
  • 网络Total Logistics Cost;Logistics Total Cost
  1. 运输配送是影响物流总成本的重要因素,大约占物流成本的60%。

    Transportation and logistics distribution are the main factors that affect the total logistics cost , which account for the logistics cost of around 60 % .

  2. 因此,连锁经营企业如果能够将库存和配送两方面的成本统一起来,在两者之间寻求一个平衡点进行库存/配送一体化决策,对于降低连锁经营企业的物流总成本具有非常重要的意义。

    Therefore , if the enterprise could find a balance point to make the decision of IRP ( Inventory and Routing Problem ) by considering the cost of inventory and distribution together , it will be more significant for decreasing the total logistics cost .

  3. 2004年我国社会物流总成本达2.9万亿元,占GDP的21%,远远高于发达国家水平,造成社会资源和财富的极大浪费。

    In 2004 , the total cost of logistics in China is 2,900 billion yuan , covering 21 % of the GDP , which is rather higher than that of developed countries . It wastes a lot social resource and wealth .

  4. 汽车发动机及时配送的根本目标在于设法降低汽车物流配送总成本和不断提高客户服务水平。

    Its fundamental aim is keeping reducing its total delivery cost and improving its service levels .

  5. 投入要素包括物流外包总成本、制造企业所能提供的物流服务水平以及内部的物流管理能力。

    The input factors include total cost of logistics outsourcing , logistics service level and logistics management ability of the enterprise .

  6. 综合考虑物流系统总成本与顾客满意度之间的平衡,提取出对物流设施规划有重要影响的因素。

    The balance between total costs of logistic system and satisfaction degree of customers are considered synthetically . The factors which significantly influent the logistics establishment programming are extracted .

  7. 产品平均直接劳动成本所占比例不到总成本的10%,而物流费用占总成本的比重约为30%-40%。

    The average direct labor cost occupies less than 10 % of the total cost while logistical expenses occupies 30-40 % of the total cost .

  8. 在可口可乐这样的公司里面,物流成本在总成本当中占了差不多60%左右,比重相当之大。

    Especially like in Coca-Cola , the cost of logistics is up to 60 percent in the total costs in company , this is a big proportion .

  9. 以最小化供应链的物流和交付总成本为目标,综合考虑了供应商与制造商的库存成本、运输成本和未按期交付的惩罚成本。

    The objective is to minimize the overall logistics and delivery costs , which include the costs of inventories , transportation and penalties without delivery in time across the supplier and the manufacturer .

  10. 根据官方数据,我国物流运输成本占据了物流总成本的一半以上,远远高于发达国家。

    According to official data , logistics transport cost accounts for more than half of the total cost of logistics in China , which is much higher than that of the developed countries .

  11. 研究物流系统的根本目标是降低总成本,因为物资的库存成本在物流活动总成本中占据着相当大的比重。

    The fundamental goal of researching the logistics system is to reduce the total cost , because the inventory costs of goods constitute the majority in the total cost of logistics activities .

  12. 近些年来,物流运输成本因其在物流总成本中的高居不下,使得国内外的研究学者掀起了研究如何降低运输成本的热潮。

    In recent years , the researchers at home and abroad lift the upsurge on studying how to reduce the transportation cost because of its high level in the total cost of logistics .

  13. 我国的物流成本之中,运输成本占物流总成本的50%左右,同时由于客户需求呈现多样性的趋势,因此如何在满足市场多样化需求的前提下降低运输成本已成为企业急需解决的问题。

    Meanwhile the demand of the customer becomes diversified , so how to satisfy the customer with low cost is one problem that the company needs to solve .

  14. 企业物流致力于实现以尽可能低的物流总成本实现既定的顾客服务水平这一发展目标。

    Enterprise logistics is aiming at realizing the fixed customer service level with general logistics cost as low as possible . However , automobile manufacture has the most important status of the whole production of the world .

  15. 物流一体化理论的运用不仅大大降低了物流总成本,而且提高了物流服务水平和企业的竞争力,物流一体化已成为物流管理发展的主题。

    The application of integrated logistics theory not only bring down logistics total cost enormously , but also raise the level of logistics service and competitiveness of enterprises . Integrated logistics has become the theme of logistics management .

  16. 通过对美国、日本、中国等国家与地区宏观物流成本及其构成与GDP的关系分析,解析出一国物流总成本及其构成与该国GDP关系的一般性规律。

    Through the analysis on logistics cost and GDP of the United States , Japan , China and others countries , the relationship between logistics total cost and its components with the country 's GDP was analysed .

