
  • Snow White;Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs;Little Snow-White
  1. 海报宣传她会扮演《白雪公主》中的“红王后”。

    She was billed to play the Red Queen in Snow White .

  2. 1937年迪斯尼推出的经典之作《白雪公主和七个小矮人》魅力不减当年。

    ' Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ' , the 1937 Disney classic , has lost none of its original charm

  3. 另一项是以白雪公主和七个小矮人为主题进行工资法培训。

    Another training , this one for pay roll law , used a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs theme .

  4. “白雪公主”不涉及版权问题可以拿来使用,但“小矮人”却受版权保护,因此科尔内蒂特创造了相似的人物(坏脾气的格斯,迷糊鬼丹)来解释这一特别的工资法。

    " Snow White " is available for everyone to use , but the " dwarfs " are still under copyright , so Cometti invented sound-alike characters ( Grumpy Gus , Dopey Dan ) to illustrate specific pay roll law principles .

  5. 你知道我非常喜欢迪斯尼的著名卡通人物,例如白雪公主和米老鼠。

    You know I love the famous cartoon characters of Disney such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse very much .

  6. 白雪公主:别吃陌生人给的食物。(小学生守则第“n”条)

    Snow White : Don 't accept food from strangers .

  7. 白雪公主(II)(英文)

    Snow - white ( II )

  8. 针对近期一位身穿白雪公主(SnowWhite)服饰的女性现身万达购物中心的情况,迪士尼表示将采取法律行动。

    Disney said it would take legal action after a woman in a Snow White costume was spotted in the Wanda mall recently .

  9. USWeekly得到独家消息,这位《白雪公主与猎人》的女主拜访了斯威夫特位于比利佛山庄的家。

    A source confirms exclusively to Us Weekly that the Snow White and the Huntsman actress was on her way to visit Swift 's Beverly Hills home .

  10. 还记得《白雪公主》里的小矮人Bashful吗?

    Remember Bashful , the dwarf from Snow White ?

  11. KC营养液最适合白雪公主的生长,各项生长指标都达到最佳。

    The best effect on promoting White Rajah growth and development was KC nutrition with the optimum indexes .

  12. 斯图尔特还将出演《白雪公主与猎人2》(SnowWhiteandtheHuntsman2),但续集的导演将不再是鲁伯特·桑德斯(rupertsanders)。

    Meanwhile , Kristen will also be working on " Snow White and the Huntsman 2 , " though this time it will not be directed by former flame Rupert Sanders .

  13. 在米歇尔o潘大获成功的YouTube频道中,她展现了化妆的力量,让自己化身为白雪公主、茉莉公主、花木兰等形象。

    On her wildly successful YouTube channel , Michelle Phan has harnessed the power of makeup to transform herself into Snow White , Princess Jasmine , Mulan and more .

  14. 英国帅小伙SamClaflin确定将搭档克里斯汀·斯图尔特,一同出演新片《白雪公主与猎人》。

    Handsome British actor Sam Claflin is set to star opposite Kristen Stewart in the upcoming film Snow White and the Huntsman .

  15. 在克里斯汀·斯图尔特与《白雪公主与猎人》(SnowWhiteandtheHuntsman)的导演鲁伯特·山德斯(RupertSanders)闹出“偷腥门”短暂分手后,目前两人已经重归于好,近日这对小情人还被拍到在斯图尔特家门口接吻的照片。

    Pattinson and Stewart are believed to have reconciled following Stewart 's affair with director Rupert Saunders , with the young stars having been papped kissing outside the 22-year-old actress 's new Hollywood home .

  16. 之前一个周末的票房冠军《白雪公主与猎人》(SnowWhiteandtheHuntsman)滑落到了第三位,在刚刚过去的周末获得了2300万美元的票房收入,全球票房累计收入达1.82亿美元。

    Last weekend 's No. 1 film , " Snow White and the Huntsman , " fell to third place , earning $ 23 million over the weekend , and bringing its cumulative world-wide grosses to $ 182 million .

  17. 肖娜来自英国的埃塞克斯,是一位化妆师,也是视频分享网站YouTube上的红人。她耗时一个半小时将自己打扮成灰姑娘、白雪公主等经典公主形象,但在其中都添加了个恐怖元素。

    Makeup artist and YouTube star Shonagh Scott from Essex spent 90 minutes transforming herself into the classic princesses - such as Cinderella and Snow White - but with a macabre twist 。

  18. 虽然迪士尼让米老鼠Cutie化,但仍然坚持香港迪士尼乐园中灰姑娘和白雪公主角色必须由西方女性扮演。

    Disney tweaked Mickey into'Cutie'form but still insists that only Western women can play Cinderella and Snow White at Tokyo and Hong Kong Disneylands .

  19. 假《白雪公主》(SnowWhite)娃娃或假《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)背包的生产者和商贩已接到中国国家工商行政管理总局的通知,工商总局承诺将用一年的时间,“在全国开展保护迪士尼注册商标专用权专项行动。”

    Producers and peddlers of fake Snow White dolls or " Frozen " backpacks were put on notice by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce , which pledged in a statement to carry out a special one-year " crackdown on infringement of Disney 's registered trademarks . "

  20. 今年秋季,迪士尼的白雪公主出现在红·华伦天奴(REDValentino)的连衣裙上(右),也出现在爱丽丝+奥利维亚(AliceandOlivia)的秀台上,一位模特扮演水晶棺中面色苍白的美人(左)。

    For fall , Disney 's Snow White appeared on dresses at REDValentino ( right ) and at Alice and Olivia , where a model played the pale beauty in a crystal casket ( left ) .

  21. 白雪公主可不再洁白,你听说了她和…Georgina什么风把你吹回纽约的?

    Eric : Uh , snow not so white . Did you hear that she and ... - Serena : Eric . Eric - Lily : So , Georgina , what brings you back to New York ?

  22. 参赛的斗牛犬们有的打扮得像公主、有的像摇滚明星、有的像拉拉队队长、大黄蜂,有的甚至打扮成了白雪公主和Mr.T。而与其它参赛选手不同的是,巴迪几乎“未施粉黛”。

    Buddy competed unadorned , unlike many of his rivals . They dressed up as fairy princesses , rock stars , cheerleaders , bumblebees and even Snow White and Mr. T.

  23. 邓加(Dunga),以队长身份率领巴西夺得1994年世界杯冠军。而Dunga在葡萄牙语中意为Dopey,Dopey是迪士尼动画片白雪公主与七个小矮人中的迷糊鬼,邓加小时候很瘦小,因而有了这个绰号。

    Dunga , captain of Brazil 's 1994 World Cup title team , got his nickname from the Brazilian name for Dopey , from Disney 's " Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs " film - because of his short stature as a kid .

  24. 白雪公主:求求你,猎人,放了我吧。

    Snow White : Please , huntsman , let me go .

  25. 出现的不是白雪公主,而是一个邪恶的巫婆。

    Instead of Snow White , an evil witch showed up .

  26. 《白雪公主》是唐纳德·巴塞尔姆的代表作。

    Postmodernist novel Snow White is Donald Barthelme s representative work .

  27. 瑞金娜亲爱的这是白雪公主的父亲

    Regina , honey , this is Snow White 's father .

  28. 利用他解决白雪公主

    By using him to bring an end to Snow White .

  29. 从小矮人中喷嚏精的角度重述《白雪公主》。

    Snow White retold from the point of view of Sneezy .

  30. 只有白雪公主的痛苦才能给予我安慰

    The only comfort for me is Snow White 's suffering .