
  • 网络Roaster;baking furnace;roasting oven;roasting furnace
  1. 介绍了国产DCS控制系统在山东铝业公司氧化铝厂1920t/d氧化铝循环焙烧炉国产化项目中的应用。

    The application of distributed control system in project of Localization of 1920t / d cyclic roaster of aluminum oxide in the Aluminum Plant of Shandong Aluminum Corporation is presented .

  2. TDC3000控制系统在氧化铝悬浮焙烧炉中的应用

    Application of TDC 3000 Control System in Suspension Roaster for Aluminium Oxide

  3. 预焙阳极焙烧炉控制中模糊PID复合控制的应用

    Application of Fuzzy-PID Technique in Controlling of the Anode Pre-baking Furnace

  4. 阳极焙烧炉重油温度智能变参数PID控制系统

    Intelligent variable parameter PID temperature control system of heavy oil for anode baking furnace

  5. BP网络预测技术在预焙阳极焙烧炉控制中的应用研究

    Research & Application of BP Network Predictive Technique in Controlling of the Anode Baking Furnace

  6. 基于PLC和PROFIBUS的阳极焙烧炉监控系统

    Computer Monitoring Control System for Anode Baking Furnace with PLC and PROFIBUS

  7. 焙烧炉电收尘物料中Al(OH)3及α-Al2O3含量的分析

    Determination of al ( oh ) _3 and α - al_2o_3 content in the ESP material of calciner

  8. 炭素焙烧炉用Al2O3-SiO2系预制件的研制

    Development of Al_2O_3-SiO_2 system precast blocks for carbon baking furnace

  9. 在此基础上,本文利用MATLAB中的系统辨识工具对焙烧炉系统进行辨识,得到了系统的离散传递函数。

    Based on this , the system identification tools in the MATLAB are used to identify the baking system , and a discrete transfer function of the system is acquired .

  10. 利用自适应免疫遗传算法全局搜索获取最优的可变PID参数的方法,解决了阳极焙烧炉重油温度的精确控制问题。

    Precise control of heavy oil temperature for anode baking furnace was realized by use of variable parameter PID controller . In this control system , adaptive immune genetic algorithm was used to get the optimal PID parameters through global search .

  11. 通过对仿真结果的分析比对,得出采用模糊自整定PID控制的方法更能够满足稻壳焙烧炉的技术要求,是一个能达到满意控制效果的设计方案。

    Comparing to the simulation result , we obtain the result that use the fuzzy self regulating to decide the PID control is able to satisfy the specification of the rice husk calciner , and can also satisfy the design proposal .

  12. RH-2000S微机综合自动化在悬态焙烧炉系统的应用

    The Application of RH-2000S Microcomputer Comprehensive Automation in Suspension Roster System

  13. 氧化铝焙烧炉控制系统中SOPL程序的消化及开发

    Digestion and Development of SOPL Program in the Control System for Alumina Calciners

  14. 通钢120t转炉烟气净化与回收阳极焙烧炉烟气净化系统着火原因及对策

    Flue Gas Purification and Recovery of 120t Converter in Tonghua Iron and Steel Group Co. , Ltd. Fire Reason and Countermeasure of Flue gas Purification System of Anode Baking Furnace

  15. 本文以33M硫酸焙烧炉基础砼施工为例介绍了大体积设备基础裂缝控制方法。

    The paper introduces the control method of base crack for mass device taking the base concrete construction of 50T / H sulfuric acid calcination for example .

  16. 本文着重介绍了攀钢攀宏公司V2O3车间多层焙烧炉的安装设计。

    This thesis introduces the design of multi layer roasting furnace at V 2O 3 workshop of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Corporation .

  17. 探讨了热管技术在硫酸工业中沸腾焙烧炉、矿渣废热回收、SO3冷却器、固定床转化器、沸腾床转化器、转化系统开工预热器六个方面的应用。

    He possibilities of appling heat pipe technique to sulphuric acid plants for fluidized bed roaster , cinder cooler , SO 3 cooler , fixed bed convertor , fluidized bed convertor and start up preheater are discussed .

  18. 主要介绍了RH-2000S微机综合自动化在悬态焙烧炉高压系统中的成功应用,通过分析微机保护装置的优点以及传统继电保护的缺点,提出了供电系统继电保护的发展方向。

    This paper introduces the successful application of RH-2000S microcomputer comprehensive automation in suspension roster system and , through analyzing the merits of computerized protective facilities and the demerits of traditional relaying protection , puts forward the developing trends of relaying protection in energy supply system .

  19. 阳极焙烧炉的燃烧计算与分析

    Numerical Simulation and Analysis on the Combustion of Anode Baking Furnace

  20. 改进焙烧炉烘炉工艺降低燃料消耗

    Improving oven drying technology of the roaster and lower fuel consumption

  21. 电捕法净化焙烧炉沥青烟气

    Purifying Asphalt Gas of Baking Furnace with Electrostatic Tar Collecting Method

  22. 以我厂一号焙烧炉举例说明。

    We give one example of NO.1 calciner in our plant .

  23. 氧化铝闪速焙烧炉用轻质喷涂料的研制

    Development of light-weight gunning mix for flash-calcining furnace for producing alumina

  24. 焙烧炉炉筒开裂原因分析

    Analysis for the crack causes in the shell of tube furnace

  25. 气体悬浮焙烧炉的应用和改进

    Application of Gas Suspension Calciner ( GSC ) and its Improvement

  26. 敞开式阳极焙烧炉的烟气(三)

    Fume from open type anode baking furnace ( Part C )

  27. 并提出了自行设计新型气体悬浮焙烧炉的方案。

    New gas suspension calciner plan of domestic design is proposed .

  28. 本实用新型涉及一种锌精矿沸腾焙烧炉。

    The utility model relates to a zinc concentrate fluidized roaster .

  29. 引进气体悬浮焙烧炉返灰系统的改造及应用

    Improvement and Application of Ash - returning System in Gas Suspension Calciner

  30. 改造闪速焙烧炉用鼓风机的实践与设想

    Practice And Assumption of Reforming Blower for Fluid Flash Calciner