
  • The Internet of things;IOT
  1. 当我们所购买的几乎每一个新设备都在其底端有插头或者无线网络连接时,物联网的新应用正在快速发展就不足为奇了。

    It 's no wonder shat new applications for the Internet of Things are moving ahead fast when almost every new device we buy has a plug on the end of it or a wireless connection to the internet .

  2. 因此,除了(像物联网那样)简单将设备连接起来以外,万物网将所有事物都连接在一起。

    So rather than just connecting devices ( like the Internet of Things ) , the Internet of Everything connects , well , everything .

  3. 物联网(theInternetofThings)是2013年的潮词,它是对各类设备与用户间更多互动行为的精确总结。

    The Internet of Things was the ' it ' word for 2013 , it concisely1 summed up the act of devices being more interactive2 with users .

  4. 2019年8月,鸿蒙操作系统发布,主要用于可穿戴设备和平板等物联网设备。

    It first launched on Internet-of-Things ( IoT ) devices , including wearables and tablets , in August 2019 .

  5. 此外,ARM本月还在新加坡举办了一场物联网技术研讨会。

    It also held an IoT Tech Seminar in Singapore this month .

  6. 物联网RFID系统数据传输中密码算法的研究

    Cipher algorithm in data transmission of RFID system on the internet for things

  7. RFID技术对物联网的实现起着决定性的作用。

    RFID plays a crucial role in the realization of the internet of things .

  8. 首先,GPS定位是物联网信息采集中的一个重要部分。

    Mobile monitoring terminal for testing . Firstly , GPS positioning information is an important message of iot information collection .

  9. 物联网尚未有一个很明确的定义,但其最终想要实现的就是在物联网上个人网络中的任意两个machine之间都能进行通信。

    IOT has not been definitely defined yet , who wants to realize that any two things can communicate with each other at any time and any place .

  10. 随着RFID的大规模应用,EPC物联网也得到了很大的发展。

    With the widespread application of the RFID , the EPCglobal also develops greatly .

  11. 3G和物联网无疑是目前信息领域最热门的词汇。

    3G and the Internet of Things are undoubtedly the most popular words in the information field .

  12. 随着物联网、车联网等新技术的不断发展,adhoc网络作为极佳的无线通信方式取得了快速发展。

    As new technologies such as vehicle networking continue to progress , wireless ad hoc networks have achieved rapid development .

  13. 物联网(TheInternetofthings)技术是一门集传感网、射频识别(RFID)、传统互联网于一身的新兴技术。

    The Internet of Things ( IOT ) is an emerging technology , which contains sensor network , radio frequency identification ( RFID ) and traditional Internet .

  14. CYBER国际会议关注的是基于自动化和控制的智能化物联网系统。

    IEEE-CYBER is a newly established international conference focusing on intelligent cyber systems in automation and control .

  15. 部分吸引力在于,ARM可使这家日本企业在“物联网”这块全新的增长市场成为领军企业。

    Part of the appeal is to make the Japanese a leading player in a new growing market : the " internet of things . "

  16. 按照ITU(Committedtoconnectingtheworld,国际电信联盟)对物联网的定义,物联网中着重需要实现三个方面的功能。

    In accordance with the definition of ITU ( Committed to connecting the world ), Things highlight the need to achieve three functions .

  17. 3G技术关键还是在于服务,物联网是3G非常重要的应用。

    The key of 3G technology still lies in services , and Internet of Things is very important to 3G applications .

  18. 他目前致力于云技术解决方案,这些技术包括API经济和物联网的迁移、集成和启用。

    His current focus is on cloud technology solutions , including migration , integration , and enablement of the API economy and the Internet of Things .

  19. 作为物联网系统关键技术之一,RFID(无线射频识别技术)已被广泛应用于各种领域。

    As an important technology of the Internet of things , RFID ( Radio Frequency Identifier ) has been widely applied in various fields .

  20. 但前不久,美国财经网站Quartz在一篇文章中指出,设备与物联网的连接成本高且难度大。

    But until recently , explains an article on Quartz . com , connecting a device to the Internet of Things was expensive and difficult .

  21. 本文中还介绍了无线物联网技术的关键技术,包括RFID技术,定位技术,时间同步技术等工作原理。

    This article introduces the key technologies of wireless Internet of Things technologies , including RFID technology , location technology , time synchronization technology works .

  22. 云计算开辟了Internet发展的新时代,将带动软件、硬件、通信和物联网等产业的繁荣,是人类社会实现智慧地球的一个里程碑。

    Opening up a new era of Internet , Cloud computing will drive software , hardware , communication and networking industry prosperity , which is a milepost that the human society realizes the " Intelligent Earth " .

  23. 物联网实现人和物的连接,感知和采集数据的无线传感器网络(wirelessSensorNetworks,WSNs)是其感知事物的核心技术。

    The internet of things can connect human with things , and wireless sensor networks ( WSNs ) for sensing and gathering data have been the key technology of sensing things .

  24. 目前,射频识别(RFID)技术在物联网中的应用相对广泛,且技术成熟度较高。

    Currently , Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) technique in the application of Internet of things is relatively broad , and the technical maturity is higher .

  25. 基于Android平台的物联网物流信息系统配合条形码扫描技术实现了对货物信息的准确判断,保证货物传送的准确性。

    The system development based on the Android platform of logistics information achieves the accurate judgement of the good information cooperated with bar code scanning technology .

  26. 目前无线传感器网络(WSN)作为物联网领域一个热点的研究分支,引起了学术界和工业界的高度重视。

    At present , as a new hot field of The Internet of things , WSN has attracted the attention of the academia and industry .

  27. 随着Internet技术的迅猛发展,以物联网、Web服务等为代表的网络技术和应用已经惠及大众,信息和服务成为了当今社会的主流。

    With the rapid development of Internet technology , network technology and application , represented by the Internet of Things , Web service etc , have already benefited the public . The information and service become the mainstream of society .

  28. 下面我们以牛奶生产销售过程为例,介绍epc物联网的应用。

    Now we take the production and sales process of milk as an example to introduce the application of the EPC Internet of things .

  29. 射频识别(RFID)技术通常是物联网系统的典型代表,射频接收机的性能直接决定了其工作效率。

    Radio-frequency identification ( RFID ) is often seen as a prerequisite for the Internet of Things . The performance of RF receiver directly determines the efficiency of its work .

  30. 结合理论和实验结果分析,本文发现传统的BP神经网络算法有望在未来物联网体系中突破它的计算瓶颈,赢来快速的发展。

    Combination of theoretical and experimental results , we find that the BP neural network algorithm is expected to break the computational bottleneck in future Internet of Things system , and won its rapid development .