
  • 网络Coal to olefins;cto;Mto;MTP
  1. 亚化咨询认为,除了在煤炭产地开发大规模的煤制烯烃项目之外,也可考虑在华东和华南地区的化工园区投资建设中等规模的甲醇制烯烃项目。

    Besides those mega CTO projects developed at coal producing regions , ASIACHEM suggests building medium size MTO projects in chemical industry parks located in east and south China provinces .

  2. 煤制烯烃&乙烯工业发展的新途径

    Coal to olefin & a new process for the ethylene industry

  3. 煤制烯烃项目空分装置技术特点分析

    Analysis on Characteristics of Air Separation Plant of Coal-to-olefin Project

  4. 这一新兴产业有望成为石油化工的重要补充,建议国家对煤制烯烃工艺的产业化发展予以重视和支持。

    This new developing industry is hopefully to become an important supplement for the petrochemical industry , the government shall pay attention and support to the commercialization of the coal to olefin process .

  5. 煤制烯烃项目水耗高、综合利用和环境治理要求严,项目投资必须慎重考虑水资源优化配置。

    Coal to olefin project has high consumption on water , required high level comprehensive utilization and environmental improvement . So project investment must be paied high attention to optimizing the allocation of water resources .

  6. 从原料需求、公用工程及配套条件、投资、技术、成本、环境保护等方面对煤制烯烃产业的发展进行论述,并探讨了其发展前景。

    The development of coal to olefin ( CTO ) industry from the aspects of raw materials demand , utility and infrastructure , investment , technology , cost , environmental protecion is analyzed , and the prospect is also discussed in this paper .

  7. 煤基甲醇制烯烃(MTO)工艺生产低碳烯烃的工程技术及投资分析

    Technology and Investment Analysis on Low Carbon Olefin Based on MTO Process from Coal-to Methanol

  8. 某煤制甲醇及转化烯烃项目职业病危害因素的识别分析

    Identification Analysis of Occupational Hazards in A Project of Coal Methanol and Olefin Conversion