
  • 网络Gas combustion;Gas-fired
  1. V2O5车间炉窑煤气燃烧爆炸危险性评价

    Risk Evaluation for Gas Burn Bang of the Stove and Kiln in V_2O_5 Workshop

  2. 用毒性指数(TI)表示肺损伤程度,煤饼(蜂窝煤)、液化石油气及煤气燃烧颗粒物的TI分别为8.09、6.59和3.82。

    Pulmonary injury was expressed by toxicity index ( TI ) . The TI was 8.09, 6.59 and 3.82 for particulates from coal cakes , gas and liquefied petroleum gas combustion .

  3. 焦化企业煤气燃烧爆炸事故预防途径

    Preventive Way on Burning Explosion Accident of Gas in Coking Enterprise

  4. 低热值煤气燃烧技术的应用与分析

    The application and analysis of combustion technology of low heat value gas

  5. 抛煤机锅炉掺烧高炉煤气燃烧技术

    Blast Furnace Gas Admixing Technique for Spreader - Stoker - Coal Fired Boilers

  6. 煤气燃烧的检测及最佳混合比的控制系统

    The Test of Gas Combustion and the Optimal Control System for Fuel-air Ratio

  7. 焦炉煤气燃烧系统的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Coke Oven Gas Burner

  8. 厨房煤气燃烧对室内空气中氮氧化物浓度的影响

    The Influence of Gas Combustion in Kitchen on Concentration of Nitrogen Oxides in Indoor Air

  9. 低热值煤气燃烧技术探讨

    Technique for combustion of low-heat value gas

  10. 煤气燃烧离焰现象的分析

    Analysis of Flame-out Phenomenon during Gas Burning

  11. 煤气燃烧反应的火焰温度

    Flame temperature of gas combustion reaction

  12. 近年来,作为能源高校转换方式的焦炉煤气燃烧发电得到广泛关注。

    Theses years , electric power generation by burning coking gas gets wide concern for the way of energy conversion .

  13. 煤气燃烧时机械水气化耗热要降低理论燃烧温度,其影响不可忽略。

    Gasifying the liquid water cannot be neglected because it is heat consuming , thus decreasing the theoretical combustion temperature .

  14. 自动煤气燃烧的水加热器具除湿功能的空气源热泵热水器动态性能试验研究

    Automatic gas fired water heater Experimental Study on the Transient Thermal Performance of A Heat Pump Water Heater with Dehumidify Function

  15. 分析了水煤气燃烧的特点,探讨了燃烧器的类型以及主要参数的设计方法。

    The characteristic of water gas combustion was analyzed . The design method of burner category and main parameters was Discussed .

  16. 首先,建立了低热值煤气燃烧过程实验台,设计开发了燃料系统、送风系统、燃烧系统、数据采集系统、后处理系统。

    The test-bed is made up by fuel system , air supply system , burning system , the system for data collecting and the system for the after-processing .

  17. 热平衡测试表明,新热风炉具有热能利用指标好、煤气燃烧完全等优点。

    The heat balance measurement on these hot stoves indicated that they had such advantages as good heat energy utilization , enough combustion of gas and so on .

  18. 低热值煤气燃烧稳定性的试验研究喷嘴特性对燃烧室内烟粒浓度和火焰辐射的影响

    Experimental study of flame extinction characteristics for a gas turbine combustor burning low BTU gas investigation of atomizers effect on soot concentration and flame radiation in a small model gas turbine combustor

  19. 同时,对低热值煤气燃烧过程的数值模拟结果与实验研究结果进行对比研究,验证了数值模拟结果的准确性。

    At the same time , the exactness of numerical simulation through the comparison between the numerical simulation results and the research results in the burning process of low calorific value gas was tested .

  20. 在生产现场的低压热脏煤气燃烧实验中,考察了燃烧器的预混性能,并同轻柴油的燃烧情况进行比较。

    The air and gas premixing ability was tested with the burny experimentation about low-pressure hot gas in the production field , and finally , which was compared with the combustion using diesel oil .

  21. 在高胆岩石(坚硬岩石或含低矿化度孔隙流体的岩石)中,高频电磁方法已经提供了煤层中煤气燃烧前缘和裂缝的高分辨率层析图象。

    In high resistivity rocks ( hard rocks or rocks with low salinity pore fluid ) applications of high frequency electromagnetic method ( HFEM ) have provided high resolution tomographic images of gas fire-fronts and fractures in coal seam .

  22. 以组合风幕送风方式将室外新风直接送到炉灶周围和厨师呼吸区污染物浓度超标部位,高效率地满足煤气燃烧需氧量要求、快速稀释超标部位污染物浓度;

    Among some improvement , outside fresh air sends directly to those spots around cooking range and chef breathing section where pollutant concentration is beyond standard can meet oxygen requirement for gas combustion efficiently and dilute pollutant concentration there quickly ;

  23. 本文介绍大型高炉热风炉送风和燃烧系统用,通径为1700mm的冷风阀、煤气燃烧阀、煤气切断阀和助燃空气燃烧阀四种新型阀门的性能、结构特点和制造关键技术。

    The paper deals with performance , structural characteristic , technological problems of cold-air valve , gas combustion valve , gas cutting-off valve and air combustion aid valve which are used for air-feeding and combustion system of large blast furnace .

  24. 为了预防煤气燃烧爆炸事故的发生,通过事故树定性分析方法,探讨了煤气燃烧爆炸事故的预防途径,为焦化企业安全管理、安全评价以及事故分析从理论上提供依据。

    For preventing occurrence of burning explosion accident of gas , through analysis method of qualitative accident tree discusses preventive way on burning explosion accident of gas , offers theoretical basis for safe management , safe evaluation and accident analysis in coking enterprise .

  25. 通过采用高炉煤气燃烧发电技术,实现该区域内的污染物减排,达到国家环保标准的要求,进而产生环保效益。

    The aim of the article is to provide theory with practice data for generation technology by blast furnace gas combustion and for energy conservation and emission reduction to meet the regulation of the national standard on environmental protection and for further environmental benefit .

  26. 蓄热式热风炉作为现代高炉炼铁重要的配套设备,其性能主要由高炉煤气燃烧以及烟气(或空气)与蓄热体之间的换热两个重要过程的效率所决定。

    The regenerative reheating furnace is a important assistant equipment of the modern blast furnace smelting , its performance lie on two aspect , one is the combustion efficiency of the gas , another is heat exchange efficiency between the gas and the checker .

  27. 通过分析天然气和城市煤气的燃烧计算结果,并用AGA法判断了它们的互换性,发现它们不能互换。

    Through analysis of calculation results of combustion of natural gas and city gas and AGA methods , it is found that these two gases can not be exchanged .

  28. 燃煤气锅炉燃烧调节机理与方法探讨

    Discussion on Combustion Control Mechanism and Method of Gas Fired Boiler

  29. 高炉煤气独立燃烧节能技术的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Energy-saving Technique of B.F.GAS ′ Independent Burning

  30. 低压、粗焦炉煤气自动燃烧机在锅炉上应用

    The Application of one Automatic Burner for Low Pressure Coke Oven Gas