
  • 网络Oxford St;Oxford Road;oxford;the Oxford Street
  1. 接着,她效力于一家位于牛津街(oxfordstreet)的旅行社,从而对这个行业了解颇多,并学会了如何与其他人共事。

    Then she worked for a travel agent in Oxford Street and learnt a lot about the industry and how to work with people .

  2. 和TPR英语学校紧密相连,牛津街是香洲区初露头角的艺术街道。

    Closely connected with TPR English schools , Oxford Street is Xiangzhou district 's budding art streets .

  3. 而与之毗邻的牛津街(oxfordstreet)上,一家三层高的urbanoutfitters店里却有着不同的景象人们都在排着长队,等待付款。

    Not so inside the three-storey Urban Outfitters store on nearby Oxford Street , where a long line of people are waiting to pay for their purchases .

  4. 这无疑会令那些思乡的英国人感到高兴,但上海店能否生存下去,仍存在着更大的问题。上海店位于南京西路(相当于上海的牛津街(OxfordStreet)),店面巨大且昂贵。

    This will doubtless make homesick those Brits happy , but larger questions remain about the viability of the Shanghai store , which has a large and expensive footprint on Nanjing Xi Lu , Shanghai 's Oxford Street .

  5. 酒店坐落于一向时髦的MaryleboneVillage区,在牛津街和邦德街旁边,步行几分钟就可到达伦敦一些最好的商店、著名的美术画廊和戏院。

    The Mandeville Hotel London is based in the ever-fashionable Marylebone Village , within a few minutes walk of some of Londons most exciting shops , art galleries and antique shops of Mayfair .

  6. 然后才是伦敦。高力国际(ColliersInternational)5月26日发布的报告显示,邦德街和牛津街在全球开店最贵场所排行榜中分列第四和第五。

    Only then does London follow , according to a report out on the 26th May from Colliers International , with Bond Street and Oxford Street the fourth and fifth most expensive places to be a retailer in the world .

  7. 牛津街上正在建起新的办公区。

    A new office block is going up on Oxford street .

  8. 你在牛津街几乎什么都能买得到。

    In Oxford street , you can buy almost anything .

  9. 我们沿着牛津街行走,但我们只是溜街看看橱窗。

    We walked along Oxford Street but we were only window shopping .

  10. 伦敦牛津街等购物中心也令人担忧。

    Shopping areas like London 's Oxford Street are also a concern .

  11. 记得吗?我们从牛津街买来的。

    Remember ? We bought it from Oxford street .

  12. 他的地址是贝尔蒙特牛津街329号。

    His address is329 Oxford Street , Belmont .

  13. 牛津街的车辆来往在高峰时就得减速慢行。

    Traffic in Oxford St was reduced to a crawl during the rush hours .

  14. 他曾使牛津街笼罩了一片恐怖气氛,因为那儿的行人只能看到他的脚印,看不到他的人。

    He had terrorized Oxford Street , where passersby had seen only his footprints .

  15. 他在牛津街搭载了一位乘客并将其送到肯辛顿。

    He picked up a fare in oxford street and take him to kensington .

  16. 牛津街赫然耸立的高塔。

    The looming towers of Oxford street .

  17. 伦敦牛津街塞尔弗里奇百货公司已经开始接受银联卡支付。

    The Oxford Street department store Selfridges in London has started accepting China UnionPay cards .

  18. 白金汉宫,牛津街和威斯敏斯特教堂仅仅是这里的部分名胜景点。

    Buckingham Palace , Oxford Street and Westminster Abbey are just some of the capital 's main attractions .

  19. 一位购物者去年九月三十日行经伦敦西区牛津街上的一个时尚广告。

    A shopper walks past a fashion advertisement on Oxford Street in London 's West End on Sept.30 last year .

  20. 第二天我们就带冰婷逛了伦敦非常出名的逛街地点牛津街拉。

    The day after that , we took Bingting to OXFORD STREET , one of the famous shopping street in London .

  21. 当时,活动倡议者站在牛津街街头,向民众分发印有手机公司老板详细信息的名片。

    At one point campaigners stood in Oxford Street handing out calling cards printed with details of mobile phone company bosses .

  22. 因我在牛津街工作,而家在英格兰北部,所以寄宿在布洛姆斯伯里。

    I am in diggings in Bloomsbury as I work in Oxford Street and my home is in the North of England .

  23. 英国旅游委员会及来英旅游的旅游团都将牛津街列为来欧洲旅游的必去景点。

    TheUK 's tourist board , Visit-Britain , lists Oxford Street as the fourth must-see location on any visitor 's check list .

  24. 因为这条10平方米的“帕维根人行道”,穿过牛津街和巴雷特街的购物者就可以通过走路来发电。

    Shoppers crossing between Oxford Street and Barret Street can generate power with their footsteps thanks to a 10 sq m ' pavegen walkway . "

  25. 在伦敦成千上万的人拥入市中心来观看牛津街、丽晶街、皮卡迪利大街的圣诞装饰。

    In London thousands of people crowd into the center of the town to see the decorations in Oxford Street , Regent Street , Piccadillyand elsewhere .

  26. 那时牛津街以北房屋还少,在今天已消失的野地里还有葱笼的树木和野花,山楂开得很烂漫。

    There were few buildings then , north of the Oxford-road , and forest-trees flourished , and wild flowers grew , and the hawthorn blossomed , in the now vanished fields .

  27. 该公司6月15日发表声明称,其以3100万美元购入邻近伦敦西区购物中心牛津街的物业南莫尔顿街28号。

    The company said in a statement today it has acquired property at28 South Molton Street near the Oxford Street shopping area in the West End of London for approximately $ 31 million .

  28. 这周,在伦敦牛津街的巴士站台上,一个神奇的电子广告牌将华丽地展现在公众面前。它就会播放40秒的广告,内容会根据观看者的性别出现差异。

    The electronic hoarding , to be unveiled on a bus stop in Londons Oxford Street this week , plays a 40-second advertisement with a different message depending on the gender of who is looking at it .

  29. “就像我们致力于把牛津街和周边地区改造成服务于所有人的世界级公共场所,我希望未来我们可以看到更多这种21世纪创新性思维的范例。”

    I hope we can see further examples of this innovative 21st century thinking in the future as we work to transform Oxford Street and the surrounding area to make it a world-class public space for all . "