问题:高温熔渣安全问题难以解决;

    Such abandoned slag techniques has several problems as follows : the security question of slag with high temperature is hard settled ;

  21. 其防护主要是排水处理,并对边坡进行削坡开级,对弃渣场顶面进行覆土造林。

    The protection mainly is drainage and needs building terraces on the slopes and covering soil on the top of spoils for afforestation .

  22. 项目产生的弃渣,垃圾一定会严格按照相关会定和要求进行对方和处理。

    The procedures and standards of compensation due to the project has been always implemented in accordance with state relevant regulations and criteria .

  23. 以巫山移民新城址弃渣回填的锚拉桩技术处理为例,研究了三峡库区移民迁建工程中普遍遇到的一大难题&工程弃渣的合理处置和利用问题。

    The disposal and use of waste rocky material dut to relocation construction a great difficult problem in the the Changjiang Gorges Project .

  24. 龙滩水电站工程通过利用工程弃渣和统一调配使用场地,实现了狭窄坝区的施工总布置。

    It realized rational general layout in narrow area by making use of abandoned excavated materials and overall construction site allocation in Longtan Hydropower Station .

  25. 南方山区建设项目河滩地弃渣场设计探讨针对铁路施工建设过程中取料场、弃渣场的类型,提出水土保持防护措施。

    This paper presents the protective measures of water and soil conservation on the basis of construction material site in the building construction of the railway .

  26. 尤其是水土流失严重区域,需要加强水保措施的使用,例如堆土场、弃渣区等。

    Serious soil and water loss regions should strengthen the use of soil conservation measures , such as pile soil area and spoil ground . 4 .

  27. 河流堤防工程建设具有土方量大、弃渣量多且施工线长、分布分散的特点,若防护不当,产生的水七流失危害严重。

    The embankment project of a river is a construction engineering with characteristics of large earth cutting and discarded soil with wide distribution on long working sites .

  28. 主要经验是要把弃渣处理当作本体工程建设的一项内容看待,有项目、有设计、有投资。

    The major experience is that waste solid treatment should be take into account as content of the project and with relative plan , design and investment .

  29. 工程弃渣随意弃置,不加管理,将对公路沿线景观和环境卫生条件造成不良影响。

    If the construction residuals are disposed at will without management , negative impact would be imposed to the landscape and environmental sanitary conditions along the road .

  30. 大中型水电工程建设通常都有大量的开挖石渣作弃渣处理。

    During the construction of large or medium scale hydroelectric project , lots of excavated spoil will be produced . And it is usually abandoned as wasted slag .