
  1. 物流链整合战略

    Integration Strategy of Logistics Value Chain

  2. 发展物流金融强化供应链整合&物流金融系列研讨之一

    Develop Logistics Finance to Strengthen SC Integration

  3. 为了实现港口与物流园区联动发展、促进港口物流供应链整合,本文以供应链为视角,分析了港口与物流园区信息整合问题。

    In order to implement the interaction development between port and Logistics Park , the information integration of port and logistics is analyzed from perspective of supply chain .

  4. 因此,为了克服这些困难,企业应积极与第三方物流建立战略协作关系,实施第三方物流整合战略(即与第三方物流的供应链整合)。

    In order to overcome these difficulties , enterprises should actively establish the cooperative strategic relation-ships with third-party logistics , implement the third-party logistics integration strategy ( supply chain integration of third-party logistics ) .

  5. 虽然物流战略联盟已成为发展趋势,但在实践中常常因为各种原因不能达到预期效果,在促进第三方物流与供应链整合方面还有很大的提升空间。

    Although building logistics strategic alliances has become a trend , they often cannot achieve the expected effect . It has great Potential for the intergration between third party logistics and supply chain .