
  • 网络Heat Balance Equation
  1. 从红外辐照热平衡方程求解海面温度

    Solving the sea surface temperature from the infrared radiation heat balance equation

  2. 等离子弧加工热平衡方程的建立

    The Establishment of Heat Balance Equation in Plasma Arc Machining

  3. 主要利用Matlab软件编程来计算非线性热平衡方程组,得出各温度结果并分析。

    Mainly use the Matlab programming software to calculate the nonlinear heat balance equations , the results obtained and analyzed the temperature .

  4. 另一方面,针对不同的退火阶段,分别从热平衡方程进行分析,进而设计了以热平衡方程为核心的前馈模型,结合PID算法有效提高了温度控制的精度。

    The other is a feed-forward model , which is deduced according to heat balance of supply and consumption , combined with PID controller used for corresponding annealing stage .

  5. 根据干燥裸露地表的稳态热平衡方程,考虑到地表的感热交换和天空热辐射的作用,用Monte-Carlo方法分析了风场下地表发射率空间起伏对裸露地表红外辐射统计特性的影响。

    The influence of variation of bare ground terrain emissivity on its infrared radiance statistics under wind conditions is analyzed by Monte-Carlo simulation . The radiance is governed by the heat balance equation in which the sensible heat exchange and sky thermal radiation are under consideration .

  6. 本文根据PMV指标及列车隔热壁热平衡方程,讨论了空调客车车内设定温度与平均辐射温度、外气温度的热舒适关系,从而合理地确定隔热壁得热量;

    Based on the equations of the PMV index and the thermal balance on the envelop of the air conditioning passenger train , the heat gain of the envelop is determined with the relationship of the design indoor temperature , outdoor temperature and the sun light radiate intensity .

  7. 根据人体热平衡方程和Fanger的舒适性假设建立了空调座舱的热舒适性计算模型,并给出了空调座舱热环境的评价方法,从而为热舒适的定量评价奠定了理论基础。

    A thermal comfort calculation model of air conditioned cockpit is founded on the base of human thermal balance equation and thermal comfort hypothesis proposed by P. O. Fanger . Furthermore , the assessment method of thermal comfort is presented .

  8. 通过分析堆肥体系的热力学性质,建立堆体的热平衡方程,得出1m3好氧堆体理论供气量为0.166m3/min。

    According to the analysis of thermodynamic characteristics of the composting system , thermodynamic balance equation was established , and the theoretical air supply flow of 0.166 m ~ 3 / min was obtained for 1 m ~ 3 composter .

  9. 考虑地表热平衡方程的中尺度数值模式

    Mesoscale Numerical Model Considering The Thermal Equilibrium Equation of the Earth Surface

  10. 圆锥形雹块生长方程和热平衡方程的初步研究

    Preliminary research on equations of growth and heat balance of conical hailstone

  11. 气冷引线热平衡方程的求解方法

    Solving process of the heat balance equation for gas cooled current leads

  12. 螺杆出口熔体温度热平衡方程的建立和应用

    The thermal equilibrium equation of melt temperature at the outlet of the screw

  13. 人体着装热平衡方程

    Heat balance equation for the clothing of human body

  14. 通过建立热平衡方程,求出流体混合温度。

    The mixing temperature of the flow is gained from the heat balance equation .

  15. 含潜热能量的地表热平衡方程与统计解

    The heat balance equation of ground surface including latent energy and its statistical solution

  16. 房间热平衡方程应用分析

    Application Analysis of Room Thermal Equilibrium Equations

  17. 流化床-煤粉复合燃烧锅炉炉膛热平衡方程

    Thermal Balance Equation for a Combined Combustion Boiler with Pulverized Coal Firing and Fluidized Bed Firing

  18. 建立了多级组件中间面热平衡方程。

    The thermal balance equation on the intermediate surface for multi stage TE cooling modules was also established .

  19. 高水分燃料的沸腾层烟气热平衡方程

    A Thermal Energy Balance Equation Obtained for the Flue Gases of a Fluidized Bed When High moisture Fuels Were Fired

  20. 前馈模型根据物料燃烧和焦化过程的热平衡方程计算出前馈的偏差量,快速而直接地调整供气量;

    In the forward back model , the equation of combustion and coke process are used to compute the bias .

  21. 提出了含蒸发潜热能量交换项的地表单元能量热平衡方程,并采取了温度线性化的处理。

    The heat balance equation of an element of ground surface including the term of latent heat exchange was presented .

  22. 通过分析箔材轧制过程中温度的产生和热量的交换情况,建立热平衡方程;

    A thermal equilibrium equation is established by analyzing the production of temperature and the transmission of heat in the foil rolling .

  23. 建立了空间目标的热平衡方程,利用节点网络法求解其表面温度场分布;

    The heat balance equation of space target is given and the temperature distribution of space target is got by node network .

  24. 挤出机温控系统设计基于热平衡方程和传热方程的基本原理,包括流道设计和温控装置设计。

    The temperature controlling system of extruder is designed based on the basic principles of the heat equilibrium equation and heat transfer equation .

  25. 本文根据箱体结构合理划分计算单元,根据能量守恒原理建立单元体的热平衡方程,在此基础上计算出箱体的动态负荷。

    Calculating units are divided according to structure of a freezer body and heat balance equations of the units are built based on conservation of energy .

  26. 采用4阶龙格库塔法对热平衡方程组进行求解,得出目标表面任意时刻的温度场分布。

    The Runge Kutta method is used to solve the heat balance equations , and the temperature distribution of projectile surface at each time is obtained .

  27. 基于热平衡方程,提出了加热器散热损失对机组热经济性影响的计算模型。

    Based on the thermal balance equations , a calculation model of the influence of heater 's heat loss on heat economy of unit is derived .

  28. 为了更准确地预报煤层自然发火期,根据煤与氧反应的热平衡方程导出了煤最短自然发火期预测模型,并建立了一套实验方法。

    In addition , the time series prediction model based on BP neural network was also set up by using of forecasting indexes of goaf spontaneous ignition .

  29. 详细地说明了在不同情况下辅助系统的处理方法,通过矩阵运算推导了矩阵热平衡方程的两种变形形式。

    The management method about auxiliary system in different condition is explained in detail . The two deformed matrix thermal balance equations are proved in this essay .

  30. 通过建立和求解空间目标热平衡方程,计算了空间目标的平衡温度,讨论了空间目标的光辐射特性。

    The thermal balance equation of spatial object is established and solved . The light radiation characteristic is obtained by calculating the thermal equilibrium temperature of spatial object .