
  • 网络Presidents of Costa Rica
  1. 他将会见哥斯达黎加总统劳拉·钦奇利亚,就发展双边关系进行会谈。

    He is scheduled to meet his Costa Rican counterpart Laura Chinchilla on the development of bilateral ties .

  2. 美国对于路易斯·吉列尔莫·索利斯当选为下一任哥斯达黎加总统表示祝贺。

    The United States congratulates Luis Guillermo Solis on his election as the next president of Costa Rica .

  3. 哥斯达黎加总统选举,劳拉·金吉拉依法成为该国首位女性总统。

    Elections results in Costa Rica have put Laura Chinchilla on course to be the country 's first woman president .

  4. 与哥斯达黎加总统阿里亚斯一起出现时,塞拉亚说,他希望以总统身份重返洪都拉斯,他希望所有民主政府都支持他,包括美国政府。

    Appearing alongside Costa Rican President Oscar Arias , Mr. Zelaya said he wants to return to Honduras as president and that he is the support of all democratic governments , including that of the United States .