
  1. EPDM胶料的性能研究Ⅱ.白炭黑补强EPDM胶料

    Study on Properties of EPDM Compound ⅱ Silica reinforced EPDM Compound

  2. 白炭黑补强热塑性聚烯烃(POE)的性能研究

    Study on Properties of Thermoplastic Polyolefin ( POE ) reinforced with Silica

  3. 用硅烷偶联剂VTPS处理的白炭黑补强POE的效果不明显;

    The effect of POE reinforced with silica treated by coupling agent VTPS was not satisfactory .

  4. 研究了白炭黑补强溴化丁基橡胶(BIIR)的性能及特点。

    The properties of brominated isobutylene-isoprene rubber ( BIIR ) reinforced with silica were studied .

  5. 试验研究白炭黑补强乳聚丁苯橡胶(ESBR)混炼胶中的网络结构及网络结构对胶料门尼粘度和动态粘弹性的影响。

    The network structure of silica-filled ESBR compound and its effect on Mooney viscosity and dynamic visco-elasticity were experimentally investigated .

  6. 即使是经KH-570杂化的复合粒子,当取代量小于10%时,其硅橡胶的性能也优于全部用气相法白炭黑补强的硅橡胶。

    When less than 10 % of the silica particles were substituted with KH-570 hybridized compound particle , the performances of silicone rubber were better than the silicone rubber modified by the fumed silica .

  7. 配方设计方面包括胎冠胶采用炭黑/白炭黑补强体系,Si69、硫黄及次磺酰胺类促进剂的用量比为1/1/1,胎肩胶中NR用量由80份增大为90份等;

    Use black / silica reinforcing system and Si69 / sulfur / sulferamide ( 1 / 1 / 1 ) curing system in tread compound and increase the NR proportion from 80 phr to 90 phr in shoulder compound for formulation ;

  8. 加工方式对沉淀法白炭黑补强硅弹性体的影响

    The effect of processing method on silicone elastomer reinforced by precipitated silica

  9. 白炭黑补强溴化丁基橡胶的性能及特点

    The Properties of Brominated Isobutylene-isoprene Rubber Reinforced with Silica

  10. 炭黑/白炭黑补强硫化胶的疲劳过程及使用寿命预测

    Fatigue rupture process and fatigue life prediction of vulcanizates filled with carbon black and silica

  11. 气相白炭黑补强的共混胶的力学性能、耐热老化性能、耐油性能和低温性能优于沉淀白炭黑、硅酸钙、硅藻土和氟化钙。

    The mechanical properties , heat ageing properties and low temperature resistance of FKM / MVQ blends reinforced with fumed silica are better than those of the blends with other fillers such as precipitated silica , calcium silicate , diatomite and CaF2 .

  12. 在相同白炭黑用量补强时,POE除硬度略大于EPDM、耐磨性略差外,POE其余各项物理性能均高于EPDM。

    Every physical capability of POE excelled EPDM except rigidity and wearable quality when carbon-white was same in quantity .

  13. 以沉淀法白炭黑作补强填料的硅橡胶混炼胶制备工艺及性能

    The Preparation Technology and Property of Silicone Rubber Compound Reinforced by Precipitated Silica

  14. 但是,无机非金属矿物填料的密度均高于炭黑、白炭黑等补强材料的密度,这严重制约着无机矿物材料在橡胶中的使用。

    But , the densities of the inorganic minerals are higher than reinforce materials-carbon black , which heavy restricts the use of inorganic mineral materials in the rubber .

  15. 以乙烯基硅油为基胶,含氢硅油为交联剂,白炭黑为补强填料,加入自制的耐漏电起痕添加剂,制成加成型冷缩电缆附件用液体注射硅橡胶。

    Then the LSR for shrinkable cable accessories was prepared by vinyl silicone oil as gum , hydrogen-containing silicone oil as crosslinking agent , fumed silica as reinforcing filler , and self-made electric leakage resistant additives .

  16. 通常采用白炭黑作为补强填料,为了降低成本,人们寻找其他廉价易得的填料来代替,然而大都只能作为增量剂而无补强特性。

    Commonly used silica as a reinforcing filler , in order to reduce costs , people look for other cheap and easy to get a filler to replace , but mostly only as extender without reinforcement properties .

  17. 在轮胎工业中,大量白炭黑用于补强胎面,收到了显著的节能和高抗湿滑效果,但带来的另一问题是易积蓄静电。

    Besides , SiO2 is widely used in the tire tread compound for reinforcing function and the significant energy-saving effect and high wet-skid resistance are obtained . However , another problem comes , that is , it is easy to accumulate static .

  18. 纳米碳酸钙可部分或大部分替代炭黑和白炭黑作补强填料,具有填充量大,补强、增白效果好等特点,适宜在浅色橡胶制品中应用。

    Nano calcium carbonate could be used as reinforcing filler partly instead of carbon black or silica , and it featured higher loading level , better reinforcing and whitening effects , and was suitable to be used in the light color rubber products .

  19. Si69/白炭黑/炭黑补强体系对SIBR胎面胶性能的影响

    Influence of Si69 / silica / carbon black system on properties of SIBR tread

  20. 绢云母深加工产品有改性粉、超细粉、超细改性粉等,可部分或全部替代白炭黑作橡胶补强剂,降低成本。

    The further processing sericite products include modified powder , ultrafine powder and ultrafine modified powder etc. , they can replace complete or partial white carbon as rubbers reinforced agent with the lower cost .

  21. 试验通过ζ电位、FT-IR、SEM、TG-DSC等表征手段分析了高岭土、白炭黑改性及补强橡胶的机理。

    Zeta potential , FT-IR , SEM and TG-DSC were used to analyse the mechanism of reinforcing rubber by kaolin and precipitated silica .

  22. 白炭黑/偶联剂补强橡胶的性能研究

    Study on properties of silica / coupling agent-reinforced NR compound

  23. 结果表明,白炭黑对POE具有较好补强性能,不同牌号白炭黑的补强效果有一定的差异;

    The results showed that the properties of POE reinforced with silica was better , and different silica had different reinforcing effect .