  17. 物流运输是物流的一个中心环节,物流运输成本在物流总成本中占有很重要的位置。

    Therefore , the management of the transport cost is important to the management of the logistics cost .

  18. 在物流业的蓬勃发展过程中运输在整个物流配送中占有很重要的地位,总成本占物流总成本的35%-50%左右,占商品价格的4%-10%。

    In Logistics booming process transport throughout logistics occupy important position , total cost represented logistics total costs 35 % - 50 % of accounted commodity prices 4 % - 10 % .

  19. 然后对渠道物流管理理论进行了概要分析,介绍了供应商管理库存、经济订货批量、物流总成本、及第三方物流等理论。

    Then we briefly analyzed the theory of channel logistics and introduced the VMI ( Vendor Managed Inventory ) and the Economic Order Batch and the Total Logistics Cost and the Third Part Logistics .

  20. 现代物流的核心就是通过对物流系统中的各种资源进行集成优化,从而降低整个物流系统的总成本。

    Through integrating and optimizing various resources to reduce the cost of total logistics systems , which is the core of modern logistics systems .

  21. 物流园区在国民经济发展中对促进物流业的发展,提高规模效益,实现资源共享,降低物流总成本等方面起着至关重要的作用,从而引起了广泛的关注。

    The logistics park plays a key role in enhancing the development of logistics industry , improving scale benefit , benefiting the resource sharing and reducing the total cost of logistics .

  22. 企业中的生产与物流作业管理是一类非常重要的问题,强调低成本、高质量和快速响应市场,追求企业物流总成本最低和作业流程最优的目标。

    In enterprise , the manufacturing and logistics operation management plays a very important role in decreasing cost , improving the quality of products , also in respond quickly to the market , and the goal is to minimize the total logistics cost and optimize the operation process .

  23. 第三,将作业成本法(Activity-basedCosting,简称ABC)引入物流成本计量,建立了制造企业物流成本ABC计量模型,并详细分析了制造企业运用作业成本法计量物流总成本的可行性。

    To fulfill this aim , this article imports the activity based costing into the measurement of logistics cost and analyzed in detail the feasibility of measure the logistics total cost by the activity based costing in manufacture .

  24. 第二,明确了制造企业物流成本计量的目标,包括完善物流成本计量的会计科目、掌握制造企业物流成本结构、准确计量制造企业物流总成本、便于制造企业对物流成本进行控制;

    Secondly , determined the aim of manufacturing logistics cost measure is to master the structure of manufacturing logistics cost , to measure the total cost of manufacturing logistics correctly so as to control the logistics cost .

  25. 物流园区是交通运输网络和物流信息网络的结点,通过物流共享平台的构建以及入驻企业的运作,降低社会物流总成本。

    The logistics zone is the link between transportation net and logics information net . By establishing the platform of logistics sharing and operation of entry enterprises , the general cost of social logistics is reduced .

  26. 同现代物流系统的集成化目标一致,LRP的目标是集成企业物流系统中的设施定位问题和车辆路径问题,最小化物流系统的总成本。

    Like modern logistics system with integrated objective of cost and service , the objective of LRP is to ingrate the location allocation problem ( LAP ) and Vehicle Routing Problems ( VRP ) and minimum the total cost of the system .

  27. 由于传统的物流成本管理是按照职能部门的划分进行管理的,因此在进行管理时,过于强调单个子系统的物流成本降低而忽视了对整个物流系统总成本的影响。

    As the traditional logistic cost management emphasizes the functional department of the logistic process and the management of single system but ignore the gross cost of the whole logistic course .

  28. 物流研究专家研究发现,在产品从开始生产直至到达消费者手里的整个过程中,产品的储存、搬运、包装、配送、运输等物流费用在企业总成本中占有相当大的比重。

    Logistics scientists ' study found that throughout the process that the product from the start of production until it reaches the hands of consumers , product packaging , storage , handling , distribution , transportation and other logistics costs account for the total cost for a large proportion .

  29. 要使物流中心在现代商品流通中发挥最大的经济效益,我们要解决的问题是如何选好物流中心的地理位置以及与物流中心合理布局,以降低物流的总成本。

    For the sake of making logistics center develops its maximal economic benefit in modern commodity currency , what we want to deal with is that how to locate the logistics center and its logical layout to reduce the total cost of logistics .