- 名thermal infrared

As to optical remote sensing , by means of visual spectrum remote sensing and thermal infrared remote sensing , the soil moisture information can be got with help of optical sensors , which are run at the present time .
Research of Onboard Calibration and Cross-calibration for Thermal Infrared Channel of HJ-1B
The simulated experimental studies on cause of thermal infrared precursor of earthquakes
Recognition of rock types using band ratio and thermal infrared band of Landsat TM images
Overland Rainfall Estimates in Midlatitude by Using MODIS Infrared Channel
De-striping for MODIS Infrared Band Data via Wavelet Shrinkage
A Study of Thermal Field in Summer of Guangzhou by MODIS Thermal Infrared Data
Artificial Neural Network Method Used for Weather and AVHRR Thermal Data Classification
Using DTM to Improve the Accuracy of Detecting Coal Fires with Thermal Infrared Images
How to effectively use the TM thermal infrared ( TIR ) remotely sensed image is concerned with remote sensing application faculties and researchers .
First of all the capability of applying TM thermal infrared image and relative ratio processing to monitoring soil and water loss was discussed in this paper .
Absolute Radiometric Calibration and the Uncertainty Analysis of CBERS-02 TIR Band
This paper describes the principle and the calibration method of interpretation on heat condition using the thermal IR data from the Landsat TM sensor .
MODIS ( Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer ) acquires data in thirty-six high spectral resolution bands distributed across the visible to thermal infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum .
Though MODIS data contain 8 thermal bands for earth observation , bands 31 and 32 are especially suitable for land surface temperature retrieval required by agricultural drought monitoring .
In-Flight Radiometric Calibration for Thermal Channels of FY-1C Meteorological Satellite Sensors Using Qinghai Lake , Water Surface Radiometric Calibration Site
Firstly , seven bands , including band 20 , 22 , 23 , 29 , 31 , 32 and band 33 are selected from sixteen bands of MODIS thermal infrared bands by atmospheric windows to retrieve surface temperature .
And then using the image by ASTER the five thermal wave bands to retrieval the brightness temperature images , using the band 13 brightness temperature image to nearly express the surface temperature image .
ASTER sensor provides 14 bands of spectral information including visible and near infrared ( VNIR ) , short wave infrared ( SWIR ) and thermal infrared ( TIR ) .
In this study , a recent crane based thermal camera system developed by INRA-Avignon of France is presented , and then four measuring methods for hemispherical directional brightness temperature ( DBT ) observations are introduced .
ASTER is an EOS instrument in Terra satellite which owes 15 bands . Five of them are TIR bands , which can be used to retrieve land surface temperature ( especially for band 13 and 14 ) .
Although the effect of correlation between NDVI and brightness temperature from the thermal infrared band of TM imagery was unobvious relatively on urban scale , on built-up area scale which affected intensively by human activity , it showed a significant negative correlation .
In inducing the hot infrared remote sensing and the atmosphere to the city hot infrared remote sensing influence physical mechanism foundation in , we revised and has established one kind based on Landsat TM / ETM + remote sensing data surface temperature inversion simplification model .
The information of ground thermal field and soil vertical zonality which differ with elevation is extracted by using the TM6 thermal infrared image to make the pseudo-color-equidensity slicing ;
This paper reviews the research of the hot infrared remote sensing , explains the principle of the retrieving of land surface temperature , compares two main methods of the retrieving of the land surface temperature , and contrasts the three different temperatures based on the Landsat TM data especially .
Compared with thermal infrared data set from Landsat / ETM + , NOAA / AVHRR and MODIS , thermal infrared data set from ASTER are much better in both spatial and spectral resolution , which has made ASTER advantages to retrieve component temperature on land surface .
The mechanism of SDD model for estimating crop yield is discussed on the basis of thermal infrared information , and the function relation between dry material accumulation of crop and thermal infrared information is analysed . That the model has a fair theory basis is proved .
The atmospheric correction result is validated by using synchronous experiment data , and the precision of brightness temperature is less than 1.2 K , which is acceptable when the atmosphere profiles is not available .
Based on the equation of the balance of energy , using remote sensing data including VIS / NIR / TIR and a few of weather data , the SEBAL model can calculate the daily regional evapotranspiration .
Vegetation canopy temperature is inversed using two thermal infrared bands ( 8.6 μ m , 11 μ m ) . Then the vegetation-temperature-water synthesis index ( VTWSI ) is acquired by analyzing the coupling character of three indexes , which can reflect the water condition of vegetation .