
méi gān liú
  • Coal carbonization;dry distillation of coal
煤干馏[méi gān liú]
  1. 移动床粉煤干馏炉一维数学模型的建立

    The Establishment of One-dimensional Mathematical Model for Moving-bed Fine Coal Distillation Furnace

  2. 煤干馏后剩下的固体残渣焦炭,而煤焦油和沥青则作为馏出物收集起来,煤气则收集于储气器中

    " After destructive distillation , coal leaves a solid residue , coke , while , coal-tar and pitch are collected as a distillate , and coal-gas is collected in gasometer "

  3. 炉前煤低温干馏工艺中的挥发分除尘

    Hot dust removal in the process of low temperature coal pyrolysis

  4. 神府煤新法干馏焦油的性质及组成的研究

    Study of structure and components of tar from Shenfu coal

  5. 神府煤新法干馏焦油的加氢处理

    Hydrogenation of Shenfu coal tar by a new devolatilization

  6. 一种深色油状液体,由煤焦油干馏制成,用作木材防腐剂。

    A dark oily liquid obtained by distillation of coal tar ; used as a preservative for wood .

  7. 从能源利用、环境保护和资源开发并重并举的观点出发,提出了将煤先干馏后无烟燃烧的燃煤新方式&分离燃烧,并分析了其技术可行性。

    Equal stress is laid on energy using , environmental protection and resource exploitation and a new burning way of coal is put forward : seperate burning-distillation first and smokeless combustion later .

  8. 胜利和加利福尼亚直馏柴油馏分的烃族组成和含氮化合物的研究一种深色油状液体,由煤焦油干馏制成,用作木材防腐剂。

    STUDY OF HYDROCARBON TYPE AND NITROGENOUS COMPOUNDS OF SHENGLI ( CHINA ) AND CALIFORNIAN ( USA ) GAS OIL a dark oily liquid obtained by distillation of coal tar ; used as a preservative for wood .

  9. 介绍煤的干馏过程、煤粉在型砂中的防粘砂机理和煤粉的各项理化指标对其防粘砂能力的影响,以及选择优质煤粉的观点和方法。

    An introduction was made to the dry distillation process of coal , anti-metal penetration mechanism of coal dust and influences of various physical-chemical properties of coal dust on its anti-metal penetration ability , view points on coal dust choice and choice methods .

  10. 煤燃烧或干馏产生的颗粒物中PAHs对环境的影响是多方面的:一是可吸入颗粒物直接进入人体器官,通过淋滤出颗粒物中PAHs而危害人体健康;

    There are many aspects for the influence of PAHs in the suspended PM from the coal combustion or the coal carbonization on circumstance .

  11. 干法选煤评述粉煤流化床低温干馏的研究

    Review on dry coal separation low-temperature carbonization of pulverized bituminous coals in fluidized bed

  12. 油页岩和煤的混合干馏

    Hybrid retorting of oil shale and coal

  13. 煤加压低温干馏的研究

    Study on Pressurized Low-temperature Carbonization of Coal

  14. 煤的太阳能干馏的可行性及干馏炉的设计探讨

    The Feasibility of Destructive Distillation by the Use of Solar Energy and the Design Study of a Furnace of Destructive distillation

  15. 对低阶煤进行低温干馏可以得到价值较高的低温煤焦油,对其进行蒸馏、抽提等分离加工可以得到高附加值化工产品;进行加氢催化裂化也可得到汽油、柴油等燃料油品。

    Low-temperature carbonization tar with high value was produced by the low-temperature carbonization of low rank coal , isolated by distillation and extraction to obtain high-value chemicals , and produced fuel oils such as gasoline and diesel by the catalytic hydrogenation .

  16. 煤焦油是通过煤干馏后得到的液体产品,是一种非常宝贵的资源。

    Coal tar is a liquid product obtained by coal , it is a very valuable resource .

  17. 中低温煤焦油是煤低温干馏生产兰炭、煤气的副产品,成分非常复杂,尤其是酚类物质占很大比例。

    The medium and low temperature coal tar is one of the by-products of the processing to produce semicoke and gas from carbonization of coal . It includes many kinds of complex compounds especially phenols .