
  • 【航海】[effective] specific fuel consumption
  1. 降低电控喷射汽油机燃油消耗率及NOx排放的研究

    Study on Improving Fuel Economy and Lowering Emissions of Stoichiometric Gasoline Engine

  2. 给出了柴油机排放物(CO,HC,NOx,PM)及燃油消耗率的测试结果。

    The results of the exhaust emission and the fuel consumption rate was given .

  3. 通过合理的设计,有效地利用了气体动力效应,提高了柴油机的充气效率,改善了燃烧过程,降低了燃油消耗率和排气中HC和CO浓度。

    The volumetric efficiency of the engine was increased . Mean-while the fuel consumption and HC and CO emissions were lowered .

  4. 随着BED多组份燃料含氧量的增加,动力性和有效燃油消耗率降低,有效热效率提高。

    When the BED multi-component fuel were used , the engine power and brake specific fuel consumption reduced with the increase of fuel oxygen content , and the effective thermal efficiency was improved .

  5. 畜禽场柴油发电机沼气-柴油双燃料转换技术的优化降低CO2排放和降低燃油消耗率的根本途径在于提高内燃机的燃料转换效率。

    Optimization for transformation technology from diesel engine to biogas-diesel double fuel engine in hoggery Thus , cutting CO2 emission has become one of the central schemes in IC engine research field .

  6. 试验结果证明,新型柴油机的燃油消耗率比常规的同类型机器低15g/(kW·h)左右。

    Dynamometer tests verified the envisagement , showing bsfc of new type engine was lowered by 15 g / ( kW · h ) than that of equivalent conventional engine .

  7. 二甲醚掺混比例从30%到100%时,燃油消耗率、NOx排放和碳烟排放下降,HC排放和CO排放先降低,之后变化平缓。

    By increasing DME proportion from 30 % to 100 % , BSFC , NOx emissions and smoke emissions decrease , while HC emissions and CO emissions decrease firstly and then change little .

  8. 试验结果表明,在进气道内喷射H2O2可显著改善发动机的燃烧,可以同时降低NOx排放和燃油消耗率,且烟度变化不大。

    The experimental results on the DI diesel engine bench show that H_2O_2 additive is effective to improve diesel combustion , and the specific fuel consumption and NO_x are decreased obviously .

  9. 试验结果表明:柴油机在各种工况EGR不为零的情况下,都能降低NOx排放,但是发动机的燃油消耗率、功率和烟度会受到不同程度的影响。

    The results showed that EGR can reduce NOx emission under various operation conditions , but the effective gasoline consume rate , the effective power and the smoke will be affected .

  10. 随着EGR比率的增加,NOX排放大幅度降低,下降幅度达90%以上,而HC排放和燃油消耗率都随着上升,但排气再循环对CO排放的影响不是很大。

    With the increasing of EGR ratio , NOX emission decreased more than 90 % , at the same time , HC emission and fuel consumption increased , but EGR has little impact on CO emission .

  11. 内燃式水动力系统各油门开度下最低燃油消耗率在291~422g/(kW·h)之间,对应系统转速约为1400r/min。

    The lowest fuel consumption in different throttles of internal combustion water power system is between 291 g / ( kW · h ) and 422 g / ( kW · h ) . Corresponding rotational velocity is about 1 400 r / min.

  12. 内燃机油的燃油消耗率与规定的20W/30基准参比油(HR油)的燃油消耗率直接进行比较,试验结果用相对于基准参比油的燃油比油耗(BSFC)的变化百分率表示。

    Test results are expressed as a percent change in Brake Specific Fuel Consumption ( BSFC ), which is acquired by comparing the fuel consumption rate of the candidate oil with that of the reference oil .

  13. 文中利用实测到的装甲车发动机试验数据作为学习样本,采用径向基函数(RBF)神经网络建立了发动机的辨识模型,根据该模型可以得到发动机的最佳燃油消耗率曲线。

    The identification model of engine of the armored car based on the Radial Basis Function network is set up by using the test data of the engine as learning stylebook . The optimal fuel consumption curves of the engine can be got based on the model .

  14. 本文以495Q柴油机为例,论述了通过喷油系统与柴油机在速度特性上的合理匹配,降低柴油机低速烟度和燃油消耗率的方法和措施。

    Taking Diesel 495Q as an example , methods and measures to reduce low-speed smoke intensity and fuel comsumption of diesels by rational match of both mentioned are stated .

  15. MTU柴油机以功率大、作功能力强、重量轻、体积小、燃油消耗率低、维修简单方便、可靠性高而受到广大用户的青睐,广泛应用于机械工程领域。

    MTU diesel engine accepted by many user for its great power , light weight , small bulk , lower fuel consume , convenience servicing and high reliability , and it widely used in mechanical engineering field .

  16. 通过在R100系列柴油机上的试验,证实了采用优化设计的喷油嘴能有效地降低燃油消耗率和排气烟度。

    Test results from the R100 diesel engine show that the optimized fuel injection nozzle angle can improve the fuel consumption rate and emissions effectively .

  17. 提高电喷汽油机燃油消耗率测量精度的研究

    Research on Improving Fuel Consumption Measurement Precision of Electronic Injection Gasoline Engines

  18. 柴油机功率与燃油消耗率修正方法的探讨

    Diesel Engine Power and Fuel Oil Consumption Rate Revision Method

  19. 建立了燃油消耗率与这两个参数的回归方程。

    The fuel consumption regression equations were established with two structure parameters .

  20. GB/T6301-1986船用柴油机燃油消耗率测定方法

    Determination of fuel consumption rate for marine diesel engine

  21. 发动机运动件质量对燃油消耗率影响的分析

    Analysis for Effect of Engine Moving Parts Mass on Engine Fuel Consumption Rate

  22. 沥青混凝土搅拌设备燃油消耗率试验数据处理分析

    Test data processing and analyzing of fuel consumption rate for asphalt concrete mixing plant

  23. 柴油机燃油消耗率快速检验理论的研究

    Research of Quick Test Theory on the Rate of Fuel Consumption of Diesel Engine

  24. 降低拖拉机变负荷平均燃油消耗率的措施及效果

    Measures for Reducing Mean Fuel Consumption of Tractor in Variable Load and Their Effects

  25. 当量燃油消耗率明显低于原机水平;

    The equivalent specific fuel consumption is much lower than the original machine level ;

  26. 间歇强制式沥青砼搅拌设备高原生产率及燃油消耗率的修正

    Revision of the productivity and consuming rate of fuel of asphalt batch mixer under tableland circumstance

  27. 介绍一种基于重量法测量燃油消耗率的智能型油耗仪。

    An intelligent fuel consumption monitor based on weight measurement for fuel consumption rate is introduced .

  28. 分析了车用发动机燃油消耗率随转速和负荷变化的特征;

    The characteristics of fuel consumption rate are analyed with the changes of rotational speed and load .

  29. 以质量计的燃油消耗率有所增加,但以燃料热值计的比能耗降低。

    The brake specific fuel consumption is increased , but brake specific energy consumption can be improved .

  30. 实验表明这种新型材料对发动机的动力性,燃油消耗率均有不同程度的改善。

    The results show that the new material improves the power output , fuel consumption and durability .