
rè méi
  • heat medium
  1. 水热媒空气预热器与热管式空气预热器的比较

    Comparing heat medium water air preheater with heat pipe air preheater

  2. 道化学法在热媒系统安全评价中的应用

    Application of Dow Chemical 's Method in the Safety Assessment of Heat Medium System

  3. PET装置热媒系统漏水点的排查及消除

    PET plant heat carrier system water leakage points investigation and elimination

  4. 介绍了基于PLC技术的热媒炉控制系统的改造方案。

    Introduces the modification plan of HTM furnace control system based on PLC .

  5. PET生产中热媒长周期稳定运行的操作

    Ensure heat medium long period stable operation in PET production

  6. 采用PLC控制的聚酯生产线热媒炉控制系统的设计

    Adopting PLC control to design the HTM stove control system in polyester production line

  7. 实际运行效果表明,采用PLC实现热媒炉智能控制鲁棒性好,具有较高的动态和静态控制精度。

    The author considers that intelligent controlling of heater with PLC has advantages in high robustness and high dynamic / static controlling accuracy .

  8. OMRONPLC在热媒炉系统上的应用

    Application of OMRON PLC in HTM System

  9. 用PLC实现热媒炉系统的控制是一种可行方案,通过这种方案看几种型号PLC的性能价格比。

    The control project that medium heating furnace system under the control of PLC is possible , then we have making a comparison cost performance between several model of PLC .

  10. 利用热力学的Exergy分析方法表明,在以锅炉为热源的供热系统中,应尽量采用高温热媒。

    Exergy use of thermodynamic analysis shows that as the heat source to the boiler heating system should be adopted in high-temperature heat medium .

  11. 采用复合表面活性剂对PTA装置球阀加热夹套热媒垢成功地进行了化学清洗。

    The complex surface active agents with success applied in chemical cleaning of dowthem scales in heating casing of ball valve in PTA plant was presented .

  12. 热媒&水换热器缓蚀剂IMC-50-S现场试验

    Field Test for IMC-50-S Inhibitor of Heating Medium-Water Heat Exchanger

  13. 4650kW热媒炉存在的问题及解决方法

    Fault Analysis and Trouble Shooting of 4650 kW Heat Medium Heater

  14. 国产2×4650kW热媒间接加热系统的技术经济分析

    Technical-Economic Analysis of Chinese Made 2 × 4650KW Direct Heating System Using a Heating Medium

  15. 4650kW热媒炉自动吹灰和除尘控制系统

    The Design of PLC in Automatic Soot Blowing and Removing System for 4650 kW Heat Medium Heater

  16. C-ENatco热媒炉燃烧控制系统主要由三个子系统组成,即:热媒流量控制子系统、具有热媒出炉温度校正的燃油流量控制子系统和具有氧含量修正的助燃风控制子系统。

    C-E NATCO heat medium heater 's combustion control system is mainly composed of three subsystems , e. g. heat medium flow control subsystem , fuel oil flow control subsystem correcting heat medium out-heater temperature and combustion - supporting wind control subsystem revising oxygen content rate .

  17. 阐述了国产热媒炉低温腐蚀对输油管道运行造成的危害。

    Analysis and countermeasure on low-temperature corrosion of gas-fired heating furnace ;

  18. 热媒循环泵机械密封失效及改进

    Invalidation and improving on the mechanical seal of HTM circulation pump

  19. 改善聚酯装置热媒炉运行状况的几项措施

    Measures of improving running situation of Dowtherm heater in PET plant

  20. 防止热媒炉内衬脱落的探讨

    Discussion on preventing the dropping of liner of heating agent furnace

  21. 港区集中供暖热媒温度的探讨

    Investigation and Discussion on the Concentrated Heating Medium Temperature of Port

  22. 热媒炉喷嘴的损坏原因及其改进措施

    Damage reason and its improvement of burner for heat medium furnace

  23. 聚酯行业热媒炉重油的有效燃烧

    Effective burning of fuel oil in HTM stove in PET production

  24. 导热油对热媒炉炉管腐蚀性的影响

    Study on corrosivity of heat transfer oil for heater pipe

  25. 三甘醇作为热媒的供热方式在天然气净化装置中的应用

    Triethylene glycol regard as heat medium in gas purification plant 's application

  26. 卧式热媒炉内置式空预器的腐蚀及其对策

    Corrosion of horizontal HTM furnace inner air preheating exchanger and its countermeasure

  27. 增设水热媒系统回收焦化加热炉烟气余热

    Install water heating media system to increase heat efficiency of coking heater

  28. 无热媒输入大型储罐的设计温度及材质选择

    Design Temperature and Material Selection for Large Scale Storage without Heat Input

  29. 热媒炉燃烧控制系统电磁阀的维护

    Maintenance of electromagnetic valve in combustion control system of heat medium heater

  30. 水热媒技术在蒸馏装置加热炉上的应用及改进

    Application of Water Heat Carrier Technology in Distillation Unit Furnace